HRM Glossary | A to Z Terms used in Human Resource Management

This comprehensive HRM glossary delves into the key terms and concepts of human resource management (HRM), providing an insightful overview for professionals and individuals interested in the field.

Human Resource Management Terms – A to Z



Agile Organization

An agile organization is a flexible, adaptable learner, continuously evolving through quick pivots and open experimentation to thrive in the ever-changing business landscape.

Applicant Tracking System (ATS)

Software for managing job applications efficiently.

Attendance Management

Attendance management ensures accurate employee time tracking for payroll, productivity analysis, and legal compliance, achieved through various methods like timecards, spreadsheets, or software.

Absenteeism Policy

Absenteeism policy outlines employee leave procedures (sick days, vacations) and encourages responsible use of time off through clear guidelines and flexibility.

Absconding from Work

Absconding from work meaning an unauthorized and unexplained absence, breaches employment contracts and disrupts workplace operations, potentially leading to legal consequences and resource strain.

Affinity Bias

Affinity bias is an unconscious preference for people similar to ourselves, leading to unfair advantages for some and disadvantages for others based on race, gender, or other shared traits.


In acqui-hiring, companies buy other firms primarily to acquire their skilled workforce, bypassing lengthy traditional recruitment and gaining a talent pool quickly, especially common in the tech industry due to high demand and low supply.

Age Discrimination

Age discrimination unfairly treats individuals based on their age, limiting opportunities and hindering diverse workplaces. Addressing it requires education, policy changes, and valuing all individuals’ contributions, regardless of age, to build a thriving and equitable environment.

Agile Workforce

An agile workforce ditches rigid hierarchies, embracing adaptability, collaboration, and learning like graceful dancers navigating the market’s fluid rhythms. This shift fosters dynamic teams, empowered individuals, and a collective dance of innovation.



Background Checks

A background check investigates an individual’s past to assess their suitability for a job, rental, or other purpose, playing a key role in decision-making for employers, landlords, and individuals alike in today’s world.

Behavioral Interviewing

Evaluating candidates based on past behaviors.

Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS)

BARS, introduced in the 1960s, uses specific behavior descriptions to objectively assess employee performance, offering a clearer and more consistent alternative to traditional rating scales.

Boomerang Employees

Boomerang employees, who leave and return to a company, are increasingly common as businesses recognize the value of rehiring familiar talent with established connections.

Buddy System

The buddy system pairs individuals for safety and support, finding use in diverse settings like work, exercise, and diving. It ensures no one faces danger alone, fostering teamwork and reducing risks.


Comparing HR practices to industry standards.

Bereavement Leave

Bereavement leave allows employees paid or unpaid time off to grieve and manage loss after the death of a loved one, with specific details varying by company policy and regulations.

Behavioural Interview

Behavioral interviews skip hypotheticals and focus on real-life examples, helping employers assess a candidate’s past actions and predict future performance.

Blended Workforce

A blended workforce, combining full-time, part-time, contract, temporary, and freelance employees, allows companies to adapt quickly and access diverse talent globally, enhancing flexibility and strategic talent management through technology-driven remote work opportunities.

Blue Collar

blue-collar workers are the essential, overlooked force driving global economies, silently fulfilling diverse roles and stabilizing industries.

Boolean Searching

Recruiters leverage Boolean search, using operators like AND, OR, and NOT, to precisely filter candidate searches across platforms, saving time and finding ideal candidates faster. Proficiency in this mathematical technique is key for efficient and targeted recruitment.



Candidate Relationship Management (CRM)

It is a way to build and maintain positive relationships with potential employees throughout the recruitment process, using technology and data to create a better experience for everyone involved.

C-Level Executive

C-level executives, the top brass of companies, drive key sectors with extensive experience, making strategic decisions that influence the entire organization. These roles, often culminating years of career growth, involve planning, delegating tasks, and gathering information to steer the company’s direction. Common titles include CEO, COO, CFO, CTO, CIO, CMO, and CPO.


Ensuring adherence to all relevant labor laws and regulations.

Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)

CMOs are the marketing masterminds, leading strategy, brand management, and customer engagement for companies’ success. They differ from Marketing Directors by focusing on long-term vision and overarching strategy, while Directors handle day-to-day campaign execution.

Chief Operating Officer (COO)

As the right-hand person to the CEO, the COO manages an organization’s daily operations, ensuring smooth functioning and efficiency.

Cost to Company (CTC)

CTC represents the complete financial investment a company makes in an employee, including salary, benefits, and incentives, offering a clearer picture of their total compensation beyond just their base pay.

Career Plateau

Career plateau describes feeling stuck in a job with limited advancement, often due to organizational structure or lack of new challenges. Addressing this includes exploring lateral moves, enriching current roles, and offering training opportunities.

Career Pathing

Career pathing goes beyond promotions, offering a personalized roadmap for employee growth through training, rotations, and lateral moves, boosting engagement and retention with clear advancement opportunities.

Cost per hire

Cost per Hire measures the average cost to recruit and onboard a new employee, encompassing everything from advertising to training. Calculated by total recruitment costs divided by new hires, it helps businesses assess hiring efficiency.

Cold Calling

Cold calling is a direct sales technique where you contact potential customers, unsolicited, to generate interest in your product or service.

Casual Leave

Casual leave (CL) is paid time off for unexpected personal needs, offering flexibility like a safety valve to handle emergencies without impacting work. This opportunity-based leave, typically offered after probation, covers situations like sudden illness, family issues, or personal appointments.

Corporate Culture

Corporate culture is the invisible glue that binds, shaping how employees interact, make choices, and work together, ultimately influencing the organization’s success. It goes beyond policies, encompassing the shared values, beliefs, and behaviors that truly define the company’s identity.

Customer Retention

Businesses build strong relationships with customers through brand loyalty initiatives and programs, starting from first contact and extending throughout their journey. While customer acquisition is crucial, customer retention is the key to long-term success.

Compensation Management

Compensation management ensures employees are rewarded fairly and strategically through a mix of salary, benefits, and incentives, attracting, retaining, and motivating them to contribute to the company’s success.

Culture Fit

Culture fit prioritizes finding employees who seamlessly blend into a company’s existing norms, while culture-add seeks diverse individuals who bring unique perspectives and spark innovation.

Compensation Management

Compensation management strategically rewards employees with wages, benefits, and incentives to attract, retain, and motivate talent, balancing fairness, market competitiveness, and organizational budget.



Diversity Management

Diversity management is key to building a fair and dynamic workplace by actively promoting inclusion and harnessing the power of a diverse workforce through hiring, training, and other strategies.

Diversity & Inclusion

Building a workforce that reflects the demographics of the community.

Document Management System

Document Management Systems are software solutions that help organizations efficiently store, manage, and track electronic documents, boosting collaboration, security, and productivity.

Disciplinary Action

Addressing employee performance issues and misconduct.

Diversity Hiring

Diversity Hiring seeks a broad range of backgrounds, building a workforce that mirrors society, fosters equal opportunity, and leverages diverse perspectives for growth and innovation.

Drug Testing

Testing employees for drug use, often based on specific roles or situations.

Downsizing & Workforce Reductions

Managing layoffs and workforce reductions humanely.



Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs)

Providing confidential support for personal issues.

Employee Value Proposition (EVP)

EVP (Employee Value Proposition) is like a magnet for top talent, showcasing your unique culture, benefits, and work environment to attract and retain skilled employees, going beyond just a good job to fostering a sense of belonging.

Exit Interview

Exit interviews are structured conversations with departing employees to gather feedback, understand why they’re leaving, and identify areas for improvement within the company.

Employee Burnout

Employee burnout, a state of chronic exhaustion caused by prolonged job stress, manifests in decreased motivation, cynicism, and performance, impacting both individuals and organizations significantly.

Employee Life Cycle

The employee life cycle tracks an employee’s journey from initial interest to exit, encompassing recruitment, onboarding, development, retention, and offboarding, all aiming to attract and retain top talent for business success.


Ensuring ethical behavior throughout the organization.

Employee Branding

Employee Branding goes beyond just hiring – it’s about building a workforce that embodies and advocates for the company’s core values, fostering pride and ownership to transform them into active brand ambassadors.

