How to Use Extension Console in Firebase?

Using Firebase Extensions can help you spend less time on the creation, upkeep, and expansion of your project. Installing and configuring the extension is all that is required when you discover a Firebase Extension that fills a gap in your app or project. If you require various configurations of the extension, you can install it many times, each time with a different configuration. With extensions, you can integrate functionality or automate a job for your app or project without spending time on research, coding, and debugging the code. Once deployed, a Firebase Extension responds to HTTPS requests, Cloud Scheduler events, or triggering events from other Firebase products, such as Cloud Firestore or Firebase Cloud Messaging, by carrying out a given job or collection of tasks.

Step by Step Implementation

Step #1: Installing a Firebase Extension

Your project must be on the Blaze (pay as you go) plan in order to install an extension. You need to be given one of these roles: Owner, Editor, or Firebase Admin, in order to manage or install extensions. Although there is no cost associated with installing an extension, if you utilize Firebase’s other cloud services above their free tiers, such as Cloud Secret Manager, you may incur costs.

The installation process will invite you to check the extension’s fundamental requirements (such as APIs enabled, resources created, access granted, etc.). Any billing needs will be disclosed to you, and you’ll also be asked to enter settings for the extension’s adjustable parameters.

  1. In the Extensions Marketplace, look through the official Firebase extensions.
  2. Review the extension’s detailed information by clicking its card, which can provide precise usage instructions and any pre-installation requirements.
  3. To install the extension, click Install and then adhere to the on-screen directions.

ProTip: You will need to wait a little more when installing the extension for the first time!

Step #2: Discussing the roles and Permissions in the Console

The same extension can be installed more than once in a single project. Every installed instance is capable of having its own unique configuration and extension resources. The instance ID, which is exclusive to your project, is how you refer to and identify each installed instance. Each subsequent instance of the extension you install will prompt you to confirm or update the instance ID. Tap on the top-left corner to open your project settings.

Image #1: Opening the ‘Project Settings’

And that’s it, this is how simply you can enable extensions in your projects using the console. Firebase restricts access to your project and data by giving service account responsibilities to extensions (bundles of permissions). Firebase decides during extension development which responsibilities are necessary for an extension to function. Firebase provides these responsibilities to an extension’s service account during installation, and you shouldn’t change, supplement, or eliminate any of these assigned roles (otherwise, your extension won’t function as intended). However, you can remove the extension, which completely deletes the service account (as well as its access).

What if we try to uninstall an extension from the console?

Firebase deletes the service account established for that instance of the extension when you remove it from your project. The extension cannot operate in your project after this service account deletion because it no longer has any access privileges to your project or data. In your project, Firebase establishes a service account during the extension installation process. An extension’s installed instances each have their own service account.


That’s how you use the Extension Console in Firebase, the main aim of this article was to make you familiar with how the Extensions work in Firebase, there are many intriguing extensions available in the Marketplace, do try them out, although remember you need to be on the Blaze Plan.