IIT Bombay Admission Experience For PHD

Hi, I want to share my experience with phd IIT Bombay Department Cminds first of all they will shortlist students for written tests on the basis of gate scores and the procedure of the written test and interview process is very smooth.

I applied for cminds in the spring semester and I was shortlisted for a written test at IIT Bombay. there is a written test of gate pattern mcq, msg, nat.

Full question paper I uploaded on YouTube https://youtu.be/Dq6fTv8b6i8?si=vQeS-_V_PJ431O7y

This is a question paper for IIT Bombay Cminds I cleared the written test and there is an interview that happened after 2 -3 days I got an email from the IIT Bombay Cminds department that you are shortlisted for an interview the interview is for 30 minutes.

They asked me first to introduce myself and asked about my college name and project and they asked me so many questions about my project on AI radio

Then another professor asked me how to identify whether the language was regular or not.

  • Define computer science.
  • Tell me the rule of why languages are regular.
  • Why do you want to direct phd you don’t want to do a master’s?
    Then I answered I remember only this question.

This is my experience of phd iit bombay.