IIT Bombay Internship Program Preparation Experience

Preparing for the highly esteemed IIT Bombay internship program was an enlightening expedition that demanded meticulous planning and dedicated effort. Drawing from the wealth of knowledge acquired during my college education in computer science, I embarked on a methodical preparation odyssey to ensure a compelling application and a rewarding internship experience.

Utilization of College Learning Materials

Data Structures and Algorithms Revisitation

  • Delved into course textbooks such as “Algorithm Design Manual” by Steven S. Skiena to reinforce fundamental data structures and algorithms.
  • Engaged in solving challenging problems from past assignments and assessments to solidify conceptual understanding.
  • Leveraged online platforms like CodeSignal and HackerEarth for targeted practice sessions and exposure to diverse problem-solving scenarios.

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Review

  • Revisited lecture notes and programming projects from OOP courses to refresh knowledge of core principles.
  • Undertook hands-on coding exercises and mini-projects to strengthen proficiency in inheritance, polymorphism, and abstraction.
  • Consulted supplementary resources such as “Effective Java” by Joshua Bloch to refine coding style and grasp advanced OOP concepts.

Additional Strategic Steps

In-depth Exploration of Internship Program Details

  • Thoroughly researched past internship experiences shared by alumni or participants to gain insights into the program’s structure and expectations.
  • Analyzed the research areas and project descriptions offered by different departments or research groups at IIT Bombay to align my interests with available opportunities effectively.

Strategic Networking and Mentorship

  • Actively engaged with alumni or senior peers who had previously interned at IIT Bombay, seeking valuable advice and guidance.
  • Cultivated relationships with professors or researchers within the computer science domain to seek mentorship and gain exposure to ongoing research endeavors.


By harnessing the power of college learning materials and implementing a well-structured preparation strategy, I fortified my candidacy for the IIT Bombay internship program. The comprehensive review of essential computer science concepts, complemented by proactive research and networking initiatives, not only fortified my application but also primed me for a transformative internship experience at one of India’s premier academic institutions.