How to Take a Screenshot in Selenium WebDriver Using Java?

Selenium WebDriver is a collection of open-source APIs used to automate a web application’s testing. To capture a screenshot in Selenium, one must utilize the Takes Screenshot method. This notifies WebDriver that it should take a screenshot in Selenium and store it. Selenium WebDriver tool is used to automate web application testing to verify that it works as expected. It supports many browsers. Here we will be taking the example of Chrome.

Table of Content

  • Why take screenshots in Selenium?
  • How to take screenshots in Selenium WebDriver?
  • Example of Taking a Screenshot in Selenium WebDriver
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions on How to Take a Screenshot in Selenium WebDriver Using Java

Why take screenshots in Selenium?

The document talks about the importance of screenshots in automated testing with Selenium. Here is the key idea in simpler terms:

  • Re-running an entire test after a failure wastes time. Ideally, the test should pinpoint the exact error.
  • Similarly, testers need to verify if an application works as expected visually. Screenshots help with that.
  • Selenium WebDriver, a popular test automation tool, lets you take screenshots during tests.

Here are some situations when screenshots are handy in Selenium tests:

  • When the application crashes or behaves strangely.
  • When a test fails an assertion (a built-in check to verify something is true).
  • When the test has trouble finding elements on a webpage.
  • When the test times out waiting for elements to load.

How to take screenshots in Selenium WebDriver?


File file = ((TakesScreenshot) driver) ;

Here, we will learn how to take a screenshot in the Selenium web driver and highlight the element using Java Binding.

Screenshots are required for bug analysis, especially in the case of test case failure. Whenever a test case fails, we need some attachment to verify that failure. Selenium can automatically take a screenshot during execution, and we can also mark a border to highlight that element.

Example of Taking a Screenshot in Selenium WebDriver

Step 1. Take a screenshot and store it in a file format

Step 2. Copy screenshot to a location using CopyFile method  

FileUtils.copyFile(File, new File(“location where you want to save the image” +FileName+ “.jpeg”)); 

Step 3. Create a border around the element: Using the JavaScript executor, we can create a border around the desired element.

JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) driver; js.executeScript(“arguments[0].style.border = ‘3px solid red'”, Element);

Refer to the complete code below for the implementation part

// Java program how to take
// a screenshot in Selenium
// WebDriver


class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Setting webDriver to chrome
                           "driver path");
        driver = new ChromeDriver();

        WebElement Element = driver.findElement(

        // Assignments to webDriver

    // Function to Take screenshot
    public static void TakeScreenshot(String FileName)
        throws IOException
        // Creating instance of File
        File File = ((TakesScreenshot)driver)

                           new File("image location"
                                    + FileName + ".jpeg"));

    // Function to Make border
    public static void MakeBorder(WebElement Element)

        JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor)driver;
            "arguments[0].style.border = '3px solid red'",


output of How to Take a Screenshot in Selenium WebDriver Using Java


In conclusion, Selenium WebDriver allows you to take screenshots during automated tests to help point out the errors and verify application behavior. Screenshots are especially useful when tests fail or encounter unexpected issues.

Frequently Asked Questions on How to Take a Screenshot in Selenium WebDriver Using Java

Where are my Java screenshots?

It will be saved in ‘%appdata%’

How to take a screenshot on a laptop?

Use the ‘Print Screen’ button (PrtSc).

What are the three ways to take a screenshot?

It will be holding down the ‘Power’ and ‘Volume down’ buttons.