HTML | DOM MouseEvent offsetY Property

The MouseEvent offsetY property is a read-only property and is used for returning the y-coordinate of the mouse pointer, relative to the target element. The MouseEvent offsetY property returns a number which represents the vertical coordinate of the mouse pointer, in pixels with respect to the screen. 

Syntax :


Below program illustrate the MouseEvent offsetY property : 

Program: Finding out the vertical coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to a <div> element. 


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>MouseEvent offsetY Property in HTML</title>
        border:3px solid green;
        font-family: Impact;
    <h2>MouseEvent offsetY Property</h2>
        Click inside the green box to get the
        y-coordinate relative to the top edge.
    <div onclick="coord(event)"></div>
        The y-coordinate, relative to the top edge
        of the DIV element is:
        <span id="test"></span>
        function coord(event)
            var c = event.offsetY;
            document.getElementById("test").innerHTML = c;



After clicking the button


Supported Web Browsers

  • Opera 12.1 and above
  • Internet Explorer 9 and above
  • Google Chrome 1 and above
  • Edge 12 and above
  • Firefox 39 and above
  • Apple Safari 1 and above