HTML | <table> frame Attribute

The HTML <table> frame Attribute is used to specify the visibility of outside borders.


<table frame="value">

Attribute Values:

  • void: It is used to hide the outside border.
  • above: It is used to display the top outside border.
  • below: It is used to display the bottom outside border.
  • hsides: It is used to display the top and bottom outside border.
  • vsides: It is used to display the left and right outside border.
  • lhs: It is used to display the left outside border.
  • rhs: It is used to display the right outside border.
  • box: It is used to display all sides outside border.
  • border: It is used to display all outside border.

Note: The <table> frame Attribute is not supported by HTML 5.


<!DOCTYPE html>
        HTML table frame Attribute
    <h2>HTML table frame Attribute</h2>
    <table frame="box">
    <table frame="vsides">
    <table frame="hsides">


Supported Browsers: The browser supported by HTML <table> frame Attribute are listed below:

  • Google Chrome
  • Internet Explorer 9.0
  • Firefox
  • Safari
  • Opera