HTML5 – New Tags

As we know HTML5 is a new version of HTML ( Hypertext markup language). HTML5 introduced many new tags that will benefit many developers. These tags are generally supported by all major browsers. These tags belong to many aspects such as graphics, media, and forms.

List of all elements introduced in HTML5

HTML Tag Description
<article> Represents an independent article with content separate from the rest of the site.
<aside> Describes content related to the main object of the web page but not its main intent.


Used to insert audio into an HTML webpage.
<canvas> Used to draw graphics on a web page using JavaScript.
<command> Defines a command button for special operations (supported only by Internet Explorer).
<datalist> Provides autocomplete feature for input elements.
<details> Used for initially hidden content that can be displayed interactively.
<embed> Embeds external multimedia content like audio or video into an HTML document.
<figure> Adds self-contained content like illustrations, diagrams, or photos.
<footer> Defines a footer containing information like author details and copyright.
<header> Contains information related to the title and heading of the content.
<hgroup> Groups heading elements (h1-h6) to provide structured heading information.
<keygen> Specifies a key-pair generator field in a form for secure user authentication.
<mark> Defines marked text to highlight a part of the paragraph.
<meter> Defines a scale for measurement with a well-defined range, used as a gauge.
<nav> Declares the navigational section of HTML documents.
<output> Represents the result of a client-side script calculation.
<progress> Represents the progress of a task or download.
<ruby> Specifies ruby annotations used in Japanese publications.
<section> Defines a section of documents, dividing content into sections and subsections.
<time> Displays human-readable date/time and encodes dates/times in a machine-readable form.
<wbr> Defines a word break opportunity, used for line breaks in long words.
<video> Embeds video content such as movie clips in a document.

HTML5 Form Tags

HTML Tag Description
<datalist> Represents a predefined list for input options.
<output> Used as a container to display calculation results or user action outcomes.

Graphics Tags

HTML Tag Description
<canvas> Allows drawing graphics and animations with scripting.
<svg> Used for scalable vector graphics.

HTML5 Media Tags

HTML Tag Description
<audio> Defines sound content.
<embed> Defines a container for external media or files.
<source> Specifies multiple media resources for media elements.
<track> Defines text tracks for audio and video files.
<video> Defines video content within an HTML document.

HTML5 New <input> Types

Type Description
color Represents an input field for selecting a color.
date Represents an input field for selecting a date.
datetime Represents a display of full date and time with time zone information.
datetime-local Represents date and time without time zone information.
email Represents an input field with email pattern validation.
month Represents an input field to enter a month for a specific year.
number Represents a field that selects a numeric value only.
range Represents a numeric value selector within a specified range.
search Represents a search field.
tel Represents a control to enter a telephone number.
time Represents a control to enter a time value without time zone.
url Represents an input field to enter a URL.
week Represents a selector for a week value in a specific year.