HTML DOM hasFocus() Method

In HTML document, the document.hasfocus() the method is used for indicating whether an element or document has the focus or not. The function returns a true value if the element is focused otherwise false is returned. This method can be used to determine whether the active element is currently in focus. 



Parameters: This method has no parameters. 

Return Value: The hasfocus() method returns a Boolean value indicating whether an element or document has focus or not. 

The below examples illustrate the HTML DOM hasfocus() method

Example 1: This example illustrates whether the document has a focus or not. 


<!DOCTYPE html>
    HTML DOM hasFocus() Method
        Click anywhere in the document to
        test hasfocus() function.
    <p id="para"></p>
        setInterval("hasfocustest()", 1);
        function hasfocustest() {
            let x = document.getElementById("para");
            if (document.hasFocus()) {
                x.innerHTML =
                    "The document has focus.";
            } else {
                x.innerHTML =
                    "The document DOES NOT have focus.";



Explanation: The setinterval() function calls the hasfocustest() in 1 millisecond which after evaluation produces a result. 

Example 2: This example illustrates changes background-colour of the heading based on whether the document has focus or not. 


<!DOCTYPE html>
        HTML DOM hasFocus() Method
        Click anywhere in the document to
        test hasfocus() function.
    <h1 id="para"> Function Testing</h1>
        setInterval("hasfocustest()", 2000);
        function hasfocustest() {
           let x = document.getElementById("para");
            if (document.hasFocus()) {
       = "palegreen";
            } else {
       = "white";



Supported Browser: The browsers supported by the method are listed below:

  • Google Chrome 1
  • Edge 12
  • Internet Explorer 5.5
  • Firefox 3
  • Opera 15
  • Safari 4