IBPS PO Prelims English Question Paper 2020

 IBPS conducts various banks exams like IBPS Clerk, IBPS PO, IBPS SO etc. to encourage Recruitment of young talent in various National Public Sector Banks. These exams are conducted to fill 4-5K vacancies every year.  

When we talk about IBPS PO exam, it is conducted for the Recruitment of “Probationary Officer” in the various Public sector banks of India. IBPS PO Notification 2022 will be released in August/September 2022,  It will be a golden opportunity for those, who want to serve in Public Sector Banks.  

In this article, we have provided “Memory Based English Paper of IBPS PO Prelims 2020”, to give you an idea of current syllabus and pattern of IBPS PO and score good marks in the exam.  

For more practice read our other articles related to it.                                                                     

IBPS PO Prelims 2020- Memory Based

Directions (1-4): In the given question, three words are printed in bold and are named A, B, and C. Find the correct sequence of the words to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct. In case the given sentence is correct, choose ‘None of these’.

Q1. The issues (A) of disagreeing on new (B) of governance, philosophy, or life itself is not something idea (C).  

(a) BAC

(b) None of these

(c) CAB

(d) BCA

(e) ACB


Sol.  Here, the first word should be ‘idea’ as it indicates ‘idea of something that is ‘idea of disagreeing’. Second word should be ‘issues’ should come as different issues are mentioned ahead. In the end, ‘new’ should come.  

The idea of disagreeing on issues of governance, philosophy, or life itself is not something new.

Q2. Sufis unfolded (A) that through activating certain believe (B) in the heart, its hidden treasure is points (C), bringing enlightenment, peace and closeness to God.

(a) CBA

(b) BAC

(c) ACB

(d) None of these

(e) BCA


Sol. The sequence should be ‘BCA’ as at A, first word should be ‘believe’ as the context is Sufis has faith in something and for the context of ‘faith’ ‘believe’ should come. The second word should be ‘points’ as author wanted to show some ‘points’ in the heart and the last word should be ‘unfolded’ as ‘hidden treasure gets unfolded’

Sufis believe that through activating certain points in the heart, its hidden treasure is unfolded, bringing enlightenment, peace and closeness to God.

Q3. Some goals (A) define life’s achievements (B) in terms of material people (C), while others would say they want happiness.

(a) None of these

(b) CAB

(c) ABC

(d) BCA

(e) CBA


Sol. The first word should be ‘people’ as it is people who define, the second word should be ‘goals’ as it is the ‘goals’ that are being defined by ‘people’ and in the end ‘achievements’ should be used.  

Some people define life’s goals in terms of material achievements, while others would say they want happiness.

Q4. Gandhi’s repeated thought (A) on service to all human beings from all traditions of emphasis (B) was the essence (C) of his non-violent democratic theory.

(a) ABC

(b) ACB

(c) CAB

(d) BAC

(e) None of these


Sol. The sequence should be ‘BAC’. With the context of repeated ‘emphasis’ should be used and after that ‘thought’ should be used.  

Directions (5-7): In the questions below, a sentence has been given with some of its part in bold. Replace the bold part with the correct alternative given below to make the sentence grammatically and idiomatically correct. If the sentence is correct, mark the option ‘no replacement required’ as the answer.

Q5. A lorry had assumingly collide with a cart.

(a) awfully smashed  

(b) allegedly bumped

(c) artificially gained

(d) evidently collided    

(e) No replacement required


Sol. With helping verb ‘had’, ‘collided’ should be used which is to be followed by an adverb ‘assumingly’. All other verb does not give the correct meaning.  

Q6. The political leaders makes false promise about reduction in tariff.

(a) would make policies dubious

(b) made false promises

(c) promise are made false  

(d) has made promise falsely  

(e) No replacement required  


Sol. With politicians the verb should be either plural or in past tense. Since the plural verb is not given thus, we should choose option C. Modal ‘would’ could have been used but with Would 1st form of verb should be used.  

Q7. Youngsters experience self-independent when they can willing engage time and energy to their studies.  

