IES University Campus Experience

My college journey at IES University began in 2022, filled with excitement and eager anticipation. Pursuing a B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering, I embarked on a journey filled with promise and opportunities.

About the Campus:

IES University offers a spacious campus with essential facilities like a hospital, library, and research centres. The abundance of greenery enhances the peaceful atmosphere, creating an ideal environment for studying and personal growth. While it may not be considered a top-tier university, it provides all the necessary amenities for students and maintains a beautiful green campus conducive to learning.

First-Year Experience:

Starting college was a fresh start, even though everything was pretty normal. I got introduced to new subjects in my classes, and my teachers were really helpful. Lab sessions and discussions helped me grasp concepts better.

Once I got to campus, life got hectic. I had to juggle classes, clubs, and friendships all at once. It wasn’t easy, but it taught me how to manage my time wisely. I learned to prioritize important tasks, use my time efficiently, and still have some fun.

College wasn’t just about studying; it was about finding a good balance. Whether I was burning the midnight oil to study, attending club meetings, or just hanging out with friends, each experience helped me become more organized and resilient.

Second-Year Experience:

I’ve been having a blast joining various activities and workshops. This year has been unforgettable, and I’ve been doing pretty well in my exams.

Getting involved in hackathons and festivals has made my college journey even more thrilling. These events aren’t just for enjoyment; they’re chances to apply what I’ve learned in class to real-life situations.

During hackathons, I’ve teamed up with friends to tackle problems using coding and problem-solving skills. Even if things don’t always go smoothly, I’ve learned the importance of perseverance and teamwork. And hey, I’m still learning and growing every day!