IIT-JEE 2021 Exam Experience

I will never forget taking the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) in 2021. The COVID-19 pandemic added a whole new layer of difficulty, making it a rollercoaster ride of highs and lows, missed turns, and ultimately, some unexpected acceptance. This story dives into the real, unfiltered journey of my JEE experience and the valuable lessons I learned, even though the prestigious IITs and NITs didn’t end up being my path. I got 96.5 percentile in JEE MAIN and 24K rank in JEE ADVANCED.

Journey of my JEE and Covid Impact:-

The upheaval of the COVID-19 pandemic threw our lives into disarray and completely transformed how education was delivered. With online coaching becoming the new standard, I had to adapt to a completely virtual learning environment. At first, this switch was incredibly tough, and my focus faltered, causing me to put off really digging in for a while.

As the pandemic showed no signs of abating, our coaching institute finally called us for limited offline sessions in December. It was then that I realized the gravity of the situation and the urgency to catch up with the syllabus. The ticking clock became my constant companion, and the race against time began.

It hit me like a ton of bricks how important focusing on my JEE prep was. Starting late was tough, and the pressure of missing out on amazing colleges was real. But instead of getting stuck in regret mode, I decided to put my head down and make the most of the time I had remaining.. I discovered that shared struggles can foster deep connections. New people entered my life, and together, we formed a supportive circle of friends who uplifted one another during tough times.

Amid the challenging days of preparation, we found solace in each other’s company. Late-night study sessions turned into moments of laughter and shared stories. Our conversations ranged from discussing complex mathematical problems to delving into our dreams and aspirations and you know what that what the best time of my life !!!

The JEE prep wasn’t quite what I’d hoped for score-wise, but it brought some amazing things along the way. I made some truly special friends and discovered how much we can learn and grow from going through challenges together. While the IITs/NITs weren’t in the cards this time, I’m genuinely at peace with that because of the positive experiences I gained.

The JEE exam was an eye-opening experience that taught me invaluable lessons about life, resilience, and embracing imperfection. I am grateful for the opportunity to grow and evolve through the challenges I faced. I knew i am not going to get admission in IIT but i learned a great lesson of hardwork. As I step forward into the future, I carry with me a renewed sense of purpose and the knowledge that success is not limited to academic achievements alone.

So the conclusion is:-

The 2020-2021 threw everything at us: emotional ups and downs, a ton of unknowns, and a chance to learn a lot about ourselves. While cracking the JEE for a top school didn’t happen for me, I came out of it feeling stronger and with a much clearer idea of what I want from life. The pandemic made me realize that it’s perfectly fine to not be perfect, that setbacks are a part of the journey, and that success can look however you define it.

For anyone else in a similar boat, here’s the message for you: don’t sweat starting late or having to take a different route. Embrace your own path, learn from every experience, and find happiness by chasing your passions, not someone else’s idea of success. Life is full of amazing moments, and the things you learn along the way will make you who you’re meant to be.