How to Type an Async Function in TypeScript ?

To type an asynchronous function in TypeScript, you can use the Promise type to denote that the function returns a promise.


async function functionName(parameters: ParameterTypes): Promise<ReturnType> {
// Asynchronous logic here
return await someAsyncOperation(); // or any other asynchronous logic
  • async: The async keyword declares that the function is asynchronous.
  • functionName: Replace with the desired name of your asynchronous function.
  • parameters: Replace with the parameters your function takes, if any.
  • ParameterTypes: Replace with the actual types of your function parameters.
  • Promise<ReturnType>: Indicates that the function returns a promise with a specific type (ReturnType). Replace ReturnType with the actual type of the resolved value.
  • await: The await keyword is used inside the asynchronous function to pause execution until the promise is resolved. It is used in conjunction with asynchronous operations that return promises.


  • Use async Keyword: Prefix the function declaration with the async keyword to indicate that it is an asynchronous function.
  • Specify the Return Type as Promise<T>: Specify the return type of the function as Promise<T>, where T is the type of the resolved value.

Example 1: We define an asynchronous function named exampleAsyncFunction. The function returns a promise (Promise<string>) that will eventually resolve into a string "Hello, TypeScript!". The use of async and Promise<string> ensures that the function is treated as asynchronous and is expected to return a promise containing a string.


async function exampleAsyncFunction(): Promise<string> {
    return "Hello, TypeScript!";
const a = exampleAsyncFunction();


Promise { 'Hello, TypeScript!' }

Example 2: We declare an asynchronous function asyncFunctionWithParams that accepts two parameters: param1 of type number and param2 of type string. The function returns a promise (Promise<number>) that resolves to the result of an asynchronous operation, in this case, the sum of param1 and the length of param2. The use of async and Promise<number> indicates that the function is asynchronous and returns a promise containing a numeric value.


async function asyncFunctionWithParams(param1: number,
    param2: string): Promise<number> {
    // Async logic here
    return param1 + param2.length;
const a = asyncFunctionWithParams(4, "hello");


Promise { 9 }

Example 3: The greetUser function simulates an asynchronous operation using await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));. It then constructs a greeting string with the provided name. The constructed greeting is logged to the console using console.log. The function returns the greeting as a promise. Finally, we call the asynchronous function and handle the result .then() and potential errors using .catch().


function GFGexample(fact, callback) {
    let myFact = "w3wiki Is Awesome, " + fact;
    callback(myFact); // 2
async function greetUser(name: string):
    Promise<string> {
    // Simulating an asynchronous
    // operation with a delay
    await new Promise(resolve =>
        setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
    const greeting: string = `Hello, ${name}!`;
    return greeting;
// Calling the asynchronous function
    .then(result => {
        console.log("Async Function Result:", result);
    .catch(error => {
        console.error("Error:", error);
function logFact(fact) {
GFGexample("Learning is easy since", logFact);


Hello, John!
Async Function Result: Hello, John!