How to vertically flip an Image using MATLAB

In MATLAB, Images are stored in matrices, in which each element of the matrix corresponds to a single discrete pixel of the image. We can flip the given image vertically (along the x-axis), if we reverse the order of the pixels (elements of the matrix) in each column as illustrated in the below image.

Code #1: Using MATLAB Library function

% Read the target image file
img = imread('leaf.png');
% Reverse the order of the element in each column
vertFlip_img = flip(img, 1);
% Display the vertically flipped image
title('Vertically flipped image');

Code #2: Using matrix manipulation

% Read the target image file
img = imread('leaf.png');
% Flip the columns vertically 
vertFlip_img = img(end : -1: 1, :, :);
% Display the vertically flipped image
title('Vertically flipped image');

Code #3: Using matrix manipulation (Using loops)


  • Read the source image file in MATLAB environment
  • Get the Dimensions of the image matrix
  • Reverse the order of the elements of each column in every image plane
  • Display the water image (vertically flipped image).

Below is the implementation of the above approach:

% Read the target image file
img = imread('leaf.png');
% Get the dimensions of the image
[x, y, z] = size(img);
% Reverse elements of each column
% in each image plane (dimension)
for plane = 1 : z
    len = x;
    for i = 1 : x 
        for j = 1 : y
            % To reverse the order of the element
            % of a column we can swap the 
            % topmost element of the row with
            % its bottom-most element  
            if i < x/2 
                temp = img(i, j, plane);
                img(i, j, plane) = img(len, j, plane);
                img(len, j, plane) = temp;
        len = len - 1;
% Display the vertically flipped image
title('Vertically flipped image');

Input image: leaf.png
