HTML | DOM Input Image Object

The Input Image Object in HTML DOM is used to represent the HTML < input > element with type=”image”. This tag is used to access or create the element. This element can be accessed by using getElementById() method



Return Value: It return the properties of < input > tag with type=”image”. Property Values:

Value Description
alt Set/return the value of the alt attribute of the input image.
autofocus Set/return if an input image automatically gets focus when the page loads.
defaultValue Set/return the default value of an input image.
disabled Set/return whether an input image is disabled, or not.
form Returns a reference of the form that contains the input image.
formAction Set/return the value of the formaction attribute of an input image.
formEnctype Set/return the value of the formenctype attribute of an input image.
formMethod Set/return the value of the formmethod attribute of an input image.
formNoValidate Set/return if the form-data is validated or not when submitted.
formTarget Set/return the value of formtarget attribute of an input image.
height Set/return the value of height attribute of input image.
name Set/return the value of name attribute of input image.
src Set/return the value of src attribute of input image.
type Return the type of form element of input element.
value Set/return the value of value attribute of input image.
width Set/return the value of width attribute of input image.

Example-1: Access Input element and return ID, type and width. 


<!DOCTYPE html>
        HTML DOM Input Image Object
<body style="text-align:center;">
    <h1 style="color:green;"> 
    <h2>DOM Input Image Object</h2>
    <button onclick="my_geek()">
        <input id="myImage"
    <h2 id="Geek_h" style="color:green;">
        function my_geek() {
            // Access myImage and return id
            var txt = document.getElementById(
            txt = "id = " + txt + ", ";
            // Return type
            txt += "type = " + document.getElementById(
              "myImage").type + ", ";
            // Return Width
            txt += "width = " + document.getElementById(
              "Geek_h").innerHTML = txt;


  • Before click on the button: 

  • After click on the button:


Example-2: Access Input element and return target, alt and height. 


<!DOCTYPE html>
        HTML DOM Input Image Object
<body style="text-align:center;">
    <h1 style="color:green;">
    <h2>DOM Input Image Object</h2>
    <button onclick="my_geek()">
        <input id="myImage"
    <h2 id="Geek_h" style="color:green;">
        function my_geek() {
            // Return target, alt and height.
            var txt = document.getElementById(
            txt = "formTarget = " + txt + ", ";
            txt += "alt = " + document.getElementById(
              "myImage").alt + ", ";
            txt += "height = " + document.getElementById(
              "Geek_h").innerHTML = txt;


  • Before click on the button: 

  • After click on the button: 

Example-3: Access Input element and return formTarget, formEnctype and formAction. 


<!DOCTYPE html>
        HTML DOM Input Image Object
<body style="text-align:center;">
    <h1 style="color:green;"> 
    <h2>DOM Input Image Object</h2>
    <button onclick="my_geek()">
        <input id="myImage"
    <h2 id="Geek_h" style="color:green;">
        function my_geek() {
            // Return formTarget, formEnctype and formAction.
            var txt = document.getElementById(
            txt = "formTarget = " + txt + ", ";
            txt += "formEnctype = " + document.getElementById(
              "myImage").formEnctype + ", ";
            txt += "formAction = " + document.getElementById(
              "Geek_h").innerHTML = txt;


  • Before click on the button: 

  • After click on the button:


Supported Browsers:

  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Edge 12+
  • Safari
  • Opera