How to upgrade Raspberry Pi OS?

Raspberry Pi Operating System is the smallest OS that can be executed in the hardware components that will take the size of a credit card altogether. In such a small size, the Raspberry Pi can perform every kind of challenging task without encountering any issues. That is the reason, many users opt for the Installation of Raspberry Pi.

After Installing the Raspberry Pi & using it for years, you might find a New Version of Raspberry Pi available on the internet. So, to Upgrade Raspberry Pi OS, if you think, you have to again start from a Blank SD Card to Raspberry Pi Imager Installation, you are committing the mistake. Upgradation of Raspberry Pi is a simple few-click task.

This article is intended to look at the commands needed for the Raspberry Pi Upgradation to Latest Version without having any issues.

To learn more about the Raspberry Pi, check the article at w3wiki Raspberry-Pi a Computer for Beginner.

How to Upgrade Raspberry Pi OS?

For the betterment of Raspberry Pi upgrades, the following guidelines should be used. We will start with the Manual Method where the use of commands is higher than the Automatic One.

Method 1: Upgrade Raspberry Pi OS using Manual Method

Step 1: Open the Terminal & execute the following command. This will update the interface to manually update Raspberry Pi OS.

Command: sudo rpi-update

Step 2: Now, execute the command as “sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list”. Now, copy the following statement & paste it into the editor that is opened. Once pasted, press CTRL + O to save & close.

Command: deb bullseye main contrib non-free rpi

Step 3: Now, update the Raspberry Pi OS using the command mentioned below.

Command: sudo apt dist-upgrade

Method 2: Update Raspberry Pi OS using the Automatic Method

Step 1: Update the packages in Raspberry Pi using the following command.

Command: sudo apt update

Step 2: Execute the following command. This will update the Raspberry Pi to the version that is available for the device.

Command: sudo apt full-upgrade

So, these are the two simple methods needed to Update Raspberry Pi to Newer Version. We will recommend you use the Automatic Method for Raspberry Pi upgradation. As in the Manual Method, the Version of Raspberry Pi upgradation is to be set by the user which might sometimes cause problems.

Frequently Asked Questions: Raspberry Pi update

How to upgrade Raspberry Pi OS?

To upgrade the Raspberry Pi OS, the following steps should be executed. Here, the steps should be performed on the Manual basics.

  1. Open Terminal.
  2. Execute the command sudo rpi-update
  3. Run the command sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
  4. Change the Line as deb bullseye main contrib non-free rpi
  5. Execute the command sudo apt dist-upgrade.

What is the best way to upgrade Raspberry Pi OS?

The best way to upgrade Raspberry Pi OS is the Automatic Method. For that purpose, the following steps will be used.

  1. Open Terminal.
  2. Execute the command sudo apt update
  3. Run the command sudo apt full-upgrade.

Which Raspberry Pi OS Version is the latest?

The Debian 12 Version is the latest Raspberry PI Version that can be installed. However, it is not a stable one as it is still getting some updates. The best version to make Raspberry Pi up-to-date is to use the Bullseye Version which is the Debian 11. This works well for the Raspberry Pi.