How to take screenshot of a div using JavaScript ?

A screenshot of any element in JavaScript can be taken using the html2canvas library. This library can be downloaded from its official website. The below steps show the method to take a screenshot of a <div> element using JavaScript.

Below are the Steps to take a screenshot of a div using JavaScript

Step 1: Create a blank HTML document.
Step 2: Include the html2canvas library code by either using the downloaded file or using a link to a CDN version.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    How to take screenshot of
    a div using JavaScript?
  <!-- Include from the CDN -->
  <script src=
  <!-- Include locally otherwise -->
  <!-- <script src='html2canvas.js'></script> -->

Step 3: Create a <div> that has to be captured in the screenshot and give it an id so that it can be used later.


<!DOCTYPE html>
        How to take screenshot of
        a div using JavaScript?
    <!-- Include from the CDN -->
    <script src=
    <!-- Include locally otherwise -->
    <!-- <script src='html2canvas.js'></script> -->
        #photo {
            border: 4px solid green;
            padding: 4px;
    <div id="photo">
        Hello everyone! This is a
        trial page for taking a
        This is a dummy button!
        <button> Dummy</button>
        Click the button below to
        take a screenshot of the div.
    <div id="output"></div>

Step 4: Create a button inside <div> element and use an “onclick” handler for the button.


<!DOCTYPE html>
        How to take screenshot of
        a div using JavaScript?
    <!-- Include from the CDN -->
    <script src=
    <!-- Include locally otherwise -->
    <!-- <script src='html2canvas.js'></script> -->
        #photo {
            border: 4px solid green;
            padding: 4px;
    <div id="photo">
        Hello everyone! This is a
        trial page for taking a
        This is a dummy button!
        <button> Dummy</button>
        Click the button below to
        take a screenshot of the div.
        <!-- Define the button
        that will be used to
        take the screenshot -->
        <button onclick="takeshot()">
            Take Screenshot
    <div id="output"></div>

Step 5: The function to take the screenshot is defined inside the <script> tag. This function will use the html2canvas library to take the screenshot and append it to the body of the page.


<!DOCTYPE html>
        How to take screenshot of
        a div using JavaScript?
    <!-- Include from the CDN -->
    <script src=
    <!-- Include locally otherwise -->
    <!-- <script src='html2canvas.js'></script> -->
        #photo {
            border: 4px solid green;
            padding: 4px;
    <div id="photo">
        Hello everyone! This is a
        trial page for taking a
        This is a dummy button!
        <button> Dummy</button>
        Click the button below to
        take a screenshot of the div.
        <!-- Define the button
        that will be used to
        take the screenshot -->
        <button onclick="takeshot()">
            Take Screenshot
    <div id="output"></div>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        // Define the function
        // to screenshot the div
        function takeshot() {
            let div =
            // Use the html2canvas
            // function to take a screenshot
            // and append it
            // to the output div
                function (canvas) {

Output:The screenshot can be saved by right-clicking on it and saving it as an image, as shown below.

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