(a) merrily focus  

(b) completely jump  

(c) readily pour

(d) willingly devote

(e) None of these


Sol.  The structure of infinitive is ‘to +v1’, thus with that ‘to devote’ should be used. And before engage ‘willingly’ as an adverb should be used. We don’t engage time and energy but we devote our time and energy.  

With time, the correct word is ‘devote’ instead of ‘pour’.  

Directions (8-12): In each of the questions given below, a sentence has been divided into FIVE parts. Rearrange the parts of the sentence to make a grammatically correct and contextually meaningful statement.


(A) protest and the complete boycott of politicians

(B) protesting farmer announced

(C) which will also cover an indefinite “rail roko”

(D) that they are going to

(E) expand their protest from next week,

(a) CBDAE  

(b) BDECA  



(e) No rearrangement required  


Sol.  The sequence of the statement is: BDECA. The sentence should be “Protesting farmer announced that they are going to expand their protest from next week, which will also cover an indefinite “rail roko protest and the complete boycott of politicians.”

Q9. (A) ‘Me Too’ are intensified by  

(B) movement itself is an outcome of

(C) the failure of due process

(D) the debates surrounding

(E) the fact that the  

(a) BDCEA  



(d) DACEB  

(e) No rearrangement required


Sol.  The sequence of the statement is: “DAEBC”. The sentence should be “the debates surrounding ‘Me Too’ are intensified by the fact that the movement itself is an outcome of the failure of due process.”

Q10. (A) the total number of cases

(B) in the district in the past 12 hours taking

(C) the latest report released by municipal health department.  

(D) to 4,50,000, according to

(E) Almost 5000 new variant of COVID cases were reported

(a) CBDEA  

(b) DEABC  

(c) EBADC  


(e) No rearrangement required

10. Ans.(c)  

Sol. The sequence of the statement is: EBADC. The sentence should be “Almost 5000 new variant of COVID cases were reported in the district in the past 12 hours taking the total number of cases to 4,50,000, according to the latest report released by municipal health department.


(A) the appeal of CBI and ED

(B) former Telecom Minister A. Raja and others

(C) against the 2G case judgement which acquitted

(D) the session Court allowed

(E) for an early hearing on its leave to appeal


(b) CBDAE  



(e) No rearrangement required


Sol. The sequence of the statement is: DAECB. The sentence should be ‘the session Court allowed the appeal of CBI and ED for an early hearing on its leave to appeal against the 2G case judgement which acquitted former Telecom Minister A. Raja and others’

Q12. (A) Jharkhand Government made an announcement  

(B) that would empower tribal and other  

(C) vicinity of forest areas

(D) traditional forest dwelling families  

(E) to construct their homes in the  


(b) DEBAC  


(d) BADEC  

(e) No rearrangement required


Sol. The sequence of the statement is: ABDEC. The sentence is “Jharkhand Government made an announcement that would empower tribal and other traditional forest dwelling families to construct their homes in the vicinity of forest areas”

Directions (13-22): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words have been printed in bold to help you locate them, while answering some of the questions.  

Women have been fighting a tough and uphill battle for equal opportunities in the Indian Army. In a landmark judgment in February 2020, the Supreme Court asked the Government to abide by its own policy and grant permanent commission to women in the Short Service Commission and give them command postings in all services other than combat. In The Secretary, Ministry of Defence vs Babita Puniya & Others, the top court pointed out that women had played a “significant role” in the army since their induction in 1992 and extending permanent commission to women SSC officers “is a step forward in recognising and realising the right of women to equality of opportunity in the Army”. Despite the stringent verdict, _______________ issues remain in the Army, and women have gone back to court to sort out the issues. Another step towards ensuring that women get an equal opportunity, as laid down by the Constitution, has been taken on Wednesday, when the Court passed an interim order allowing women to appear for the National Defence Academy entrance exam on September 5. Till now, women could join the Army through the Indian Military Academy and the Officers Training Academy. The directive allows girls who clear the exam to study at the NDA and then at the IMA or the naval and air force academies and become commissioned officers.

