HTTP headers | Tk

The HTTP Tk header is a response-type header it is used to indicates the tracking status that applied to the corresponding request.


Tk: !  (under construction)
Tk: N  (not tracking)
Tk: T  (tracking)
Tk: C  (tracking with consent)
Tk: P  (potential consent)
Tk: D  (disregarding DNT)
Tk: U  (updated)
Tk: ?  (dynamic)
Tk: G  (gateway or multiple parties)

Directives: This header accept nine directives as mentioned above and described below:

  • !: Under development. The root server is as of now testing its communication of following status.
  • ?: Dynamic. The root server needs more data to decide following status.
  • G: Gateway or numerous parties. The server is acting as a door to exchange including numerous parties.
  • N: Not tracking.
  • T: Tracking.
  • C: Tracking with consent. The root server accepts it has gotten earlier assent for following this client, client agent, or gadget.
  • P: Potential consent. The root server does not know, in real-time, whether it has gotten earlier consent for following this client, client agent, or gadget, but guarantees not to utilize or share any DNT:1 information until such consent has been decided, and advance guarantees to erase or forever de-identify inside 48 hours any DNT:1 information gotten for which such assent has not been gotten.
  • D: Disregarding DNT. The root server is incapable or unwilling to regard the following inclination gotten from the requesting client agent.
  • U: Updated. The request comes about in a potential alterations to the following status pertinent to this client, client agent, or gadget.


  • A Tk header for a resource that claims not to be following would see like:
    Tk: N
  • A Tk header for a resource that claims to be following would see like
    Tk: T

Supported Browsers: The compatibility of browsers is unknown until now.