How to use the Live Coding Feature of Python in Eclipse?

In this article, we’ll be talking about how to use the Live Coding features of Python in Eclipse. Every time the programmer has to spend a lot of time debugging their code. And still, they failed to debug. This extension will help the coders or programmers to reduce their debugging time. This extension is downloadable in Eclipse IDE / PyCharm IDE.

If you are unaware of how to install the extensions or plugins in eclipse, follow these simple steps:

  • Download Eclipse IDE.
  • After downloading Eclipse, install it on your machine.
  • After installing Eclipse, download Python in Eclipse.
  • Open the Eclipse IDE and set up your workspace.

Setup/Choose your Workspace

  • Once done with the above steps, navigate to the Help menu tab.

Eclipse’s Help menu tab

  • In the Help menu tab, click on the “Eclipse Marketplace” option.

Eclipse Marketplace

  • Search for “Live Coding in Python” (or use this link) and click on the Install button.

Live Coding Feature installation

  • After click on the Install button, accept all the terms and conditions.

Accept the terms and conditions

  • You will get a security warning, click on the “Install anyway” button.

Security Warning

  • The download and installation process will start.

Installing Software

  • Now, Restart the Eclipse IDE.

Restart Eclipse IDE

  • Once you restart your Eclipse IDE, you will get an option as shown below:-

Live Coding in Menu Tab

  • To start using the Live coding feature click on the button as shown below:-

Start Live Coding feature

Left: Code Section, Right: Live Code Section


Note: You can also download this plugin in the Pycharm IDE.