imag() function in C++

The imag() function is defined in the complex header file. The imag() function is used to find the imaginary part of the complex number.


template<class T> T 
    imag(const complex<T>& z);

Parameter: This method takes a mandatory parameter z: which represents the given complex number.

Return: It returns the imaginary part of the complex number.

Below programs illustrate the above function:-

Example 1:-

// C++ program to demonstrate
// example of imag() function.
#include <bits/stdC++.h>
using namespace std;
// Driver function
int main()
    // defines the complex number: (20.3 + 4.9i)
    complex<double> imagpart(20.3, 4.9);
    // print the complex number
    cout << "Complex Number = "
         << imagpart << endl;
    // prints the imag part using the imag function
    cout << "Imag part of the complex number is ="
         << imag(imagpart) << endl;
    return 0;


Complex Number = (20.3,4.9)
Imag part of the complex number is =4.9

Example 2:-

// C++ program to demonstrate
// example of imag() function.
#include <bits/stdC++.h>
using namespace std;
// driver function
int main()
    // defines the complex number: (2 + 2i)
    complex<double> imagpart(2, 2);
    // print the complex number
    cout << "Complex Number = "
         << imagpart << endl;
    // prints the imag part using the imag function
    cout << "Imag part of the complex number is ="
         << imag(imagpart) << endl;
    return 0;


Complex Number = (2,2)
Imag part of the complex number is =2