How to View AndroidManifest.xml From an APK File?

AndroidManifest.xml is one of the most important files in the entire project, It provides essential information to the Android build tools. It contains all application permissions that will be required to run the app as well as it contains all activity, service, and broadcast receiver’s names.  If the app AndroidManifest.xml isn’t set up correctly, then might encounter a huge range of problems, because the Android system will be unable to locate Activities and Services. Perhaps the Google Play store will let people download apps to completely incompatible devices, or maybe the app will be unable to access the system features and information it requires, in order to provide a good user experience. Let’s see the ways to view the AndroidManifest.xml file’s content

Method 1 (Recommended)

Step 1: Go to “”.


Step 2: Upload the APK file to view its AndroidManifest.xml.


Step 3: Scroll down to the AndroidManifest.xml section.


There you will see the all activities, services, and AndoridManifest.

Method 2 (Using ApkTool)

Apktool is an open-source tool to decopile APK files, Using this tool we can extract all xml files as well as AndroidManifest,xml from apk. Below are the steps to install, use Apktool and extract AndroidManifest.xml

Step 1: Go to “”.


Step 2: Download the latest version of Apktool.jar and rename it to apktool.jar. 

Step 3: Copy Wrapper Script and save it in a .bat file and rename it to apktool.bat


Step 4: Create a folder with any name, Eg. Android Manifest Viewer

Step 5: Move Both files to the folder you made recently.


Step 6: Move the Apk file to the directory you recently made.


Step 7: Open Command Prompt (Terminal).


Step 8: Go to the directory where you recently moved both files i.e apktool.jar and apktool.bat.


Step 9: Run the below command to extract AndroidManifest.xml.

apktool d apk_file_name.apk


Step 10: Navigate to the Generated folder (Same name as your apk file has) and scroll to the last.


Step 11: Click on AndroidManifest.xml to view it.