How to use EcmaScript modules in Node.js ?

CommonJS modules consists usage of exports and require() statements, while EcmaScript modules consists usage of import and export statements.

Node.js treats JS code as CommonJS modules by default, However the EcmaScript modules can be used instead of using –experimental-modules flag.

Follow the below mentioned Steps:

  • Initialize a package.json for Node.js project inside desired folder using following command, and enter values as prompted.

    npm init
  • Enter following command to skip prompts:

    npm init -y

  • Open newly created package.json and add following field.



  • File structure:

  • Example:


    const areaOfRectangle = (length, breadth) => {
        return length * breadth
    export default areaOfRectangle



    import areaOfRectangle from './area.js'
    console.log('Area of rectangle: ', areaOfRectangle(5, 8))

