HTML Cleaning and Entity Conversion | Python

The very important and always ignored task on web is the cleaning of text. Whenever one thinks to parse HTML, embedded Javascript and CSS is always avoided. The users are only interested in tags and text present on the webserver.

lxml installation –
It is a Python binding for C libraries – libxslt and libxml2. So maintaining a Python base, it is very fast HTML parsing and XML library. To let it work – C libraries also need to be installed. The link – will provide all the installation instructions.

sudo apt-get install python-lxml or
pip install lxml

Cleaning task is performed using clean_html() function present in the lxml.html.clean module. This function removes the unnecessary HTML tags. In the code below, clean_html() function in the lxml.html.clean module is used to remove unnecessary HTML tags and embedded JavaScript from an HTML string.

Code – Cleaning of the text

import lxml.html.clean
                           <bodyonload = loadfunc()>my text</body></html>')

Output :

'<div><body>my text</body></div>'

As you can see that the results are much easier and cleaner. Thus, makes our job easy to deal with the HTML.

The lxml.html.clean_html() function iterates over the string as it parses the HTML string into a tree. It then removes all nodes that don’t hold much importance. Using embedded JavaScript, the function also cleans nodes of unnecessary attributes like embedded JavaScript using regex (regular expression) substitution and matching. This function defines a default Cleaner class that’s used clean_html() method is called. By creating self instance, the class behavior can be customized.

Converting HTML Entities –

Strings such as “&” or “<” are HTML entities. These are normal ASCII character encoding having special uses in HTML. “<” is the entity for “<" because "<" is present within HTML tags and it is the beginning character for an HTML tag. So, to escape it "<" entity is defined. "&" is entity code for "&".
To process the text within an HTML document, convert these entities back to their normal characters so as to recognize them and use them appropriately.

Requirement :
1) install BeautifulSoup
2) sudo easy_install beautifulsoup4 or sudo pip install beautifulsoup4

It is an HTML parser library used for entity conversion. It simply creates an instance of BeautifulSoup given a string containing HTML entities. And then it retrieves the string attribute:

Code –

# importing BeautifulSoup
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
print (BeautifulSoup('<').string)
print (BeautifulSoup('&').string)

Output :


But the reverse for it is not possible i.e. for ‘<' in BeautifulSoup, a None result is obtained as it is invalid in HTML. BeautifulSoup looks for tokens that look similar to an entity and in order to convert the HTML entities, it replaces them with their corresponding value in the htmlentitydefs.name2codepoint dictionary which is there in the python standard library.