IBM Interview Experience for ASE 2023

The interview process at IBM for the position of associate system engineer is 4 rounds. I have applied for this process on campus.

ROUND 1 (Coding Round ) 

  •  Round 1 is a coding assessment and 30 minutes is given to solve 1 coding problem. The problem toughness level is not very hard but it’s up to the level of leetcode medium.
  • Those who have solved that question are further called for the next round of interviews. All the further rounds are held in offline mode.

ROUND 2 ( ENGLISH Assessment )

  • Round 2 is an English assessment where you can do as many questions as possible but only 10 minutes of time is given to you. It’s an online assessment that is held in a physical center.
  • The questions asked in this round are very easy and here the thing that matters is that you can solve as many questions as you can.


  • Round 3 is a Group Discussion (GD) round where 12-14 students are sitting together and a random topic is given to us and everyone has to say something about that topic for 5-7 minutes. 
  • This round is just for checking your communication skills. Round 2 and Round 3 take place the same day and the next day called for the final interview.


  • Round 4 is the final interview. 
  • Firstly I was asked to introduce myself.
  • After that, they have asked me to write a binary search algorithm
  • then they asked me to elaborate on your projects.
  • The interview process is not very hard, they are asking basic questions only. 

Verdict – selected.