Employee Loyalty

Employee loyalty, driven by job satisfaction and aligning with company goals, benefits both employees and organizations with increased profits, reduced turnover, and a positive impact on culture and performance.

Employee Life Cycle

The Employee Life Cycle tracks an employee’s journey from awareness to exit, encompassing recruitment, onboarding, development, retention, and offboarding, to attract and retain talent, ultimately boosting business performance.

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence, the ability to manage and understand emotions, is a key workplace skill that empowers individuals and fosters positive relationships, teamwork, communication, and leadership.

Employee Retention

Employee retention is all about keeping your best people happy and engaged, fostering a positive culture, development opportunities, and competitive rewards to minimize turnover and build a thriving, successful company.

Employee Satisfaction

Employee satisfaction, reflecting mental and emotional well-being, impacts retention and performance. Understanding it helps companies retain talent and maximize productivity

Emotional salary

Emotional Salary is the feeling of appreciation, growth, and purpose you get from your work. It’s not just about tasks, but about feeling valued and connected, making every day a fulfilling adventure.

Employer Profit-Sharing Plans

Employer profit-sharing plans directly or indirectly reward employees with a portion of company profits, fostering ownership and boosting motivation through shared success. The formula-based distribution encourages efficiency and innovation, as employees link their efforts to tangible rewards.

Employee Enablement

Employee empowerment equips your team with the tools, training, and freedom to excel, fostering ownership, open communication, and appreciation for a truly impactful work experience.

Employee Directory

An Employee Directory is a searchable online or printed list of all company staff, including contact details, enabling easy coworker connection and promoting workforce unity through employee discoverability. It’s regularly updated to reflect changes in the company.



Feedback Sandwich Method

The Feedback Sandwich Method organizes constructive criticism between compliments to improve communication and avoid defensiveness in the workplace.

Floating Holiday

Floating holidays are flexible paid time off days employees can choose to use, offering both freedom and variable conditions depending on the employer. Check your company’s policies for details.


360-degree feedback gathers input from colleagues, superiors, and even clients, giving a rounded view of someone’s performance and fueling their development.


A furlough is an unpaid, temporary leave initiated by the company due to financial difficulties or reduced business activity, unlike normal leave taken for personal reasons. No salary is paid during the furlough period.



Group Polarisation

Group discussions can amplify existing beliefs, leading to more extreme decisions compared to individual opinions due to conformity and reinforcement within the group.

Golden Parachute

Golden parachutes are generous severance packages offered to top executives upon termination, often during mergers, providing a financial cushion for a smooth landing. These packages can include hefty sums, stock options, and other benefits.

Gender Pay Gap

The gender pay gap reflects the difference in overall income between men and women, not just equal pay for the same job, highlighting unequal economic opportunities based on gender. It considers factors like wages, bonuses, and other benefits.

Garden Leave

Garden leave restricts departing employees from working during their notice period, offering paid leave while prohibiting work, contact with colleagues, or starting new jobs.


Employers are required to pay gratuity, a financial reward for service, to employees after five years, with calculations based on salary and years served. It’s typically paid upon retirement but can be claimed during employment under specific conditions.

Grievance Procedure

Formal process for employees to raise and resolve workplace complaints.

Ghosting in the Workplace

Ghosting is disappearing from a job without explanation, leaving colleagues and employers in the lurch. It can occur due to dissatisfaction, communication issues, burnout, personal problems, remote work challenges, or better opportunities.



Horn Effect

One negative trait, like devil’s horns, can blind us to someone’s good qualities, leading to biased judgments (Horn Effect).

Hot Desking

Hot desking lets employees choose a different workspace each day, fostering collaboration and flexibility while saving space, but requires good communication and technology to address potential desk shortages.

Human Resource Planning (HRP)

Human Resource Planning is like building your dream team – you analyze your needs, recruit talent, and create a strategy to ensure you have the right people for future success. It’s proactive planning for your workforce, ensuring you have the skills you need to win.

Human Resource Management (HRM)

Human resource management bridges people and organizations to achieve shared goals. By attracting, developing, and retaining talent, it’s the lifeblood of any successful modern business.

