Image Compression using Huffman Coding

Huffman coding is one of the basic compression methods, that have proven useful in image and video compression standards. When applying Huffman encoding technique on an Image, the source symbols can be either pixel intensities of the Image, or the output of an intensity mapping function.

Prerequisites :


The first step of Huffman coding technique is to reduce the input image to a ordered histogram, where the probability of occurrence of a certain pixel intensity value is as

 prob_pixel = numpix/totalnum



is the number of occurrence of a pixel with a certain intensity value and


is the total number of pixels in the input Image. Let us take a 8 X 8 Image

The pixel intensity values are :

This image contains 46 distinct pixel intensity values, hence we will have 46 unique Huffman code words. It is evident that, not all pixel intensity values may be present in the image and hence will not have non-zero probability of occurrence. From here on, the pixel intensity values in the input Image will be addressed as leaf nodes. Now, there are 2 essential steps to build a Huffman Tree :

  1. Build a Huffman Tree :
    1. Combine the two lowest probability leaf nodes into a new node.
    2. Replace the two leaf nodes by the new node and sort the nodes according to the new probability values.
    3. Continue the steps (a) and (b) until we get a single node with probability value 1.0. We will call this node as root
  2. Backtrack from the root, assigning ‘0’ or ‘1’ to each intermediate node, till we reach the leaf nodes

In this example, we will assign ‘0’ to the left child node and ‘1’ to the right one. Now, let’s look into the implementation :

Step 1 :

Read the Image into a 2D array



) If the Image is in


format, then the Image can be read into the 2D array, by using this code given in this




int i, j;
char filename[] = "Input_Image.bmp";
int data = 0, offset, bpp = 0, width, height;
long bmpsize = 0, bmpdataoff = 0;
int** image;
int temp = 0;
// Reading the BMP File
FILE* image_file;
image_file = fopen(filename, "rb");
if (image_file == NULL)
    printf("Error Opening File!!");
    // Set file position of the
    // stream to the beginning
    // Contains file signature
    // or ID "BM"
    offset = 0;
    // Set offset to 2, which
    // contains size of BMP File
    offset = 2;
    fseek(image_file, offset, SEEK_SET);
    // Getting size of BMP File
    fread(&bmpsize, 4, 1, image_file);
    // Getting offset where the
    // pixel array starts
    // Since the information
    // is at offset 10 from
    // the start, as given
    // in BMP Header
    offset = 10;
    fseek(image_file, offset, SEEK_SET);
    // Bitmap data offset
    fread(&bmpdataoff, 4, 1, image_file);
    // Getting height and width of the image
    // Width is stored at offset 18 and height
    // at offset 22, each of 4 bytes
    fseek(image_file, 18, SEEK_SET);
    fread(&width, 4, 1, image_file);
    fread(&height, 4, 1, image_file);
    // Number of bits per pixel
    fseek(image_file, 2, SEEK_CUR);
    fread(&bpp, 2, 1, image_file);
    // Setting offset to start of pixel data
    fseek(image_file, bmpdataoff, SEEK_SET);
    // Creating Image array
    image = (int**)malloc(height * sizeof(int*));
    for (i = 0; i < height; i++)
        image[i] = (int*)malloc(width * sizeof(int));
    // int image[height][width]
    // can also be done
    // Number of bytes in the
    // Image pixel array
    int numbytes = (bmpsize - bmpdataoff) / 3;
    // Reading the BMP File
    // into Image Array
    for (i = 0; i < height; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < width; j++)
            fread(&temp, 3, 1, image_file);
            // the Image is a
            // 24-bit BMP Image
            temp = temp & 0x0000FF;
            image[i][j] = temp;


Create a Histogram of the pixel intensity values present in the Image


// Creating the Histogram
int hist[256];
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
    hist[i] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < height; i++)
    for (j = 0; j < width; j++)
        hist[image[i][j]] += 1;


Find the number of pixel intensity values having non-zero probability of occurrence

Since, the values of pixel intensities range from 0 to 255, and not all pixel intensity values may be present in the image (as evident from the histogram and also the image matrix) and hence will not have non-zero probability of occurrence. Also another purpose this step serves, is that the number of pixel intensity values having non-zero probability values will give us the number of leaf nodes in the Image.


// Finding number of
// non-zero occurrences
int nodes = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
    if (hist[i] != 0)
        nodes += 1;


Calculating the maximum length of Huffman code words

As shown by




in their paper

“Maximal codeword lengths in Huffman codes”

, that, If

1/F_{K+3} " title="Rendered by" height="27" width="137" style="vertical-align: 26px;">

, then in any efficient prefix code for a source whose least probability is p, the longest codeword length is at most K & If

, there exists a source whose smallest probability is p, and which has a Huffman code whose longest word has length K. If

, there exists such a source for which every optimal code has a longest word of length K. Here,

is the

Fibonacci number.

