How to UPDATE Multiple ROWs in a Single Query in MySQL?

In the world of database management efficiency, perfection, accuracy & precision are considered to play a vital role. When it comes to MySQL stands for “Structured Query Language”, MySQL is the most common standardized language used for database management currently.

A database is a structured collection of data. This data may include anything for example a picture gallery or else huge data of a big Multi National Company in a corporate Network. To manage this extensive database you need a database management system and here is where MySQL comes in. As we know computers are very good at managing large amounts of data, the database management system plays a central role in managing, and computing, a large amount of databases on its own.

Updating Multiple Rows in a Single Query in MySQL

Now, when it comes to updating the multiple rows in the MySQL database, executing a single query individually can be very hectic and a resource-intensive task. But in MySQL, it provides you with a powerful solution.

Therefore updating multiple rows in a single query in MySQL can be efficiently done using the UPDATE statement having a WHERE clause in it. This WHERE clause is used to specify the criteria for records that you want to update. This method is generally very useful when you have to update multiple rows arranged having the same type of characteristics.


UPDATE table_name

SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2, …

WHERE condition;

Here the table_name stands for the name of the table you want to update.

  • While column1 & column2 are the columns that you want to update.
  • Here, the value1 and value2 are the new values that you are gonna assign.
  • While the where clause is used to specify which rows should be updated

Example of Updating Multiple Rows in MySQL with a Single Query

Let’s take some example scenarios to understand more about it.

Let’s take a small database that contains various employees in a company. This database table contains various information about these employees, their emails, their department,, and their salaries. Suppose take a condition where you want to update the salaries of all the employees in the sales department by 2000 rupees.

Employee database

The Syntax Query for updation be as follows

UPDATE employees
SET Salary = Salary + 2000
WHERE Department = ‘Sales’;

Therefore, the above code will add 2000 to the ‘Salary’ column where the ‘Department’ is ‘Sales’.

Result after updating

Query output

Explanation: Therefore, here the salary of Vaibhav & Adinath is increased by Rs 2000 as they are the only ones in the sales department, and the updated entries can be seen. So by using the above approach, you can easily update multiple records in MySQL with a single query making your database more efficient, organized, While Using and accurate.

Important Points to Consider While Using MySQL

  • Data Backup: Always there must be a backup of your data with you before running the update queries especially when modifying the multiple records or rows in the data set.
  • Use transactions: If your update is very crucial use the transactions to ensure that all changes are made or not in case something goes wrong.
  • Test Queries: Test your query first on a small dataset then try to test it on a larger complex dataset to ensure it works as expected.
  • WHERE Clause: Be very careful with the WHERE clause. Deleting the WHERE clause will update all the records in the table.

Advantages of Using MySQL

  • MySQL software is Open Source: It can be used by anyone to update and modify the software. Anybody can download the MySQL software for free. If you wish you may study the source code and change it according to your needs.
  • MySQL software is easy, fast, reliable, and scalable: MySQL can easily run on desktop laptops without any issue alongside your other applications, web servers, etc. MySQL was originally developed to handle large databases much faster than the existing solutions & has successfully been used in highly demanding production environments for several years.
  • User-Friendly Software: MySQL has a practical set of features developed in close cooperation with our users. It is very likely found that your favorite application or language supports MySQL.


Therefore by reading the above article, one can easily conclude that multiple rows can be updated in a single query in MySQL. Updating multiple rows in a single Query in MySQL optimizes the database & enhances the performance. By practicing & mastering the UPDATE query in MySQL one can easily handle and modify a large amount of dataset in a very effective and accurate way. Starting using MySQL can elevate your database management journey to a new height.

FAQs on How to UPDATE Multiple Rows in a Single Query in MySQL

How can I update multiple rows in a single query in MySQL?

You can use the UPDATE statement with a WHERE clause to specify the rows to be updated. Example:

UPDATE table_name
SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2
WHERE condition;

What are the benefits of using MySQL for managing large databases?

MySQL is open source, user-friendly, fast, reliable, and scalable, making it ideal for managing large and complex databases efficiently.

What are some common use cases for updating multiple rows in MySQL?

Common use cases include adjusting prices for a group of products, updating the status of multiple orders, or applying a salary increase to all employees in a certain department.