How to specify that a user can enter more than one value in an input element in HTML5?

The multiple attribute is used to specify whether the user can enter more than one value in an input element. It is a Boolean attribute. When set to true, the input element can accept more than one value. The multiple properties can be used in the following ways.

  • With the <input> tag only the Email and File type accepts the multiple attribute.
  • With the <select> tag when the multiple attribute is used, most of the browsers display a scrolling list box instead of the simple one line dropdown list. This allows the user to select multiple options.

Example 1: This example shows how multiple emails can be entered in the input area. Each email is separated by a comma. Any trailing and leading whitespaces are removed from each address in the list.


    <form action=" ">
                Write down the E-Mails of the
                peoples you want to send the mail
                (You can enter multiple E-Mail with
                each separated by comma)
            <input type="email" name="email" id="email" multiple size="50">
            <input type="submit" value="Submit">


Before entering the email addresses

After entering the email addresses

Example 2: This example shows how multiple files can be selected using the <input> tag. Normally only one file is allowed, however using the multiple, the user can select more than one file. 


    <form action=" ">
            <label for="file">
                Upload the image files :
            <input type="file" name="upload" id="upload" multiple accept=".jpeg,.jpg,.png">
            <label for="file">
                Upload the Text files :
            <input type="file" name="upload" id="upload" multiple accept=".txt">
            <input type="submit" value="Submit">


Before adding the files:

After adding the files:

Example 3: This example shows how multiple options can be selected in a <select> input. The user can select zero or more options from the list of options by using the CTRL button or use a solution given by the developer.


    <form action=" ">
            With multiple attribute:
            <label for="course">
                Select the course you like:
            <select multiple name="course" id="course">
            Without multiple attribute:
            <label for="course">
                Select the course you like:
            <select name="course" id="course">
            <input type="submit" value="Submit">
