IBPS Clerk Prelims Reasoning Question Paper 2019

Attempting previous year’s questions before the exam will always give you an idea about your preparation and boost your confidence. It also helps you plan your studies for the exam accordingly. Here is the memory-based question with the solution for IBPS Clerk prelims 2019.

Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions
Eight students M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, and T are sitting around a square table in such a way four of them sit at four corners while four sit in the middle of each of the four sides. The one who sits at the corners faces the centre and the others face outside. O is not an immediate neighbour of M.  M who faces the centre and sits third to the left of R. Q who faces the centre is not an immediate neighbour of R. Only one person sits between R and S. P sits second to the right of N. N faces the centre. 


M faces the centre and sits third to the left of R. It means M will sit in the corner and R will be on the side of the square table. Q who faces the centre is not an immediate neighbour of R. N faces the centre. This Means Q and N will be in the corner.

Only one person sits between R and S. P sits second to the right of N. O is not an immediate neighbour of M. 

The final arrangement will be : 



Q1. Which one does not belong to that group out of five?
(a) N
(b) O
(c) Q
(d) P
(e) M

Solution: b
O Does not belong to that group.

Q2. Who sits third to the right of S?
(a) T
(b) Q
(c) N
(d) R
(e) None of these

Solution: c
N sits third to the right of S.

Q3. What is the position of S with respect to O?
(a) Third to the right
(b) Second to the left
(c) Second to the right
(d) Fourth to the right
(e) None of these

Solution: d
Fourth to the right of S with respect to O.

Q4. Who sits third to the left of N?
(a) T
(b) M
(c) S
(d) R
(e) None of these

Solution: a
T sits third to the left of N

Q5. Which is true from the given arrangement?
(a) S faces the centre
(b) N faces outside
(c) T faces inside
(d) M faces the centre
(e) None of these 

Solution: d
M faces the centre is true.

Directions (6-8): In each of the following questions some statements are given and these statements are followed by two conclusions numbered (I) and (II). You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements, disregarding commonly known facts.
a) If only conclusion I follows
b) If only conclusion II follows
c) If either I or II follows
d) If neither I nor II follows
e) If both I and II follows

Q6. Statements:  
Every R are P. 
All O is G. 
No G is P. 
I. Few O are not R. 
II. Some G are R is a possibility. 

Solution: a
If only conclusion I follows


Q7. Statements: 
Some table is bat. 
Few fan are chair. 
All chair are bat. 
I. Some fan are bat. 
II. All fan can be table. 

Solution: e
If both I and II follow


Q8. Statement: 
All pencil are locks. 
A few cars are keys.
All locks are keys.
I. Some cars are not locks.
II. All Pencil can be Keys.

Solution: d
If neither I nor II follows


Directions (9-13): Study the given information carefully and answer the given questions:
Seven persons R, S, T, U, V, W and X are watching movies on different days of the week (starting on Monday and ending on Sunday) not necessarily in the same order. There is three days gap between the days on which W and R are going to watch a movie. S is going to watch a movie on Tuesday. W is going to watch a movie on the adjacent day of S.  X is going to watch a movie just after U. T is watching a movie before U but not just before. There are as many people watching movies between R and X, the same as between U and T. 



Q9. Who among the following is going to watch a movie on Wednesday?
a) V
b) T
c) W
d) S
e) None of these 

Solution: a
V is going to watch a movie on Wednesday.

Q10. Who among the following person is going to watch a movie just after R?
a) T
b) W
c) U
d) X
e) None of these 

Solution: c
U is going to watch a movie just after R.

Q11. If W and X interchange their days of watching movies, then on which day X is watching a movie?
a) Monday
b) Wednesday
c) Friday
d) Saturday
e) None of these

Solution: a
X is watching a movie on Monday. 

Q12. T is watching a movie on which day?
a) Friday
b) Saturday
c) Wednesday
d) Thursday
e) Tuesday

Solution: d
T is watching a movie on Thursday.

Q13. How many people are watching movies between S and R?
a) One
b) Three
c) Two
d) Four
e) None of these
Solution: c
Two people are watching a movie between S and R.

Directions (14-16): Study the given information carefully and answer the given questions:
Six persons D, F, G, H, K, and L are arranged according to their weights. G is heavier than H but lighter than F. F is not the heaviest. Only one person is heavier than D. H is not the lightest. D is heavier than K. Second heaviest person is 65kg and the second lightest person is 42kg.



Q14. Which of the following person is the second heaviest?
a) G  
b) F
c) D  
d) L
e) None of these

Solution: c
D is the second heaviest.

Q15. What is the possible weight of G?
a) 66kg  
b) 41kg
c) 61kg  
d) 68kg
e) 38kg 

Solution: c
61 is the possible weight of G.

Q16. Which of the following person is the lightest?
a) G  
b) K
c) D  
d) L
e) None of these

Solution: b
K is the lightest person.

Directions (17-21): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
There are seven persons i.e. M, N, O, P, Q, R and S. They all belong to the different cities i.e. Jaipur, Mumbai, Chennai, Kanpur, Lucknow, Surat, and Delhi but not necessarily in the same order. Neither M nor R belongs to Jaipur. N belongs to Surat. P belongs to Kanpur.  O does not belong to Jaipur and Lucknow. M does not belong to Lucknow and Chennai. S belongs to Mumbai. 



