How to use protractor to wait for the element’s attribute to change to a particular value ?

Introduction: Protractor is an end-to-end test framework developed for AngularJS applications, however, it also works for non-Angular JS applications. It runs tests against the application interacting with it as a real user would, running in a real browser. In this article, we are going to use Protractor to check how we can wait for the element’s attribute to change to a particular value?

Approach: We are going to create a basic test program in which we are going to check how we can wait for the element’s attribute to change to a particular value? All the Protractor tests will have a file that will contain the configuration and this will be the initial file that will initiate the test.

Below is the step-by-step implementation of the above approach.

Step 1: We have to first create a conf.js file consists of the configuration to be used with Protractor.


exports.config = {
  // Define the capabilities to be passed
  // to the webdriver instance
  capabilities: {
    browserName: "chrome",
  // Define the framework to be use
  framework: "jasmine",
  // Define the Spec patterns. This is relative
  // to the current working directory when
  // protractor is called
  specs: ["test.js"],
  // Define the options to be used with Jasmine
  jasmineNodeOpts: {
    defaultTimeoutInterval: 30000,
  // Define the baseUrl for the file
  baseUrl: "file://" + __dirname + "/",
  onPrepare: function () {
    browser.resetUrl = "file://";

Step 2: We will create the HTML file called test.html which will create a new tab.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <input type="text" id="text" name="name" 
        placeholder="Enter your Name" required>
        setTimeout(() => {
                .placeholder = 'Test text change';
        }, 5000)

Step 3: We will create the test.js file. In this file, we are going to access the above HTML file and then going to wait for the element’s attribute to change to a particular value. The browser is a global created by Protractor, which is used for browser-level commands such as navigation with browser.get() method. The describe and it syntax is from the Jasmine framework where describe is a description of your test while it defines the steps for the test.


describe('Protractor Demo App', function () {
    it("should wait for attribute's value to change to a particular value",
         async function () {
        var EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions;
        // Disable waiting for Angular render update
        await browser.waitForAngularEnabled(false)
        // Get the HTML file that has to be tested
        await browser.get('test.html');
        // Get the test Element
        var testElement = element('text'));
        // Waits for the attribute's value to change
        // to a particular value
        await browser.wait(async function() {
            return await testElement.getAttribute('placeholder') ===
            'Test text change';}, 10000, 'Takes time to load');

Step 4: Finally, we will run the configuration file using the command given below. This will run the configuration file and the test will be run as shown in the output below.

protractor conf.js
