IBM Interview Experience | Pool Campus

IBM pool campusing for the role of GBS Associate Developer took place in the month of September, 2019 at Heritage Institute of Technology, Kolkata.

We got a link from our college placement committee in which we have to register and make a profile on IBM’s website.After that we got a reference number via mail from IBM.

There were a total of 5 rounds all were elimination round. 4 were on the computer and the last round was face to face Techincal+HR.

Round 1: Cognify Ability Games

This round consisted of 5 mini-games. Our aptitude and Personality traits were tested in this round. Each game has it’s own time limit (Maximum of 5 minutes each). Before the start of each game you will be given a small practice session on the same. Games like the screen had two sides you have to select the side having a higher sum or multiplication, Image recognition, etc.

Very few people were eliminated in this round.

Round 2:Psychometric Test 

This was a very different and new test for everyone.There were 10 sets each containing 5 questions.In the questions, there was a pointer in which there was two options on both the side. Like:You are hardworking, or you are creative you have to slide the pointer to strongly agree or agree or disagree or strongly disagree.Infact there were some questions which were repeated again.They were basically checking the behaviour in this round.

Half of the people were eliminated in this round.

Round 3: English Test

It was a simple mcq round for English.Questions were pretty easy. Simple synonyms, antonyms, meaning or correct spelling were asked.

Very few people were eliminated in this round.

Round 4: Coding Round

This round was conducted on hackerrank.There were 7 mcqs related to DBMS, OS and Networking, and 1 coding question.In my test room only 7 people were left and all had different coding problems.I got a problem in which I have to convert a given Decimal number to Roman number.We were given 45 minutes for this round.

One of my college friends told me before the first round, he heard that there were around 250 students in our slot.Out of these, 250 only 17 qualified the coding round.From my college around 30 students came, and 3 qualified till the last round.It was very simple that whoever has solved the coding problem is only shortlisted for last round.

Round 5:Technical+HR

Out of the 17, I was called at 15.There was only one person in my section.

Ques: Can I have your CV and your government id proof if you are carrying any?

Ans: I gave him my CV and my Aadhar Card.

Ques: Tell me about your projects?

Ans: I explained him.

Ques: Have you done any internship?

Ans: I told him about my internships, and the work that I did in them.

Ques: Why do you want to join IBM?

Ans: I was prepared for this question, I answered him very well.

Ques: Honestly speaking your CV is impressive, but I am getting a feeling that you have faked in this.

Ans: I was little shocked, but I controlled myself, and explained him about all my online courses, projects, Internships, roles, etc. in depth.

Ques: What comes in your mind when you are told to deal with a client of USA?

Ans: I didn’t know what to say, I guessed and told him, sir the Timezone.He told me that exactly.

Ques: Do you have any problem in relocation?

Ans: I told him No.

He told me the interview was over.After that our documents were verified by some IBM people.

After 3 days, a mail came in our college, in which it was informed that all 3 of us who made till last round are selected.