How to write to CSV in R without index ?

We know that when we write some data from DataFrame to CSV file then a column is automatically created for indexing. We can remove it by some modifications. So, in this article, we are going to see how to write CSV in R without index.

To write to csv file write.csv() is used.



Lets first see how indices appear when data is written to CSV.



Country <- c("China", "India", "United States", "Indonesia", "Pakistan")
Population_1_july_2018 <- c("1,427,647,786", "1,352,642,280"
                            "327,096,265", "267,670,543", "212,228,286")
Population_1_july_2019 <- c("1,433,783,686", "1,366,417,754"
                            "329,064,917", "270,625,568", "216,565,318")
change_in_percents <- c("+0.43%", "+1.02%", "+0.60%", "+1.10%", "+2.04%")
data <- data.frame(Country, Population_1_july_2018, Population_1_july_2019, change_in_percents)
write.csv(data,"C:\\Users\\...YOUR PATH...\\population.csv")
print ('CSV file written Successfully :)')


CSV file with extra index column

Now let us see how these indices can be removed, for that simply set row.names parameter to False while writing data to a csv file using write.csv() function. By Default, it will be TRUE and create one extra column to CSV file as index column.



Country <- c("China", "India", "United States", "Indonesia", "Pakistan")
Population_1_july_2018 <- c("1,427,647,786", "1,352,642,280"
                            "327,096,265", "267,670,543", "212,228,286")
Population_1_july_2019 <- c("1,433,783,686", "1,366,417,754"
                            "329,064,917", "270,625,568", "216,565,318")
change_in_percents <- c("+0.43%", "+1.02%", "+0.60%", "+1.10%", "+2.04%")
data <- data.frame(Country, Population_1_july_2018, Population_1_july_2019, change_in_percents)
write.csv(data,"C:\\Users\\..YOUR PATH...\\population.csv", row.names = FALSE)
print ('CSV file written Successfully :)')


CSV file without extra index column