Human Resource Management System

HRMS software automates and manages various HR tasks like recruitment, payroll, and employee information, streamlining operations and saving time for HR professionals in organizations of all sizes. They can be customized to fit specific needs and often come as modular suites or individual products.

Human Resource Software

HR software streamlines and automates tasks like hiring, onboarding, and payroll, boosting productivity, reducing manual work, and offering valuable data for informed HR decisions. Choose the software that best fits your budget, goals, and specific needs.

Human Resource Tech

HR tech streamlines HR tasks like record-keeping, communication, recruitment, and employee management through software and hardware solutions, freeing HR professionals to focus on strategic initiatives.

Human Resources Dashboard

HR dashboards combine HR data and performance indicators into a visual tool, helping HR teams monitor, analyze, and improve recruitment, workplace management, and employee performance, ultimately aligning actions with company goals.

Human Resources compliance

HR compliance isn’t just about following rules; it’s about ethically upholding legal and industry standards across all employer-employee interactions, fostering a fair and ethical workplace.


Headhunting seeks out “passive candidates,” top talent not actively searching, for key positions, offering a strategic advantage through targeted recruitment, confidentiality, customization, expertise, and efficiency.

Hostile Work Environment

A hostile work environment, characterized by unwelcome or discriminatory behavior, creates an intimidating atmosphere for employees, requiring clear anti-discrimination and harassment policies communicated effectively for prevention and reporting.

Employee Referral Policy

An employee referral program incentivizes current workers to recommend qualified candidates from their networks, leveraging their unique insights to find skilled individuals who align with the company culture.

HR Audit

An HR audit acts like a mirror reflecting your company’s HR practices, identifying areas aligned with business goals and highlighting opportunities for improvement, ultimately paving the way for a more effective and efficient HR strategy.

Human Resource Strategy

An HR strategy is a customized roadmap leveraging human capital to achieve business goals and inspire employee excellence, aligning with company values and addressing specific departmental needs.

Human Resource Core

HR Core manages essential daily tasks like recruiting, hiring, and training, using software to build a strong foundation for the company. Core HR software centralizes data, automates processes, and offers valuable insights for better HR management.

Human Resources Business Partner

HR Business Partners are essential advisors and problem-solvers within companies or via PEOs, guiding on all things HR from recruitment to risk mitigation, staff disputes, and policy management. They can even handle tasks like training and benefits to ease the administrative burden. (2 sentences)




Insubordination, defying orders from superiors, disrupts work culture and harms an organization’s reputation. It’s more than conflict; it negatively impacts team dynamics and requires action.

In House Talent

In-house talent are skilled employees directly hired by a company, bringing expertise to specific roles and contributing directly to organizational goals. Leveraging existing employees to fill open positions efficiently integrates them into the company culture and workflow.

Industrial Relations

Managing relationships with unions and employee representatives.

Internal Mobility

Encouraging employees to move within the organization.

International Human Resource Management

Managing HR across different countries and cultures.


Looking into potential misconduct or violations of company policies.



Job Design

Defining the tasks and responsibilities of a job.

Job Descriptions

A job description outlines a position’s responsibilities, qualifications, and expectations, serving as a guide for both employer and employee during the hiring and performance management processes.

Job Evaluation

Comparing the relative worth of different jobs within the organization.

Job Shadowing

Job shadowing allows individuals to observe and learn from professionals in their workplace, gaining first-hand experience to make informed career decisions before committing to a specific path.

Job Interviews

Assessing candidates’ suitability for a position.

Job Enrichment

Job enrichment spices up regular jobs by adding variety, responsibility, and meaning, aiming to boost motivation and engagement, especially for skilled service professionals.

Job Hopping

Job hopping, once frowned upon, has become common as employees seek better opportunities, higher pay, or escape dissatisfaction. Understanding this trend and explaining your job changes effectively can help you navigate your career path.

Job Security

Providing employees with a sense of security in their jobs.

Job Rotation

Job rotation empowers employees by exposing them to diverse roles, building a flexible workforce and fostering adaptability, ultimately leading to a deeper understanding of the company’s inner workings and a more versatile talent pool.

