HSBC Interview Experience | On-Campus (Virtual)

HSBC visited our campus for virtual interviews this year on 10/02/2021. There were in total 3 rounds.

1st Round: The questions were based on scenarios that can occur in the corporate world. Each question had 5 options, and you have to arrange them from the most likely to the least likely option you would do. Other than this there were different questions asked for which you were given some time(2-3 mins) and you have to answer via a video (2-3 mins). The checking was not based on Artificial Intelligence methods, so you have to answer it properly. This was followed by a coding question and 30 mins were given for that. 

My question was: If two numbers are given then I have to find the first index of the first number into the 2nd number.

The total time was 2 hours. Almost 22 out of 169 students were selected after this round.

Tip: Don’t try to be diplomatic in scenario-based questions, just be yourself!

2nd Round (Technical Interview): I had a lot of connection issues that day, so the interviewer asked me if I was calm or not. Then he asked me to introduce myself.

  • As my complete resume was based on ML, he asked me why I want to switch to SDE being an ECE student and doing ML. If I am not given something related to ML; will I be comfortable in that?

Then he asked me a basic DSA problem:

I did this, and he asked me to compile it for different inputs. After this, he asked that if I have to design an e-commerce site then what functionality will I add to the cart option.

I simply said I have no idea about it, and he asked me something like what non-functionality will I add to the cart option. Again I had no idea about it and I said that.

Then he asked me if I have any questions for him. I was scared, and I think they were also confused about me, but after waiting for few minutes they called me for another round. 8/9 out of 22 students were selected after this round.  

Tip: Be calm and confident about whatever you know and show them how interested you are in their job and willing to try new technologies.

3rd Round (HR):

  1. How was my day?
  2. Have I eaten lunch? What did I have for lunch?
  3. Introduce yourself
  4. One thing which your friends and colleagues want to change about you? I said overthinking
  5. My daily schedule
  6. One thing which makes you happy? I said food, so he asked me which type of food and I said chaats and specially Gol-Gappe
  7. Do I cook also? I said yes in Lockdown. I learned cooking and recently baked some chocolates.
  8. If I win a lottery of 100cr will I still work?
  9. How has been the corona period/vacation for me?
  10. Some scenario-based questions and were really tedious
  11. Do I follow current news? I said yes, so he asked me about my views on Farmer Protest
  12. How would you define the RED color to a blind person? And I had no answer to it.
  13. 3 reasons why I want to join HSBC?

At last, he asked if I had some questions for him.

Tip: Just be impromptu and answer your heart. Even they are bored with googled answers and show how passionate you are about HSBC with the fact that you are supercooled and ready to be adjusted in every situation.

5 students were selected, and I was one of them ?