HTML | DOM Input Week min Property

The DOM Input Week min property in HTML DOM is used to set or return the value of the min attribute of a week field. The min attribute specifies the minimum value (week and year) for a week field. 


  • It returns the min property.
  • It is used to set the min property.
weekObject.min = YYYY-WWW

Property Values: 

  • YYYY-WWW: This values states the minimum year and week. Here YYYY is the year i.e. 2019 and WWW is the week with starting letter W i.e. W32 .

Return Value: It returns a string which represents the minimum value allowed for a week field. 

Example-1: This example returns the Input Week min property. 


<!DOCTYPE html>
        HTML DOM Input Week min Property
<body style="text-align:center;">
    <h2>DOM Input Week min Property</h2>
            <form id="myBeginner">
    <input type="week" id="week_id" name="Beginner" min="2019-W12">
    <button onclick="myBeginner()">Click Here!</button>
    <p id="GFG" style="font-size:20px;"></p>
    <!-- Script to return the min property-->
        function myBeginner() {
            var gfg = document.getElementById("week_id").min;
            document.getElementById("GFG").innerHTML = gfg;


Before clicking on the button:


After clicking on the button:


Example-2: This Example illustrates how to set the property. 


<!DOCTYPE html>
        HTML DOM Input Week min Property
<body style="text-align:center;">
    <h2>DOM Input Week min Property</h2>
            <form id="myBeginner">
    <input type="week" id="week_id" name="Beginner" >
    <button onclick="myBeginner()">Click Here!</button>
    <p id="GFG" style="font-size:20px;"></p>
    <!-- Script to set the min property-->
        function myBeginner() {
            var gfg = document.getElementById("week_id");
            gfg.min = "2019-W13";
            var g =    gfg.min;       
            document.getElementById("GFG").innerHTML = g;


Before clicking on the button:


After clicking on the button:


Supported Browsers: The browser supported by DOM input Week min Property are listed below:

  • Google Chrome 20
  • Edge 12
  • Opera 11

Note: In Firefox, the input type=”week” element does not show any date field or calendar.