IIM Rohtak Admission Experience

Date: 10th Feb 2020, Forenoon slot

Location: Novotel, Kolkata

Profile: 10/12/Grad: 88/80/84, GEM (BTech, CSE, 22 months IT Experience)

CAT Percentile: 97.8

Written Ability Test

  • Topic: Mistakes are portals of discovery.

Wrote decently.

Personal Interview: 2 panellists, both male

P2: was not there at the start.

P1: I will give you a topic…think for 1 min speak for 2 mins. Your topic is ‘Black and white’

Me: Black is the absence of all colours while white is the presence of all colours. Also mentioned about Newton’s ring experiment.

Black and white are often used as two contrasting concepts such as in chess, carrom.

Black is often related to something which is not holy or evil while white is the opposite. Before the advent of coloured pictures or videos, all were only black and white. (P2 interrupts)

P2: Name 3 freedom fighters from South India.

Me: (Thought for a while) Don’t know sir.

P2: Does the equator pass through India?

Me: No

P2: Are you sure?

Me: Yes sir. The Equator is below India.

P2: Does the tropic of cancer pass through India?

Me: Yes sir

P2: Capricorn?

Me: No sir

P2: Does the equator pass through Africa?

Me: Yes sir

P2: Capricorn?

Me: No sir but I am not sure. (Actually, it passes)

P2: Why is Sahara a desert?

Me: Due to the continental type of climate, large areas of barren land, presence of sand dunes.

P2: Those are characteristics of a desert. How is a desert formed?

Me: Desert literally means large stretches of barren land which are infertile and devoid of any vegetation. And those are formed due to the continental climate there.

P1: Longest serving President of India?

Me: I can take a guess but not sure.

P1: No guesses.

P1: You are working in Cognizant. Are you not satisfied?

Me: Yes…

P1: Then why MBA?

Me: I want to start a payments firm and hence…

P1: So start now…

Me: For that, I need the functional knowledge of both domains technical and business…I am looking for business knowledge from an MBA…

P1: What is the effect of…(signals P2 to go ahead)

P2: What is quick sort?

Me: Mentioned the partition method being at the core of quick sort. Explained how the partition method tries to place an element at a position such that elements to the left are smaller than it and to the right are greater than it.

Okay, we are done. Thanks

Lasted for about 5-7 mins.

Verdict: Rejected