Illustrator VS GIMP

We’re entering in a brand new dynamic generation of pictures and digital data as our brain can interpret pics a lot faster than text which is why pictures can communicate a product, carrier, or emblem immediately. Additionally, snapshots provide depth and context to a description or tale and offer a much greater immersive experience than writing alone. This is the reason for creating a large number of graphic creation and editing software. The two mostly used software are Illustrator and GIMP which are capable of creating different types of images for different purposes so we will compare them for their capabilities.

Gimp is open-supply image manipulation and photograph editing tool used by designers and photographers. It is an effective, unfastened application that is amateur-friendly, with excellent features we could use for retouching, enhancing, cropping, and merging pics. It is prepared with tools for image enhancement, noise discount, color adjustment, cropping, customizable brushes, gradients, and extras. Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis is their original author.

Advantages of GIMP

  • It offers Automated Batch Processing capabilities.
  • Installation process is easy and straight-forward.
  • It allows adding new scripts as per requirements.
  • It has a massive community that provides top support.

Limitations of GIMP

  • It is not suitable for professional users.
  • It is not available for mobile devices.

Adobe Illustrator is a vector snap shots editor and layout software developed and marketed via Adobe Inc. at the start designed for the Apple Macintosh. It contains a wide range of tools and features to make different types of images including vector images. It was built with the help of ActionScript and C++ languages. PC Magazine marked illustrator as the best graphic editing application in the year 2018.

Advantages of Illustrator

  • It supports multiple layers for multiple objects.
  • It allows access to adobe stock images.
  • Objects can be easily created using a direct selection tool.
  • It has spell-check functionality.

Disadvantages of Illustrator

  • It consumes more RAM as compared to other graphic editors.
  • The file size is more due to vector output.

Following is a table of differences between GIMP and Illustrator:




Definition     It is used for editing free-form and raster images. It is computer software for creating, editing, and manipulating free-form, raster, and vector images.
Price It is free of cost. Its price starts at $20.99 per month.
Developer(s)             GIMP development team, Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis are core people credited for GIMP development. It was developed by Adobe Incorporation.
Official site Its official site is Its official site is
Written in It is written using the C programming language. C++ and ActionScript programming languages are used in writing Illustrator.
Integrations It does not support integrations. It supports various integrations like Canto, Paymo, Hightail, etc.
Features Some of the features of gimp are image designing, editing, color gradient, etc. Some of the features of illustrator are Document Imaging, Fashion Illustrations, Collaboration, etc.
File Saving It uses XCF file format as default to save files. Its files are saved with the .ai extension.


Now that you recognize the important difference between how GIMP and Illustrator create and edit digital snap shots, you could likely already start to wager which application is better in your particular challenge. For novice users GIMP is the best thing to start with while for professionals Illustrator is the right choice.