HTML | DOM AnimationEvent

In the HTML document, AnimationEvent interface is used to represent events providing information related to animations. AnimationEvent contains properties such as animationName, elapsedTime and pseudoElement.

  1. animationName: The animationName property returns the name of the event animation. It returns the value of the animation-name CSS property associated with the transition.


    Return Type: It returns a string which represents the name of the animation.


    <!DOCTYPE html>
            div {
                width: 550px;
                height: 50px;
                background: green;
                position: relative;
                -webkit-animation-name: animate;
                /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */
                -webkit-animation-duration: 5s;
                /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */
                animation-name: animate;
                animation-duration: 5s;
            /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */
            @-webkit-keyframes animate {
                from {
                    top: 0px;
                to {
                    top: 500px;
            @keyframes animate {
                from {
                    top: 0px;
                to {
                    top: 500px;
        <div id="div1"></div>
            var x = document.getElementById("div1");
            // Code for Chrome, Safari and Opera
              "webkitAnimationStart", StartAnimation);
            // Standard syntax
              "animationstart", StartAnimation);
            // Return animation name
            function StartAnimation(event) {
                this.innerHTML =
                  "The animation-name is:"
                + event.animationName;



  2. elapsedTime: The elapsedTime property returns the number of seconds for which an animation has been running in an animation event.



    Return Type: It returns a number which represents the number of seconds for which an animation has been running.


    <!DOCTYPE html>
            div {
                width: 50px;
                height: 50px;
                background: green;
                position: relative;
                /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */
               -webkit-animation: animate 4s infinite;
                animation: animate 4s infinite;
            /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */
            @-webkit-keyframes animate {
                from {
                    left: 500px;
                to {
                    left: 0px;
            @keyframes animate {
                from {
                    left: 500px;
                to {
                    left: 0px;
        <div id="div1"></div>
            var x = document.getElementById("div1");
            // Code for Chrome, Safari and Opera
           "webkitAnimationIteration", RepeatAnimation);
            // Standard syntax
            "animationiteration", RepeatAnimation);
            function RepeatAnimation(event) {
                this.innerHTML = "Elapsed time: "
                + event.elapsedTime + " seconds";



Supported Browsers:

  • Google Chrome 43 and above
  • Edge 12 and above
  • Mozilla Firefox 5 and above
  • Internet Explorer 10 and above
  • Safari 9 and above
  • Opera 30 and above