HTML onmousemove Event Attribute

The HTML onmousemove event attribute triggers JavaScript code when the mouse pointer moves over an element, allowing interaction based on mouse movement within the webpage.


<element onmousemove = "script">

Attribute Value: This attribute contains single value script which works when onmousemove attribute called.

Supported Tags:

All HTML elements, EXCEPT

<base>Sets the base URL for all relative URLs.
<bdo>Overrides the text’s directionality.
<br>Inserts a single-line break.
<head>Contains metadata and links to stylesheets.
<html>Represents the root of an HTML document.
<iframe>Embeds another HTML page.
<meta>Provides metadata about the HTML document.
<param>Provides parameters for an object.
<script>Embeds client-side scripts.
<style>Defines style information for a document.
<title>Sets the title of the HTML document.

HTML onmousemove Event Attribute Example

Example: This example uses onmouseover event attribute to enlarge the image displayed when the cursor moves over the image.

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>onmousemove event attribute</title>
        <h2>onmousemove event attribute</h2>
        <img onmousemove="bigSize(this)" onmouseout="normalSize(this)"
        border="1px solod black" src=
        alt="gfg" width="300" height="100">
            function bigSize(val) {
       = "200px";
       = "600px";
            function normalSize(val) {
       = "100px";
       = "300px";


HTML onmousemove Event Attribute Example Output

Supported Browsers:

The browser supported by onmousemove attribute are listed below: