How to Write an Office Leave Application?

Remember the days when we were taught to write leave applications in school before taking any leave? Yes, how can we all forget that? But how many of us really took it seriously? Not everyone! But as soon we enter the corporate world, we realize how much significance an office leave application holds. Without dropping an official mail or letter, we can’t just vanish from our work, any day. Otherwise, strict actions will be taken against us, which we definitely don’t want, right?


So today, in this article we’ll understand the appropriate way of seeking office leave permission. Now, without any further ado, let’s get started.

Structure of an Effective Office Leave Application

Every office has its way of accepting office leave applications. Some prefer having it in a written form while others ask for an email. Don’t worry, both are not poles apart. If you learn the basic format, you’ll easily be able to frame the leave application in any way. That’s why let’s understand the skeleton of writing a leave application in letter and email form.

What to Add to an Office Leave Application: Letter Format

In this section, we’ll show you how you can write an office leave application in letter format. This format is strictly for letters and can bear a resemblance to the email format.

Step 1- Add the Receiver’s Name and Address 

It is the first and foremost thing while writing any letter or email to a person. Add the details of the person to whom you are writing. It can be your manager or HR.

Step 2- Subject Line

Write the purpose of applying for leave. If it is sick leave, add “Sick leave application” in the subject line.

Step 3- Start with the Salutation

Salutation is a way to start the conversation, like saying “Hello”. You can use “Hi (the name of the person you are writing to)”. For Example- Good morning Abhay, Hello Mr. Abhay. 

Step 4- Write the Body of the Letter

This part of the letter comprises the purpose for your absence at work, the duration of your unavailability, and the point of contact (mode and time availability). You can also add the name of the team member who may take care of your work in your absence.

Step 5- Closing with a Thank You Note 

When you add all the reasons for taking leave, never forget to thank the person for acknowledging the leave.

Step 6- Add Sender’s Details

In last, add your details that include:

  • Your Name: Write your full name.
  • Job Position: Enter your job title.
  • Date: Add the present date.

Step 7- Add Your Signature as well

These are the basic steps that you need to follow while writing an office leave application in a letter format. Now let’s move on to email format. Before that, understand that there is not much difference between both. A few changes are required and it’s good to go. Let’s see how?

What to Add to an Office Leave Application: Email Format

In this section, we’ll show you how you can write an office leave application in email format. It might bear a resemblance to the letter format. Nowadays, emails are preferred over letter format so you can use this format while curating the application through email. 

Step 1- Add a subject line: After adding the receiver’s email address, you are asked to add something in a subject line. Your subject line defines the reason for writing that email to the concerned person. So, if you are writing a leave application, add the type of leave you are seeking and couple it with “application”. Suppose you are seeking maternity leave, write “Maternity Leave Application” in the subject line.

Step 2- Salutation: After adding your subject line, it’s time to greet the person. Add salutations like Hi, Hello, Good morning with the name of the person you are writing to. 

Step 3- Write the body of the Letter: This section explains the reason for seeking leave application. Make sure you don’t drag it too much but also add the complete required information. This information includes the purpose for your absence from work, the duration of your unavailability at the office, the mode of contact, and the time availability. Also, if you are taking leave for a longer duration then the name of the person who may keep a tab of your work in your absence. 

Step 4- End with a Thank you note: It’s an important and professional way to end any conversation. Whenever you write a leave application, do Thank the person for acknowledging the leave.

Step 5- Add sender’s details: Here you add your full name, and job title.

Sounds too much for now, right? Relax! We have framed some effective office leave application examples for you in an email format that you can use anytime with the required changes. Check them out!

5 Examples of Office Leave Application

Sample of Casual Leave Application

Subject: Casual Leave Application!

Dear Mr./ Ms./Mrs. (Name of the manager)

I am writing this email to inform you that I need four days’ leave from 20 March 2023 to 23 March 2023 as I’ve to be with my family for my brother’s marriage in Chennai. I’ll be back in the office on 24 March 2023 (Friday).

I shall be reachable at my email I’d (add email address) and phone number (add contact number). Besides, I’ve completed all the work assigned to me until now. Also, (add the name of a colleague) will take care of a few things in my absence. She/he is perfect in case of any assistance is required.

I hope you’ll consider my request for leave positively.

Thank you.

Yours Sincerely,

{Your name}

{Your designation}

Sample of Sick Leave Application

Subject: Sick Leave Application!

Dear Mr./ Ms./Mrs. (Name of the manager)

I am writing this email to inform you that I’ve been suffering from a cold and cough and since last night, it has got worse. Due to this, I would not be able to work properly.

As per the doctor’s advice, I need to take at least 3 days of rest with proper medication to get healthy. I’ve also attached the medical certificate for your reference.

Hence, I’m requesting you to kindly grant me leave for three days (add date). If I would need an extended period off, I will let you know shortly.

Kindly feel free to reach out to me on my phone (Add phone number) for any clarification regarding the ongoing project.

Thank you for considering my three days of sick leave application.

Yours Sincerely,

{Your name}

{Your designation}

Sample of Maternity Leave Application

Subject: Maternity Leave Application!

Dear Mr./ Ms./Mrs. (Name of the manager)

I would like to notify you that I’m close to the end of my pregnancy. Hence I’m seeking maternity leave as suggested by the doctor. It will be going to be a three-month leave and I’ll try to rejoin soon after.

Since I’m taking a leave for a long duration, I’ve explained my work and responsibilities to the (name of the colleague). I’m confident that She/He can manage the work in my absence. In case of any urgency, you can always reach out to me at the given number (add contact details).

I’ve attached the medical certificate provided by the doctor with other essential details. 
Also, I would like to know about insurance coverage for cashless billing, so, kindly let me the concerned person for the same.

Thank you for considering my leave application.

Yours Sincerely,

{Your name}

{Your designation}

Sample of Paternity Leave Application

Subject: Paternity Leave Application!

Dear Mr./ Ms./Mrs. (Name of the manager)

This gives me immense pleasure to inform you that my wife and I are expecting a baby towards the end of this month (add the expected month of delivery). Hence, I’m looking forward to utilizing my paternity leave from (Starting date) to (Ending date).

Since I would be absent for quite a long period, I’ve explained my role and responsibilities to my team member (name of the person). He/she is perfect at managing these tasks in my absence. In any case of emergency, I’m easily reachable by email (Add email address), and phone (add contact number).

I hope you understand my situation and approve my paternity leave soon.

Yours Sincerely,

{Your name}

{Your designation}

Sample of Wedding Leave Application

Subject: Leave Application for Marriage!

Dear Mr./ Ms./Mrs. (Name of the manager)

I’m highly glad to officially inform you that I’m getting married on (date of marriage).
Therefore, I’m writing this to request some time off as I have to make some arrangements and help my family with the wedding preparations. 
Hence, I request you to kindly grant me leave for fifteen days, from (mention starting date) to (add ending date).

I’ll complete my entire work by the end of this month. Also, I’ve explained my duties to (Add the name of the team member). She/he is the right person to contact for any assistance in my absence.

I’ll be available over my email (Add email address), and phone (add contact number) for any kind of work emergency.

I’m looking forward to the approval.

Yours Sincerely,

{Your name}

{Your designation}


These are some of the samples that you can use while framing the appropriate leave application for an office. Also, for any other reasons, you can just make a few adjustments and it is done. But, before you hit that send button, make sure you proofread your application. 

Any grammatical error, spelling mistake, or missing information will lose the professional touch and throw a poor impression on the concerned person, and we are confident that you don’t want that, right? Therefore, keep these instructions in mind and you are all set to write an effective leave application for an office.