The directive is subject to further orders from the Court, and the case has been posted for hearing again on September 8. When Additional Solicitor-General Aishwarya Bhati, appearing for the Government and the Indian Army, told the Court that it was a policy decision not to allow women to take the NDA exam, the Bench, of Justices Sanjay Kishan Kaul and Hrishikesh Roy, said it was based on “gender discrimination”, directing the Centre and the Army to take a constructive view. The Bench pointed out that closing a route of entry for women to join the Army was discriminatory. The ruling came on a writ petition filed by Kush Kalra seeking permission for women to sit for the NDA entrance exam. Mr. Kalra argued that Articles 14, 15, 16 and 19 of the Constitution, which uphold the values of equality and allow equal, non-discriminatory opportunities at work, were being violated by denying eligible women the opportunity. Though the legal route has helped overcome some of the hurdles, it will be a long haul before gender parity is fully achieved in the Army. In that context, the Prime Minister’s Independence Day announcement that girls will be granted admission in the Sainik Schools is a welcome move towards preparing them for an equal role and life in the military.

Q13. What is the tone of the passage?  

(a) Embarrassed  

(b) Farcical

(c) commiserating

(d) Grim

(e) Partial

Ans (e)

Sol. The tone of the passage is partial because the context of the passage is women was not allowed to join army before.  

Embarrassed: this tone tends to showing embarrassment.

Farcical: very silly, unlikely, or unreasonable, often in a way that is humorous:

commiserating: express or feel sympathy or pity; sympathize.

Grim: very serious or gloomy.

Impartial: this tone is used to show something not partial or biased

Q14.  How women used to join army before the recent court’s ruling?

(I) Women had to first appear for National Defence Academy entrance exam followed up the SSB and interview.  

(II) Till now, women could join the Army through the Indian Military Academy and the Officers Training Academy.  

(III) Women were not allowed to join armed forces except being appointed as SSC officers.  

(a) Only I

(b) Only II

(c) Both I and III

(d)  I, II and III

(e) All of the above

Ans (b)

Sol. “B” is correct.

The last statement of the 1st paragraph states that “Till now, women could join the Army through the Indian Military Academy and the Officers Training Academy. The directive allows girls who clear the exam to study at the NDA and then at the IMA or the naval and air force academies and become commissioned officers.”

Thus statement II is correct as per the passage. Hence, option B is correct.  

Q15. Which of the following cannot be correctly inferred from the passage?

I. Extending permanent commission to women SSC officers is regarded as a step forward in recognising and realising the right of women to equality of opportunity in the Army.  

II.  Though the verdict has been given by court, women still had to back to court to sort out the issues regarding the gender discrimination that is prevalent in the armed forces.  

III. The Court has passed an interim order to allow women to appear for the NDA entrance exam, post clearing, they will study at the NDA and then at the IMA the naval and air force academies.  

(a) Only I

(b) Only II

(c) Both I and II

(d)  Only III

(e) All of the above

Ans (b)

Sol. Refer to the 7th  and 10th statement of the 1st paragraph “In The Secretary, Ministry of Defence vs Babita Puniya & Others, the top court pointed out that women had played a “significant role” in the army since their induction in 1992 and extending permanent commission to women SSC officers “is a step forward in recognising and realising the right of women to equality of opportunity in the Army”.” “Another step towards ensuring that women get an equal opportunity, as laid down by the Constitution, has been taken on Wednesday, when the Court passed an interim order allowing women to appear for the National Defence Academy entrance exam on September 5.”

II cannot be inferred from the paragraph because as it is not mentioned in the passage.  

Thus, only II is the correct answer.  

Q16. Which of the statements is true with respect to the passage given?

(a) The NDA, in its present structure, is not meant to admit women cadets. But the women will certainly be better trained at the NDA due to the rigorous training modules.  

(b) Immediately implementing the ruling of the Supreme Court would be a difficult task, mainly due to the administrative and infrastructural aspects.  

(c) There are several women civilian academic officers who are permanent faculty members at the NDA and a number of women officers from the tri-services regularly come on deputations to teach academic or service subjects.

(d) For the time being, the directive has been released by court to appear for the NDA exam, the ruling is also subject to further orders from the Court and the case has been posted for hearing again on September 8.  

 Ans (d)

Sol. “D” is correct.  