Job Diagnostic Survey (JDS)

The JDS, developed by Hackman and Oldham, assesses perceived job characteristics (skill variety, autonomy, etc.) to understand their impact on employee motivation and job satisfaction, ultimately helping organizations design jobs for better employee experience.



Knowledge Management

Capturing and sharing organizational knowledge.

Key Performance Indicator

KPIs act as a compass, guiding companies towards long-term success by tracking progress, setting priorities, and allocating resources to optimize strengths, navigate weaknesses, and seize opportunities.



Laws and Regulation

HR managers should be familiar with key laws and regulations impacting employment, including those on discrimination, equal pay, benefits, safety, and privacy, to ensure compliance and protect the organization and its employees.

Loss of Pay (LOP)

LOP (Loss of Pay) is the deduction from an employee’s salary for approved or unauthorized absences, encouraging regular attendance and deterring unproductive idle time. Understanding LOP rules helps create a fair and transparent work environment.

Lateral Hiring

Lateral hiring, targeting experienced professionals in similar roles, aims to fill senior positions quickly with individuals already equipped with the skills and knowledge needed, unlike traditional recruitment seeking fresh talent.

Labor Relations

Managing relationships with unions and employee representatives.

Leased Employees

Leased employees, managed by Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs), let businesses focus on their core work by handling HR tasks like payroll, taxes, and benefits, simplifying the employee experience.

Leadership Development

Developing the leadership skills of employees.


A leave allows employees to take time off for planned activities, emergencies, or medical needs, with prior approval and according to government guidelines.

Leave Encashment

Leave encashment lets employees trade unused paid leave days for cash, offering flexibility and financial support when needed, governed by company policies and regulations.

Leave Management

Managing employee leave requests and absences.

Legal Compliance

Ensuring adherence to all relevant labor laws and regulations.



Mergers & Acquisitions

Managing HR implications of mergers and acquisitions.

Maternity Leave

Maternity leave is more than just a benefit; it’s a key element in encourage a supportive work environment where mothers can thrive and reach their full potential.

MBA in Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management is the strategic orchestration of an organization’s workforce, ensuring their contributions propel business success, encompassing recruitment, training, evaluation, and relations, shaping culture and fostering employee satisfaction.


Keeping employees motivated and satisfied in their jobs.


Building a workplace that respects and values different cultures.




Negotiating contracts and agreements with employees and unions.

Organizational Development

Improving the overall effectiveness of the organization.

Notice Period

A notice period is a pre-determined time employees give before leaving, ensuring smooth transitions for both them and the company. It’s typically outlined in contracts and varies based on factors like role and seniority.

Non-Competition Agreements

Preventing employees from competing with their former employer.


Ensuring equal treatment for all employees regardless of protected characteristics.




Contracting HR functions to external providers.


Offshoring means moving your business (processes, services, production) to another country for cost reduction, skilled labor, or productivity gains. It’s different from outsourcing (contracting specific tasks to external parties), as it involves setting up your own operation overseas.

Occupational Safety

Occupational safety protects workers from injuries and illnesses, while environmental safety shields them from physical, biological, and psychological hazards like machinery, chemicals, bacteria, and stress, ultimately improving their well-being.

Onboarding & Induction

Integrating new hires into the organization effectively.

Occupational Safety and Health Act

The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), a 1970 law, mandates safe and healthy workplaces through regulations, inspections, training, and injury/illness reporting, empowering workers to raise safety concerns.

Organisational Commitment

Organizational commitment reflects an employee’s connectedness to the company, combining their beliefs, emotions, and willingness to contribute, and understanding its diverse dimensions is crucial for crafting effective engagement strategies.

Organizational Development

Improving the overall effectiveness of the organization.

Organisational Behaviour

Organizational behavior studies individual and group dynamics within companies, aiming to create a culture that balances productivity with employee happiness. Executives use this knowledge to understand team functions, individual contributions, and behaviors, leading to a more effective workplace.

One-on-One Meeting

One-on-one meetings offer a private space for open dialogue, feedback, and goal setting, fostering stronger relationships, improved communication, and career growth for both managers and team members.


