How to use ChatGPT to Prepare for Technical Interviews?

Preparing for technical interviews can be a challenging task, as it requires a combination of technical knowledge, problemsolving skills, and effective communication. However, with the help of Chat-GPT, a language model developed by Open-AI, you can prepare for technical interviews more efficiently and effectively. 

In this article, we will explore several ways to use Chat-GPT to prepare for technical interviews, including asking technical interview questions, practicing coding problems, asking for tips and advice, practicing mock interviews, researching the company, improving communication skills, and practicing time management.

How to use ChatGPT to Prepare for Technical Interviews?

By using Chat-GPT, students can learn at their own pace and in a format that suits their learning style. They can ask questions and receive answers immediately, without having to wait for a teacher or tutor to become available.

  • How to form Query correctly to get Expected Answer From Chat-GPT?
  • How to use Chat-GPT to Prepare for Technical Interviews?
    1. Review Technical Concepts
    2. Practice Coding Problems
    3. Ask for Tips and Advice
    4. Practice Mock Interviews
    5. Research the Company
    6. Company Hiring Process
    7. Frequently/ Previously Asked Interview Problems on Specific Company
    8. Practice Time Management
  • What to do when Chat-GPT fails to give the Correct Answer?
    • Use other online resources
    • Join online coding communities
    • Look for a Mentor
    • Social Media Network

How to form Query correctly to get Expected Answer From Chat-GPT?

It’s observed that If one does not mention the clear Problem statement and all other required data-set which is required to solve the problem statement then Chat-GPT may give the wrong answer as Output. There should be a plan to search the problem statement in Chat GPT:

  • Be clear and specific: State your question in a clear and specific manner, and avoid using vague or ambiguous language. This will help Chat-GPT understand exactly what you’re looking for.
  • Use proper grammar and spelling: Chat-GPT uses natural language processing to understand your query, so using proper grammar and spelling will help it better understand your question.
  • Avoid jargon and technical terms: Chat-GPT is trained on a wide range of topics, but it may not be familiar with highly technical language or industry-specific jargon. Try to use plain language wherever possible.
  • Provide context: Providing context can help Chat-GPT better understand your question and provide a more accurate answer. For example, if you’re asking a question about a specific topic or event, provide some background information to help Chat-GPT understand the context of your question.
  • Be patient: Chat-GPT is a powerful tool, but it may take a few tries to get the answer you’re looking for. If you don’t get the expected answer on the first try, try rephrasing your question or providing more context to help Chat-GPT better understand your query.

How to use Chat-GPT to Prepare for Technical Interviews?

let’s discuss the steps and ways in which can we use chat-GPT to prepare for technical Interviews, Here are some tips on how to use Chat-GPT to prepare for technical interviews:

1. Review Technical Concepts:

Chat-GPT can provide you with detailed explanations of technical concepts, such as data structures and algorithms, programming languages, and other topics related to your field. You can ask Chat-GPT to explain a concept in depth or provide you with examples to help you better understand it. 

Suppose, we want Chat GPT to Explain the concept of the Merge Sort Algorithm then we’ll follow the following steps:

STEP 1: Provide the Clear & Crisp Problem Statement so that it’s easier for the AI to understand the problem and there should be no scope of confusion here.

Command: Explain Merge Sort Algorithm with examples and complexity analysis

STEP 2: Chat-GPT will generate the best results:

Below is the Image of Generated Result:

Review Technical Concepts

As we can clearly seen that the Chat-GPT has generated the expected output we have asked chat-GPT to explain the concept of Merge Sort algorithm with examples and complexity analysis.

  • In the first paragraph chat-GPT has explained the definition of merge Algorithm 
  • Then, How the algorithms works
  • Example of how merge sort works.
  • At the End, The Complexity Analysis of the algorithm.

2. Practice Coding Problems:

Chat-GPT can provide you with coding problems related to your field. You can ask it to provide you with practice problems, along with solutions and explanations. This can help you improve your coding skills and prepare for coding challenges that you might encounter in your interview.

Example 1: Suppose we want chat-GPT to generate a list of coding problems with links of practice portal of w3wiki, then we can do that using following steps:

STEP 1: Provide the Clear & Crisp Problem Statement so that it’s easier for the AI to understand the problem and there should be no scope of confusion here.

Command: Give me a list of 20 coding problems of Binary Search topic with Practice link

STEP 2: Chat-GPT will generate the best results:

Below is the Image of Generated Result:

Practice Coding Problems


  1. Implement Binary Search:
  2. Find square root of an integer using Binary Search:
  3. Count the number of occurrences in a sorted array:
  4. Search in a Rotated Sorted Array:
  5. Median of two sorted arrays:
  6. Find the first and last occurrence of an element in a sorted array:
  7. Counting Elements in Two Arrays:
  8. Allocate minimum number of pages:
  9. Find Peak Element:
  10. Search in Row-wise and Column-wise Sorted Matrix:
  11. Find the maximum element in an increasing and decreasing array:
  12. Aggressive Cows:
  13. Find the maximum element in a sorted and rotated array:
  14. Count number of bits to be flipped to convert A to B:
  15. Divide Chocolate:
  16. Binary search in an almost sorted array:
  17. Find the element that appears once in sorted array and rest element appears twice:
  18. Search in a nearly sorted array:
  19. Rotating an array:
  20. K-th element of two sorted arrays:

As we can clearly seen that the Chat-GPT has generated the expected output we have asked chat-GPT to generate a list of Coding problems hyperlinked with w3wiki practice portal.

