HTML5 MathML <maction> tag

The HTML5 MathML <maction> tag is an inbuilt element of HTML5, that is used to show the bind action of any expression. You can use any selection attribute with this element.


<maction> child elements </maction> 

Attributes: The <maction> tag accepts below-mentioned attributes: 

  • actiontype: This attribute contains three types of action statusline, toggle and tooltip each of them behave differently.
  • class| id| style: This attribute is used to hold the styles of the child elements.
  • href: This attribute used to hold any hyperlink to a specified URL.
  • mathbackground: This attribute holds the value of the math expressions background color.
  • mathcolor: This attribute holds the color of the math expressions.
  • selection: The default value of this attribute is 1 means 1st child element. It holds the selection of the child elements

Below example will illustrates the concept of HTML5 MathML <maction> tag



<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>HTML5 maction tag</title>
        <h1 style="color:green">w3wiki</h1>
        <h3>HTML5 maction tag</h3>
            <maction actiontype="toggle">
        <p>Click the number</p>


Supported Browsers: The browsers are supported by HTML5 MathML <maction> tag are listed below: 

  • Firefox
  • Safari

Note: (Till now no other browsers supported by MathML elements)