An ombudsman is a neutral champion for individuals, investigating grievances against organizations and mediating fair resolutions while ensuring rights and procedures are upheld.



Performance Management

Performance management optimizes organizational effectiveness by aligning individual goals with business objectives through continuous feedback, development, and improvement, ultimately boosting productivity and achieving strategic goals.

Performance Bonus

Performance bonuses reward employees for achieving pre-set goals, motivating them to contribute to company success and fostering a culture of excellence.

Performance Management Systems

Performance Management Systems help organizations measure and improve employee performance, aligning it with company goals and boosting top talent while identifying areas for development.


Probation helps both employer and employee assess suitability for each other through a trial period evaluating productivity, cultural fit, and task adaptability. Employees should understand internal controls and ongoing projects to showcase their potential and compatibility.

Promotions & Transfers

Managing opportunities for career advancement within the organization.

People Analytics

People Analytics is utilising HR data through technology to identify patterns, improve employee experiences, and make data-driven decisions that benefit both individuals and the organization.

Payroll Apps

Payroll software simplifies employee payments, automates tax compliance, and tracks work hours, saving time and money for businesses. Choose the right one for efficient, accurate payroll!

Pink Slip

A dismissal notice historically on pink paper, signifies an employee’s termination and signifies the end of their employment.

Pay Band

Pay bands define the salary range for a specific job, based on factors like experience, skills, and responsibilities, offering flexibility within a minimum and maximum pay limit.

Productivity Improvement

Methods to enhance productivity across different aspects, from individual effort to organizational strategy.

Purple Squirrel

Purple squirrel, a mythical applicant with all the desired skills and experience, remains an elusive target for HR, highlighting the difficulty of finding perfect candidates. This article explores tips, benefits, and challenges of attracting these rare gems to your team.

Professional Development

Supporting employees in developing their skills and knowledge.

Pay Parity

Pay parity demands equal pay for equal work, regardless of personal characteristics, promoting fairness, aligning with diversity efforts, and building a more just and inclusive workforce.

Paid Holidays

In India, paid leave for public holidays is mandatory, but the number varies by state (18-23) beyond national holidays like Republic Day. Employers must follow national and state laws, but can offer more leave depending on industry and calculate it based on worked days.

Pay Equity

Pay equity demands equal pay for equal work, regardless of personal characteristics, striving to eliminate unfair wage gaps and achieve fair compensation for all.

Performance Review

Performance reviews, now often dynamic, assess employee work, offer personalized feedback, and set goals, shifting from annual evaluations to more frequent check-ins or even complete removal in favor of ongoing discussions.

People Operations

People Operations, a modern approach to HR, focuses on employee well-being and satisfaction, fostering a nurturing environment that empowers them to contribute and thrive throughout their journey at the company.



Quiet Quitting

Quiet quitting, where employees do the bare minimum without extra effort, isn’t true quitting. It’s a silent disengagement that harms productivity and culture.

Quality of Work Life

Creating a positive and supportive work environment.



Retention Bonus

A retention bonus is a one-time or series of payments offered to key employees to incentivize them to stay during crucial times, like mergers, restructuring, or high poaching risk. It’s basically extra cash to keep valuable talent loyal.

Recruitment Management System (RMS)

Recruitment Management Systems (RMS) are software platforms that supercharge hiring efforts by automating tasks, managing workflows, and connecting the right candidates with jobs, ultimately streamlining the entire recruitment process for both recruiters and candidates.


Reimbursement in business and finance reimburses individuals or entities for pre-approved work-related expenses, ensuring they’re not personally out of pocket for legitimate company needs.

Recruitment & Selection

Attracting and selecting qualified candidates for open positions.

Redundancy Management

Managing workforce reductions in a fair and sensitive manner.

Remote Work

Allowing employees to work from outside the office.

Regulations & Compliance

Staying up-to-date on and adhering to all relevant labor laws and regulations.



Social Responsibility

Promoting ethical and responsible business practices.

Short-Term Goals

Short-term goals are specific, small wins (days/months) that pave the way for bigger achievements, like stepping stones to your long-term dreams.

Sick Leave

Sick leave is a paid absence from work due to illness or medical appointments, allowing employees to prioritize their health and well-being without financial stress, fostering a healthier and more supportive work environment.

Salary Negotiation

Salary negotiation is the art of securing a fair compensation package through respectful discussion, considering your skills, experience, and value to the company. It goes beyond just the base salary and empowers you to negotiate benefits that fit your needs.

Succession Management

Succession management ensures smooth transitions by identifying and preparing future leaders for key roles, making it crucial for all organizations.

Stay Interview

HR managers use stay interviews to chat with happy employees, uncovering reasons for their satisfaction and potential areas for improvement to boost retention and foster open communication.

Selection Testing

Evaluating candidates’ skills and abilities using standardized tests.

Separation Management

Managing the termination of employment relationships.

Statutory Employee

Statutory employees are like independent contractors taxed as employees, typically working on commission in specific roles like sales or delivery, needing to pay Social Security and Medicare taxes.

Succession Planning

Identifying and developing future leaders.

Sabbatical Leave

A sabbatical, a long-term break from work, allows employees to pursue personal interests while remaining employed, offering a win-win for both employees seeking rejuvenation and employers seeking refreshed, motivated talent.

Salary Freeze

Companies sometimes freeze salaries to cut costs, holding wages steady and avoiding raises, even for good performance, cost of living, or annual increments. This helps them manage expenses, especially during financial hardship, without resorting to layoffs.



Talent Management

Attracting, retaining, and developing high-performing employees.

Talent Acquisition Specialist

Talent acquisition is more than just hiring; it’s a strategic process of building a robust candidate pipeline, attracting top talent, and aligning them with the organization’s short- and long-term goals, ensuring sustained success.

Training & Development

Providing opportunities for employees to learn and grow.

Temporary Employees

Temps fill short-term needs for companies (fluctuating work, absences, specific skills) but lack benefits and stability. While responsible for their own taxes, they gain flexibility and experience through diverse assignments.


Working from home or another remote location on a regular basis.

Teamwork & Collaboration

Encouraging cooperation and collaboration among employees.



Unlimited PTO

Unlimited PTO, a progressive HR policy where employees manage their own time off with manager approval, offers flexibility and freedom but requires responsible time management to maintain productivity.

Union Avoidance

Strategies to deter employees from forming or joining a union.

Upskilling & Reskilling

Equipping employees with the skills they need to adapt to changing work demands.


Voluntary Benefits

trategies to deter employees from forming or joining a union.



Workplace Diversity

Workplace diversity celebrates differences in backgrounds, abilities, and perspectives, enriching the organization with a vast pool of talent, innovation, and competitive edge.

White-Collar Workers

White-collar workers are highly skilled professionals, using their intellect and technology to handle complex tasks beyond manual labor, from entry-level administration to high-level management.

Wellness Programs

Promoting employee health and well-being.

Work Team

Teams are groups of employees with diverse skills who work together towards shared goals, with different types like functional, cross-functional, and self-managing, each playing a specific role in companies.

Warning Letter to Employee

A warning letter formally documents an employee’s misconduct, poor performance, or policy violation, highlighting its impact and urging future adherence to company protocols.

Workplace Bullying

A repeated pattern of harmful behavior meant to humiliate or undermine individuals, damages employee morale, productivity, and overall organizational well-being. Identifying and addressing these toxic behaviors is crucial for fostering a healthy and successful work environment.

Workforce Engagement

Keeping employees motivated and connected to the organization.

Workforce Planning

Planning for future workforce needs.

Workplace Investigations

Looking into potential misconduct or violations of company policies.




Xenophobia is the irrational fear or dislike of foreigners or anything perceived as different, leading to discrimination and exclusion.



Yellow Dog Contract

Where employees agree not to join unions, were outlawed due to their unfair leverage, likened to employees cowering like “yellow dogs” and giving up their rights for employment. These contracts also restricted future career options by prohibiting work with competitors. While providing legal recourse against employee revolts, they were ultimately deemed unethical and harmful to worker rights.

Youth Employment

Integrating young people into the workforce through internships, apprenticeships, and entry-level opportunities.



Zero Tolerance Policy

Establishing clear expectations for conduct and consequences for violations.