  • So we got 20 Problems based on topic of binary search attached with practice portal link of w3wiki.

Example 2: Suppose we want Chat-GPT to explain any practice problems, along with solutions and explanations.

STEP 1: Provide the Clear & Crisp Problem Statement so that it’s easier for the AI to understand the problem and there should be no scope of confusion here.


Problem Statement: Count the number of occurrences in a sorted array.
Explain the problem statement along with solution and complexity analysis.

STEP 2: Chat-GPT will generate the best results:

Below is the Image of Generated Result:

Practice Coding Problems

In above Image, Chat-GPT has explained the Problem Statement First

Then, Moving towards solution, we got the approach to solve the problem statement.

Practice Coding Problems

In the above Image, Chat-GPT has covered the Implementation of the algorithm in python language along with the complexity analysis of the .

3. Ask for Tips and Advice:

Chat-GPT can provide you with tips and advice on how to approach technical interviews. This can include common mistakes to avoid, how to communicate effectively, and how to showcase your problem-solving skills. You can also ask for advice on how to prepare for technical interviews, including how to research the company, how to dress, and what to bring to the interview.


Command: How to prepare for technical interviews, including how to research the company, how to dress, and what to bring to the interview.

Generated Output:

 Ask for Tips and Advice

From the above-generated output, we can clearly see that Chat-GPT provided us a wide range of tips and preparation we can follow to ace for Technical Interview.

4. Practice Mock Interviews:

Chat-GPT can help you practice for technical interviews by acting as an interviewer and asking you technical questions. You can ask it to provide feedback on your responses, including how you can improve your communication skills and problem-solving abilities.


Command: Hey GPT Please can you take my technical interview as a mock test and then provide feedback to me according to my performance?

Generated Output:

 Ask for Tips and Advice

As we can clearly see that we can assist Chat-GPT to take the online coding Assessment and Chat-GPT has provided us with a variety of questions in the last line of the generated output Chat-GPT is asking for answers to any questions and later on it will provide feedback according to the responses.

5. Research the Company:

Chat-GPT can help you research the company you are interviewing with by providing you with information about the company’s mission, culture, and products or services. This can help you prepare for the interview by understanding what the company is looking for in a candidate and how you can best showcase your skills and experience.


Command: Hey GPT next week I am going to be interviewed by Amazon please provide me with the  information about the company’s mission, culture, and products or services.

Generated Output:

Research the Company

As we can see that Chat-GPT has provided us the complete information about the company with its Mission, Culture, Products, and Services.

6. Company Hiring Process:

Using Chat-GPT you can search for the hiring procedure of any company by giving the company name and proper statement.


Command: Tell me the hiring procedure for Software developer Profile at Google, India

Generated Output:

Company Hiring Process

In the above image we can clearly see that, Chat-GPT has explained the hiring flow of companies:

  • Online Application
  • Initial Screening
  • Technical Phone Screen
  • On-Site Interview
  • Hiring Committee Review
  • Offer

7.  Frequently/ Previously Asked Interview Problems on Specific Company:

Using Chat-GPT you can search for the Interview problems asked frequently on specific companies. Generally, Big-Tech Companies repeat questions from the previous year. that’s how we can prepare for technical Rounds by using Chat-GPT.


Command: List me the most frequently asked Coding questions on Facebook till date

Generated Output:



8. Practice Time Management:

Technical interviews are often timed, so it is important to practice time management skills. Chat-GPT can provide you with tips on how to manage your time effectively during a technical interview, including how to prioritize tasks and stay focused under pressure.


Command: how to manage your time effectively during a technical interview, including how to prioritize tasks and how to stay focused under pressure.

Generated Output:

What to do when Chat-GPT fails to give the Correct Answer?

Use other online resources

There are plenty of other online resources available for coding help, such as w3wiki, StackOverflow, and Quora. you can search for Interview Experiences there are so many Interview Experiences available on the w3wiki website. These Interview Experiences are written by the already placed professionals. 

Join online coding communities

Joining online coding communities can be helpful in getting coding help from other developers. You can join forums, chat groups, or social media platforms like Reddit, Twitter, or Discord, where you can connect with other developers and seek help. 

Look for a Mentor

If you need more personalized and one-on-one help, You can ask your seniors or working professionals who are already working in Companies they can guide you according to their experience and expertise.

Social Media Network

Professional networks like LinkedIn are very trending nowadays. Active Software Engineers, Managers and HR professionals, and Influencers together make LinkedIn a great place if you are preparing for technical interviews, you can check Posts on Interview Experiences you can visit the Companies Homepage to check about its culture and Life Style. You can even connect with any Working employee and ask for help.