HTML DOM ul compact Property

The HTML DOM ul compact property is used to set or return the value of a compact attribute of the <ul> tag. The compact attribute is used to define the list should be smaller than normal by reducing the space between the list items and the indentation of the list. It is a Boolean attribute.

Note: This property is not supported in HTML5.


It returns a ul compact Property. 


It is used to set the ul compact property. 

ulObject.compact = "True/false";

Property Values:  

  • true: It defines that the compact attribute is set.
  • false: It has a default value. It defines that the compact attribute is not set.

Return Values: It returns a Boolean value that represents whether the compact attribute is set to true or false.

Example 1: In this example, we will see the use of DOM ul compact Property


<!DOCTYPE html>
          DOM ul compact Property
    <h2>DOM ul compact Property </h2>
    <ul id="Beginner" type="circle" compact>
        <!-- Assigning id to 'li tag' -->
        <li id="GFG">Beginner</li>
    <button onclick="myBeginner()">
    <p id="sudo"></p>
        function myBeginner() {
            // return ul compact Property
            let g = document.getElementById(
                "sudo").innerHTML = g;



Example 2: In this example, we will see the use of DOM ul compact Property.


<!DOCTYPE html>
          DOM ul compact Property
    <h2>DOM ul compact Property </h2>
    <ul id="Beginner" type="circle" compact>
        <!-- Assigning id to 'li tag' -->
        <li id="GFG">Beginner</li>
    <button onclick="myBeginner()">
    <p id="sudo"></p>
        function myBeginner() {
            // set ul compact Property
            let g = document.getElementById(
                "Beginner").compact = "false";
                "sudo").innerHTML = g;