Q17. Who among the following belongs to Jaipur? 
a) M 
b) P
c) R
d) Q
e) None of these

Solution: d
Q belongs to Jaipur.

Q18. Which of the following statement is true? 
a) M belongs to Chennai
b) S belongs to Delhi
c) Q belongs to Jaipur
d) R belongs to Kanpur
e) None of these

Solution: c
Q belongs to Jaipur.

Q19. R belongs to which of the following City? 
a) Chennai
b) Mumbai
c) Delhi
d) Lucknow
e) None of these
Solution: d
R belongs to Lucknow City.

Q20. Which of the following combination is true? 
a) M-Delhi
b) P-Kanpur
c) Q-Jaipur 
d) All are correct
e) All are incorrect

Solution: d
All are Correct.

Q21. M belongs to which of the following city? 
a) Mumbai
b) Delhi
c) Jaipur
d) Chennai
e) None of these

Solution: b
M belongs to Delhi.

Directions (22-26): Following questions are based on the five words given below, Study the following words and answer the following questions.
CDR      LOK      TIS      GLS      RAE

Q22. How many meaningful English words can be formed from interchanging the first and third letters of each word given in the series?
a) One    
b) Two
c) Three   
d) Four
e) None of these

Solution: b
Two meaning English words (TIS and RAE) can be formed from interchanging first and third letters.

Q23. How many Vowels are there in the English alphabetical series between the first letter of the second word from the left end and the third letter of the second word from the right end?
a) One 
b) Two
c) Four  
d) Five
e) None of these 

Solution: a
One Vowel is there in the English alphabetical series between the first letter of the second word from the left end and the third letter of the second word from the right end.

Q24. If all the vowels are replaced by their succeeding alphabets and consonants are replaced by the preceding alphabet in the English alphabetical series in each word then how many words in the given series do not have any vowel?
a) One   
b) Two  
c) Three  
d) Four   
e) Five

Solution: e
Five words in the given series do not have any Vowels.

Q25. If in each of the words, all the alphabets are arranged in the reverse dictionary order of the English alphabet within the word, then which is the second letter of the third word from the right end in the new arrangement?
a) T   
b) S
c) C  
d) I
e) None 

Solution: b
S is the second letter of the third word from the right end in the new arrangement.

Q26. If each of the words is arranged in reverse order of the English alphabet, then which word is fourth from the right end in the new arrangement?
a) CDR   
b) LOK
c) TIS   
d) GLS
e) RAE

Solution: e
RAE is fourth from the right end in the new arrangement.

Directions (27-29): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Point O is 15m in the east of point R. Point P is 15 west of point Q.  Point M is 10m west of point N which is 15m north of point T. Point N is 15 m south of point O. Point Q is 5m east of point T. Point S is 15m north of point M. 



Q27. Point P is in which direction with respect to point M?
a) South
b) North
c) North East
d) West
e) None of these

Solution: a
Point P is in the South direction with respect to Point M.

Q28. Point R is in which direction with respect to point Q? 
a) North East
b) South West
c) South East 
d) North West
e) None of these

Solution: d
Point R is in North West direction with respect to Point Q.

Q29. In which direction and at what distance is point S from point O?
a) 10m, west
b) 5m, east
c) 10m, east
d) 5m, west
e) None of these

Solution: a
10m, west is point S from point O.

Q30. How many pairs of letters are there in the word ‘MOBILES’ (both backward and forward), each of which has as many letters between them as in the word as there are in the English alphabet?


a) One 
b) Three
c) Four
d) Five
e) None of these

Solution: b
Three pairs of letters in the word.

Direction (31-35): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
Twelve persons are sitting in two parallel rows at equal distances facing each other. U, V, W, X, Y, and Z, are sitting in Row 1 facing south. J, K, L, M, N and O are sitting in Row 2 facing north (but not necessarily in the same order).
N sits to the immediate left of O. O sits third to the right of J and one of them sits at the end of the row. Two persons sit between N and K. W sits at the right end of the row. Three persons sit between W and Z. K who faces X sits to the immediate right of M. U sits to the immediate left of Y. Y faces L. 



Q31. Which of the following pair sits at the extreme ends of Row 2?
a) J & M
b) O & M
c) O & K
d) J & K
e) None of these

Solution: d
J & K pair sits at the extreme ends of the Row.

Q32. Who sits second to the left of the person facing V?
a) L
b) J
c) N
d) K
e) O

Solution: a
L sits second to the left of the person facing V.

Q33. What is the position of U with respect to X?
a) Third to the left
b) Second to the left
c) Second to the right
d) Third to the right
e) None of these

Solution: d
Third to the right position of U with respect to X.

Q34. Who is facing N?
a) Z
b) U
c) W
d) Y
e) None of these

Solution: b
U is facing N.

Q35. Who sits immediate left of the person facing X?
a) L
b) O
c) N
d) M
e) K

Solution: d
M sits immediate left of the person facing X.