HTML | DOM Progress Object

The Progress Object in HTML DOM is used to represent the HTML <progress> element. The <progress> element can be accessed by using getElementById() method.
Property Values: 

  • labels: It returns the list of progress bar labels.
  • max: It is used to set or return the progress bar value of the max attribute.
  • value: It represents the amount of work that is already completed.
  • position: It returns the current position of progress bar.



Where ID is assigned to the <progress> element.
Example 1: 


<!DOCTYPE html>
            HTML DOM Progress Object
        <h1 style="color:green;">
        <h2>DOM Progress Object</h2>
        Downloading progress for a song:
        <progress id = "GFG" value = "57" max = "100">
        <button onclick = "myBeginner()">
        <p id = "sudo"></p>
            function myBeginner() {
                var pr = document.getElementById("GFG").value;
                document.getElementById("sudo").innerHTML = pr;

Before Click on the Button: 

After Click on the Button: 

Example 2: Progress Object can be created by using the document.createElement Method. 


<!DOCTYPE html>
            HTML DOM Progress Object
        <h1 style = "color:green;">
        <h2>DOM Progress Object</h2>
        <P id = "GFG">
            Downloading progress for a song:
        <button onclick = "myBeginner()">
            function myBeginner() {
                var g = document.createElement("PROGRESS");
                g.setAttribute("value", "57");
                g.setAttribute("max", "100");

Before Click on the Button: 

After Click on the Button: 

Supported Browsers: The browser supported by DOM Progress Object are listed below: 

  • Google Chrome
  • Internet Explorer
  • Firefox
  • Opera
  • Safari