HTML | <li> type Attribute

The <li> type attribute in HTML is used to specify the type of a list items. This attribute also defines the style of the bullet point of the list items. 


<li type="1|a|A|i|I|disc|circle|square">

Attribute Values: 
For ordered list items:  

  • 1: It is the default value. It is used to specify the numerical ordered list.
  • a: It arranged the list items in lower case letters.
  • A: It arrange the list items in the form of upper case.
  • i: It arrange the list items in the roman numbers in the form of lower case letters.
  • I: It arranged the list in roman numerals in the form of uppercase letters.

For unordered list items:  

  • disc: It is the default value. It creates a filled circle.
  • circle: It creates an unfilled circle.
  • square: It creates a filled square.

Note: The <li> type attribute is not supported by HTML 5 Instead of using this attribute we can use CSS list-style-type property.

Example 1:  


<!DOCTYPE html>
        HTML li type Attribute
    <h1 style = "color: green;">
        HTML list item type Attribute
<p>Sorting Algorithms</p>
        <li type="a">Merge sort</li>
        <li>Quick sort</li>
        <li type="I">Insertion sort</li>


Example 2:  


<!DOCTYPE html>
        HTML li type Attribute
    <h1 style = "color: green;">
        HTML li type Attribute
<p>Sorting Algorithms</p>
        <li>Merge sort</li>
        <li>Quick sort</li>
        <li type="square">Insertion sort</li>


Supported Browsers: The browser supported by HTML <li> type attribute are listed below:  

  • Google Chrome
  • Internet Explorer
  • Firefox
  • Safari
  • Opera