IBM Placement Paper | Verbal Reasoning Set – 3

This is an IBM model paper for Verbal Aptitude. This placement paper will cover aptitude that is asked in IBM placements and also strictly follows the pattern of questions asked in IBM papers. It is recommended to solve each one of the following questions to increase your chances of clearing the IBM placement.

  1. In a press meet on the recent scam, the minister said, “The buck stops here”. What did the minister convey by the statement?
    1. He wants all the money
    2. He will return the money
    3. He will assume final responsibility
    4. He will resist all enquiries


    He will assume final responsibility


    ’The buck stops here’ means – Responsibility is not passed on beyond this point.

  2. Consider the statement
    “Not all that glitters is gold”

    Predicate glitters(x) is true if x glitters and predicate gold(x) is true if x is gold. Which one of the following logical formulae represents the above statement?

    1. A
    2. B
    3. C
    4. D
    5. E




    The statement “Not all that glitters is gold” can be expressed as follows :

    ¬(?x(glitters(x)?gold(x)) … (1)

    Where ?x(glitters(x)?gold(x) refers that all glitters is gold. Now,

    ?x¬(glitters(x)?gold(x)) … (2), Since we know ¬?x() = ?x¬()

    (Where => refers to -> All and ?x refers to -> There exists some).

    As we know, A?B is true only in the case that either A is false or B is true. It can also defined in the other way :

    A?B=¬A?B (negationA or B ) … (3)

    From equation (2) and (3), we have


    ??x(glitters(x)?¬gold(x)) … (4), Negation cancellation ¬(¬) = () : and ¬(()?()) = (¬()?¬()) .

    So Answer is (D) .

  3. Choose the most appropriate phrase from the options given below to complete the following sentence.
    “India is a post-colonial country because”

    1. it was a former British colony
    2. Indian Information Technology professionals have colonized the world
    3. India does not follow any colonial practices
    4. India has helped other countries gain freedom


    it was a former British colony


    A country is called postcolonial if it came into existence after the colonies of the British and the Europeans were abolished and the countries then under their rule were declared independent. India was under the British colonial rule till 1947, i.e. it was a former British colony and thus is called a postcolonial country. So, A is the correct option.

  4. Who ___________ was coming to see us this evening?
    1. you said
    2. did you say
    3. did you say that
    4. had you


    did you say
  5. Match the columns.
       Column 1          Column 2
    1) eradicate       P) misrepresent
    2) distort         Q) soak completely
    3) saturate        R) use
    4) utilize         S) destroy utterly 
    1. 1:S, 2:P, 3:Q, 4:R
    2. 1:P, 2:Q, 3:R, 4:S
    3. 1:Q, 2:R, 3:S, 4:P
    4. 1:S, 2:P, 3:R, 4:Q


    1:S, 2:P, 3:Q, 4:R


    “eradicate” means “destroy utterly”
    “distort” matches with “misrepresent”
    “saturate” matches with “soak completely”
    “utilize” matches with “use”

  6. The old city of Koenigsberg, which had a German majority population before World War 2, is now called Kaliningrad. After the events of the war, Kaliningrad is now a Russian territory and has a predominantly Russian population. It is bordered by the Baltic Sea on the north and the countries of Poland to the south and west and Lithuania to the east respectively. Which of the statements below can be inferred from this passage?
    1. Kaliningrad was historically Russian in its ethnic make up
    2. Kaliningrad is a part of Russia despite it not being contiguous with the rest of Russia
    3. Koenigsberg was renamed Kaliningrad, as that was its original Russian name
    4. Poland and Lithuania are on the route from Kaliningrad to the rest of Russia


    Kaliningrad is a part of Russia despite it not being contiguous with the rest of Russia


    A is not true in the light of the given facts

    • A is incorrect because the First line says that Kaliningrad (Koenigsberg before war) had a majority of the German population before the war. So, it was historically German and not Russian.
    • B is correct as although Kaliningrad is not contiguous with the rest of Russia (being surrounded by countries of Poland in the south and west, Lithuania in the east and Baltic sea on the north), it has a predominantly Russian population.
    • C cannot be inferred from the passage as it is nowhere in the passage what the original Russian name of Koenigsberg was.
    • D is also not true because no data about the route is mentioned in the passage.

    So, B is the correct option

  7. The number of people diagnosed with dengue fever (contracted from the bite of a mosquito) in north India is twice the number diagnosed last year. Municipal authorities have concluded that measures to control the mosquito population have failed in this region. Which one of the following statements, if true, does not contradict this conclusion?
    1. A high proportion of the affected population has returned from neighbouring countries where dengue is prevalent
    2. More cases of dengue are now reported because of an increase in the Municipal Office’s administrative efficiency
    3. Many more cases of dengue are being diagnosed this year since the introduction of a new and effective diagnostic test
    4. The number of people with malarial fever (also contracted from mosquito bites) has increased this year


    The number of people with malarial fever (also contracted from mosquito bites) has increased this year


    • A contradicts the conclusion of the municipal authorities. So, A is not the correct choice.
    • B is an incorrect choice because there is no data in the passage relating the reporting of cases and the efficiency of the administrative capabilities of the municipal authorities.
    • C is also incorrect as it contradicts the conclusion of the municipal authorities.
    • D is the correct choice as both malarial fever and dengue fever are caused by mosquito bite. If dengue fever had increased because of some other reason other than that concluded by the municipal authorities, then there would not have been an increase in the people with malarial fever. This statement supports the conclusion of the municipal authorities.
  8. Select a word from the given options that fit the blank most appropriately.

