HTML DOM THead Object

The HTML DOM THead object is used to represent the HTML <thead> element.  It helps in giving reference to access the <thead> element in the HTML document.

Access a THead object:

We can easily access a <thead> element in the document  by using HTML getElementById() method.



Property Values 

  • align: Set the alignment of the text content.
  • valign: Set the vertical alignment of the text content.
  • char: Set the alignment of content inside the <thead> element to a character.
  • charoff: It is used to sets the number of characters that will be aligned from the character specified by the char attribute. The value of these attributes is in numeric form.

Example 1: Below HTML code illustrates how to change the bgcolor of the <thead> element. 


<!DOCTYPE html>
        td {
            border: 1px solid green;
<p><b>HTML DOM THead Object </b></p>
        <thead id="tableID" bgcolor="43e">
        Click on the button to change the
        background color of thead element.
    <button onclick="btnclick()">
        Click here
    <p id="paraID"></p>
        function btnclick() {
            var thead = document.getElementById("tableID");
   = "red";


Create a THead Object: We can create a THead Object by using the document.createElement() method.



Example 2: 


<!DOCTYPE html>
        table, th, td {
            border: 1px solid green;
    <h2>HTML DOM THead object</h2>
     <table id ="tableID">
        Click button to create thead element.
    <button onclick="btnclick()">
        Click here
        function btnclick() {
           /* Create thead element */
           var x = document.createElement("THEAD");
          /* Create tr element */
          var y = document.createElement("TR");
          /* Create td element */
          var z = document.createElement("TD");
          z.innerHTML = "Username";
          /* Create td element */
          var w = document.createElement("TD");
          w.innerHTML = "Password";


Supported Browsers:

  • Google Chrome
  • Internet Explorer
  • Opera mini
  • Firefox
  • Apple Safari