How to use Merge Sort with TypeScript ?

Merge sort follows the divide and conquer approach, which means it breaks the problem into smaller sub-problems, solves each sub-problem, and then combines the solutions to solve the original problem.

How does merge sort work?

Begin with a Recursive Divide and Conquer Approach:

  • Start with a recursive function called mergeSort() that takes an array as input.
  • Within this function, check if the array length is 0 or 1. If so, return the array as it is already sorted.
  • Otherwise, find the middle index of the array and divide it into two halves.

Call mergeSort Recursively:

  • Call mergeSort() recursively on the left and right halves of the array to sort them individually.

Define the Merge Function:

  • Define a function named merge that takes two sorted arrays (left and right) as input.
  • Initialize an empty array called result to store the merged result.
  • Initialize variables leftIndex and rightIndex to track the indices of the left and right arrays, respectively.

Merge the Subarrays:

  • Iterate through both arrays simultaneously until one of them is fully traversed.
  • Compare elements at the current indices of the left and right arrays.
  • If the element in the left array is smaller, push it to the result array and move to the next element in the left array.
  • If the element in the right array is smaller, push it to the result array and move to the next element in the right array.

Concatenate Remaining Elements:

  • After one of the arrays is fully traversed, concatenate the remaining elements of the other array to the result array.

Return the Merged Result:

  • Return the merged result array.


  • Create a recursive function named mergeSort() to divide the passed array into two parts and recursively do the same thing by calling itself again and again until the length of array becomes 0 or 1.
  • Define another function named merge() to merge the sorted sub parts of the array and store them in a single sorted array.
  • The merge function will merge the arrays in such a way that the smaller elements will be pushed first and larger at last.
  • This process will repeat itself untile the whole array gets sorted and merged.

Example: The below code example is a practical implementation of the merge sort in TypeScript.


function mergeSort(array: any[]): any[] {
    if (array.length <= 1) {
        return array;
    const middle = Math.floor(array.length / 2);
    const leftHalf = array.slice(0, middle);
    const rightHalf = array.slice(middle);
    return merge(mergeSort(leftHalf), mergeSort(rightHalf));
function merge(left: any[], right: any[]): any[] {
    let result: any[] = [];
    let leftIndex = 0;
    let rightIndex = 0;
    while (leftIndex < left.length &&
        rightIndex < right.length) {
        if (left[leftIndex] < right[rightIndex]) {
        } else {
    return result.concat(left.slice(leftIndex)).
const sortedNumberArray: number[] =
    mergeSort([38, 27, 43, 10]);
const sortedStringArray: string[] =
    mergeSort(['JavaScript', 'w3wiki', 'TypeScript']);


[10, 27, 38, 43]
["w3wiki", "JavaScript", "TypeScript"]

Time and Space Complexities:

  • Time Complexity: Merge sort has a time complexity of O(n log n) in the worst-case scenario. This is because it divides the array into halves recursively and merges them in linear time.
  • Space Complexity: Merge sort has a space complexity of O(n) due to the need for auxiliary space for merging the sub-arrays. However, in practice, it’s often considered out-of-place, meaning it requires additional space proportional to the size of the input array.