    Statement: Birds ____ a feather flock together

    1. to
    2. with
    3. in
    4. of


  9. Select a word from the given options that fit the blank most appropriately.

    Statement: Don’t bite _____ hand that feeds you

    1. a
    2. at
    3. the
    4. within


  10. Select the correct SYNONYM for:

    1. Common
    2. Obstinate
    3. Same
    4. Jointly


  11. Select the correct SYNONYM for:

    1. Crafty
    2. Nearly
    3. Relevant
    4. Summary


  12. Select the correct ANTONYM for:

    1. Appear
    2. Dive
    3. Occur
    4. Emerge


  13. Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below to the complete the following sentence: His rather casual remarks on politics ___________ his lack of seriousness about the subject.
    1. masked
    2. belied
    3. betrayed
    4. suppressed




    There should be word like showed or revealed or betrayed.

  14. Which of the following options is closest in meaning to the word Circuitous.

    1. cyclic
    2. indirect
    3. confusing
    4. crooked


  15. Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below to complete the following sentence: If we manage to ____________ our natural resources, we would leave a better planet for our children.
    1. uphold
    2. restrain
    3. cherish
    4. conserve


  16. The question below consists of a pair of related words followed by four pairs of words. Select the pair that best expresses the relation in the original pair. Unemployed: Worker
    1. fallow: land
    2. unaware: sleeper
    3. wit: jester
    4. renovated: house


    fallow: land
  17. Modern warfare has changed from large scale clashes of armies to suppression of civilian populations. Chemical agents that do their work silently appear to be suited to such warfare; and regretfully, there exist people in military establishments who think that chemical agents are useful tools for their cause. Which of the following statements best sums up the meaning of the above passage:

    1. Modern warfare has resulted in civil strife.
    2. Chemical agents are useful in modern warfare.
    3. Use of chemical agents in warfare would be undesirable
    4. Use of chemical agents in warfare would be undesirable


    People in military establishments like to use chemical agents in war.


    Civil Strife means civil disorder, a term used to describe unrest caused by a group of people, which is not true in the light of the given passage. So, A is not the correct option. B is incorrect because there is no fact in the data justifying the use of chemical agents for warfare. C is also incorrect because it is mentioned in the second line that chemical agents appear to be suited for such warfare, which implies that they are desirable. It is mentioned in the last line that there exist people in military establishments who think that chemical agents are useful for warfare, which makes D correct.

  18. Which of the following options is the closest in meaning to the phrase underlined in the sentence below=> It is fascinating to see life forms cope with varied environmental conditions.
    1. adopt to
    2. adapt to
    3. adept in
    4. accept with


    adapt to


    In the above phrase, the underlined part is *cope with*. “Cope” – It’s a verb. Meaning – deal effectively with some difficulty. Example Sentence – “his ability to cope with stress” “adopt” – verb. Meaning – choose to take up or follow (an idea, method, or course of action). Sentence – “this approach has been adopted by many big banks” “adapt” – verb. Meaning – become adjusted to new conditions. sentence -“a large organization can be slow to adapt to change” “adept” – adjective Meaning – very skilled or proficient at something. Sentence – “she is adept at cutting through red tape” “accept” – verb Meaning – consent to receive or undertake (something offered). Sentence – “he accepted a pen as a present” Hence, only “adapt” goes right with the phrase described in the question.

  19. Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below to complete the following sentence. He could not understand the judges awarding her the first prize, because he thought that her performance was quite __________.
    1. superb
    2. medium
    3. mediocre
    4. exhilarating




    Here, superb and exhilarating would imply that the performance was brilliant. But, the fact that he could not understand why she got awarded the first prize indicates that her performance was not that amazing in his opinion. So, A and D are incorrect. Medium is more used as a noun, and denoted intermediate in quality, value, etc. So, B is incorrect Mediocre is used as an adjective (to represent quality) and means low in performance, i.e., normal and not extraordinary and C is the correct choice.

  20. Select the correct SYNONYM for:

    1. Common
    2. Still
    3. Nervous
    4. Angry


  21. Select the correct SYNONYM for:

    1. Calm
    2. Happy
    3. Mild
    4. Fierce


  22. Select the correct ANTONYM for:

    1. Acute
    2. Eager
    3. Hard
    4. Gentle

