HTML | <iframe> longdesc Attribute

The HTML <iframe> longdesc Attribute is used to specify a page that contains the long description of the content of the iframe element.


<Iframe longdesc="URL"> 

Attribute Values:

  • URL: It contains single value i.e URL which specify the page which contains the long description of the content of the frame.
    1. An absolute URL: It points to another website.
    2. A relative URL: It points to a file within a website.


<!DOCTYPE html>
        HTML iframe longdesc Attribute
<body style="text-align:center;">
    <h1 style="color:green;">w3wiki</h1>
    <h4>HTML iframe longdesc Attribute</h4>
    <iframe src="" 
            srcdoc="<p>w3wiki</p>" id="GFG" 
            longdesc="gfg.txt" height="200" width="400" 


Supported Browsers: The major browsers are not supported by HTML <iframe> longdesc Attribute.