Only Option D is mentioned in the passage, refer to 1st statement of the 2nd paragraph “The directive is subject to further orders from the Court, and the case has been posted for hearing again on September 8. When Additional Solicitor-General Aishwarya Bhati, appearing for the Government and the Indian Army, told the Court that it was a policy decision not to allow women to take the NDA exam”.  

Q17.  What is a landmark judgment given by Supreme court in February 2020?  

(I) The judgement is about granting permanent commission to women in the Short Service Commission.  

(II) Supreme court in its verdict asked govt to give women command postings in all services other than combat.  

(III) The top court mandated that woman will also have to play a significant role in the army on the basis of gender equality.  

(a) Only I

(b) Both II and III  

(c) Only III

(d)  Both I and II

(e) All of the above

Ans (d)

Sol. “D” is correct.  

Only III is incorrect as the supreme court has not mandated but it has asked govt to consider women officers in army.  

Statements I and II are correct, refer to 1st statement of the 1st paragraph. “Women have been fighting a tough and uphill battle for equal opportunities in the Indian Army. In a landmark judgment in February 2020, the Supreme Court asked the Government to abide by its own policy and grant permanent commission to women in the Short Service Commission and give them command postings in all services other than combat.”

Q18. Which of the following can be said about women with reference to the given passage?  

(I) Women had played a significant role in the army since their induction in 1992.  

(II) Women have been fighting a tough and uphill battle for equal opportunities in the Indian Army.  

(III) Articles 14, 15, 16 and 19 of the Constitution, which uphold the values of equality and allow equal, non-discriminatory opportunities at work, were being violated by denying eligible women the opportunity.  

(a) Only I

(b) Only II

(c) Both I and II

(d) Only III

(e) All of the above

Ans (e)

Sol. “E” is correct.  

All of the above are correct.  

For the 1st statement, refer to “In The Secretary, Ministry of Defence vs Babita Puniya & Others, the top court pointed out that women had played a “significant role” in the army since their induction in 1992 and extending permanent commission to women SSC officers “is a step forward in recognising and realising the right of women to equality of opportunity in the Army”.”

For the 2nd statement, refer to “Women have been fighting a tough and uphill battle for equal opportunities in the Indian Army.”

For the 3rd statement, refer to “Mr. Kalra argued that Articles 14, 15, 16 and 19 of the Constitution, which uphold the values of equality and allow equal, non-discriminatory opportunities at work, were being violated by denying eligible women the opportunity.”

Q19. Which of the statements is untrue with respect to the passage given?

(a) Additional Solicitor-General Aishwarya Bhati seems to be in favor of letting women give NDA exam as he stated that it was a policy decision to allow women to take the NDA exam.  

(b) The ruling came on a writ petition filed by Kush Kalra seeking permission for women to sit for the NDA entrance exam.  

(c) Though some of the hurdles has been overcome through the legal route, it will take some time before gender parity is fully achieved in the Army.  

(d) Everything has to be taken step by step – development for women in the Armed Forces has been gradual but very firm and the government has planned very well on what is the way forward.

(e) None of these.  

Ans (d)


A is untrue as Additional Solicitor-General Aishwarya Bhati was not in favor of letting women give NDA exam. Refer to “When Additional Solicitor-General Aishwarya Bhati, appearing for the Government and the Indian Army, told the Court that it was a policy decision not to allow women to take the NDA exam, the Bench, of Justices Sanjay Kishan Kaul and Hrishikesh Roy, said it was based on “gender discrimination”, directing the Centre and the Army to take a constructive view.”

The mentioning of “Gender parity in the Army is happening at a slow pace” , “stringent verdict” and “pointing out that women to get extended permanent commission as SSC officers” make the option D correct.  

Q20. Which of the following is the SIMILAR in meaning to the given word as used in the passage?


(a) contingency  

(b) prejudice  

(c) judicious  

(d) partisan  

(e) uniformity

Ans. (e)

Sol. “uniformity” is correct.

Contingency:  a future event or circumstance which is possible but cannot be predicted with certainty.

Prejudice:  preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.

Judicious:   having, showing, or done with good judgement or sense.

Partisan:  a strong supporter of a party, cause, or person.

Q21. Which of the following can fill the blank given in the passage?

(a) seismic  

(b) systematic  

(c) systemic

(d) semantic  

(e) None of these.    

Ans (c)

Sol. “systemic” is correct word to fill the blank as it means being related to system. Thus, option C is correct.  

Seismic: relating to earthquakes or other vibrations of the earth and its crust.  

Systematic:  done or acting according to a fixed plan or system; methodical.

Systemic: relating to a system, especially as opposed to a particular part.

Semantic: relating to meaning in language or logic.

Q22. Which of the following is the OPPOSITE in meaning to the given word as used in the passage?


(a) Impediments

(b) Tamed  

(c) Sanguine

(d) Buoyed

(e) Perks

Ans. (e)


Impediments: Hurdles

Tamed: to domesticate:  

Sanguine: optimistic  

Buoyed: to uplift

Perks: a benefit or assistance  

Directions (23-27): In the following passage, some of the words have been left out, each of which is indicated by a letter. Find the suitable word from the options given against each letter and fill up the blanks with appropriate words to make the paragraph meaningful.

Gaseous refinery products __________________ (23) hydrogen, fuel gas, ethane, propane, and butane. Most of the hydrogen is consumed in refinery desulfurization facilities, which ____________ (24) hydrogen sulfide from the gas stream and then separate that compound into elemental hydrogen and sulfur and then delivered to the refinery fuel system. Refinery fuel gas varies in __________________(25)  but usually contains a significant amount of methane; it has a heating value ________________(26) to natural gas and is consumed in plant operations. The drawback is that periodic variability in heating value makes it __________________ (27) for delivery to consumer gas systems.  

Q23. (a) includes

(b) requires

(c) based  

(d) brand  

(e) form


Sol. when ‘refinery’ is context, then with ‘refinery products ‘includes’ is the correct word as the refinery products includes the above-mentioned products. All other words fail to give contextually correct meaning.  

Q24. (a) forge

(b) remove  

(c) resume  

(d) refine  

(e) demonstrate



Since the context is of separation which mentioned later in the statement, thus ‘remove’ is the correct word to choose.  

Q25. (a) theme

(b) configuration

(c) sizes  

(d) composition

(e) formation


Sol. It has nothing to do with ‘formation’ but with the composition as it means the amount of something in mixture. Thus option D is the correct answer.  

Q26. (a) similar

(b) acceptable

(c) contrary

(d) related  

(e) identical


Sol. Since ‘refinery fuel gas’ has significant amount of methane, it must have heating value similar to natural gas. “Identical to” will be incorrect as ‘identical’ means exactly replica of something which will be incorrect.  

Q27. (a) necessary

(b) satisfactory  

(c) mandatory  

(d) useful  

(e) unsuitable  


Sol. Since drawback is mentioned, thus the connotation is negative so as per the context ‘unsuitable’ is the appropriate word to choose.  

Directions (28-30): There are three sentences given in each question. Find the sentence(s) which is/are grammatically correct and mark your answer choosing the best possible alternative among the five options given below each question. If all the sentences are correct, choose (e) as your answer.


I. The market has made lot of progress in a short time

II. by creating diversity councils, appointing chief diversity

III. officers and developing special programs for underrepresented groups

(a) Only I

(b) Only I and III

(c) Only II and III

(d) Only III

(e) All are correct

Ans (a)

Sol. In I,  either make ‘a lot of ‘or ‘lots of’ because “a lot of” = lots of,


I. Looking ahead to the end of the pandemic is not confined to the UK,

II. and as the vaccine rollout proceeds, people from the world are turning

III. their attention to celebrate and relief.

(a) Only II

(b) Only I and III

(c) Only II and III

(d) Only III

(e) All are correct

Ans (c)


In II, replace “from” with ‘across’.  

people will be obviously from the world, the more appropriate will be “across”, which shows people from one part of the world to another.

In III, “celebrate” should be replaced with ‘celebration’ as ‘to’ after ‘attention’ is a preposition.  


I. Even before COVID-19,

II. the British high street will be undergoing

III. slow and painful decline.

(a) Only II

(b) Only I and III

(c) Only II and III

(d) Only III

(e) All are correct

Ans (a)


In II, “will be” should be replaced with ‘was” as the time of past is given.