Gallager [1] noted that every Huffman tree is efficient, but in fact it is easy to see more
generally that every optimal tree is efficient

Fibonacci Series is : 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, … In our example, lowest probability(p) is 0.015625 Hence,

 1/p = 64

For K = 9,
F(K+2) = F(11) = 55
F(K+3) = F(12) = 89


1/F(K+3) < p < 1/F(K+2)
Hence optimal length of code is K=9


// Calculating max length
// of Huffman code word
i = 0;
while ((1 / p) < fib(i))
int maxcodelen = i - 3;



// Function for getting Fibonacci
// numbers defined outside main
int fib(int n)
    if (n <= 1)
        return n;
    return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);


Step 2

Define a struct which will contain the pixel intensity values



), their corresponding




), the


to the left(


) and right(



child nodes

and also the string array for the Huffman code word(


). These structs is defined inside


, so as to use the maximum length of code(


) to declare the


array field of the struct



// Defining Structures pixfreq
struct pixfreq
    int pix;
    float freq;
    struct pixfreq *left, *right;
    char code[maxcodelen];


Step 3

Define another Struct which will contain the pixel intensity values



), their corresponding




) and an additional field, which will be used for storing the


of new generated






// Defining Structures huffcode
struct huffcode
    int pix, arrloc;
    float freq;


Step 4

Declaring an array of structs

. Each element of the array corresponds to a node in the Huffman Tree.


// Declaring structs
struct pixfreq* pix_freq;
struct huffcode* huffcodes;


Why use two struct arrays?

Initially, the struct array


, as well as the struct array


will only contain the information of all the leaf nodes in the Huffman Tree. The struct array


will be used to store all the nodes of the Huffman Tree and the array


will be used as the updated (and sorted) tree. Remember that, only


will be sorted in each iteration, and not


The new nodes created by combining two nodes of lowest frequency, in each iteration, will be appended to the end of the


array, and also to


array. But the array


will be sorted again according to the probability of occurrence, after the new node is added to it. The position of the new node in the array


will be stored in the


field of the



. The


field will be used when assigning the pointer to the left and right child of a new node.

Step 4 continued…

Now, if there are


number of leaf nodes, the total number of nodes in the whole Huffman Tree will be equal to


And after two nodes are combined and replaced by the new

parent node

, the number of nodes decreases by


at each iteration. Hence, it is sufficient to have a length of


for the array


, which will be used as the updated and sorted Huffman nodes.


int totalnodes = 2 * nodes - 1;
pix_freq = (struct pixfreq*)malloc(sizeof(struct pixfreq) * totalnodes);
huffcodes = (struct huffcode*)malloc(sizeof(struct huffcode) * nodes);


Step 5

Initialize the two arrays




with information of the leaf nodes.


j = 0;
int totpix = height * width;
float tempprob;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
    if (hist[i] != 0)
        // pixel intensity value
        huffcodes[j].pix = i;
        pix_freq[j].pix = i;
        // location of the node
        // in the pix_freq array
        huffcodes[j].arrloc = j;
        // probability of occurrence
        tempprob = (float)hist[i] / (float)totpix;
        pix_freq[j].freq = tempprob;
        huffcodes[j].freq = tempprob;
        // Declaring the child of
        // leaf node as NULL pointer
        pix_freq[j].left = NULL;
        pix_freq[j].right = NULL;
        // initializing the code
        // word as end of line
        pix_freq[j].code[0] = '&#092;&#048;';


Step 6

Sorting the


array according to the

probability of occurrence

of the

pixel intensity values

Note that, it is necessary to sort the


array, but not the


array, since we are already storing the location of the pixel values in the


field of the




// Sorting the histogram
struct huffcode temphuff;
// Sorting w.r.t probability
// of occurrence
for (i = 0; i < nodes; i++)
    for (j = i + 1; j < nodes; j++)
        if (huffcodes[i].freq < huffcodes[j].freq)
            temphuff = huffcodes[i];
            huffcodes[i] = huffcodes[j];
            huffcodes[j] = temphuff;


Step 7

Building the Huffman Tree

We start by combining the two nodes with lowest probabilities of occurrence and then replacing the two nodes by the new node. This process continues until we have a


node. The first parent node formed will be stored at index


in the array


and the subsequent parent nodes obtained will be stored at higher values of index.


// Building Huffman Tree
float sumprob;
int sumpix;
int n = 0, k = 0;
int nextnode = nodes;
// Since total number of
// nodes in Huffman Tree
// is 2*nodes-1
while (n < nodes - 1)
    // Adding the lowest
    // two probabilities
    sumprob = huffcodes[nodes - n - 1].freq + huffcodes[nodes - n - 2].freq;
    sumpix = huffcodes[nodes - n - 1].pix + huffcodes[nodes - n - 2].pix;
    // Appending to the pix_freq Array
    pix_freq[nextnode].pix = sumpix;
    pix_freq[nextnode].freq = sumprob;
    pix_freq[nextnode].left = &pix_freq[huffcodes[nodes - n - 2].arrloc];
    // arrloc points to the location
    // of the child node in the
    // pix_freq array
    pix_freq[nextnode].right = &pix_freq[huffcodes[nodes - n - 1].arrloc];
    pix_freq[nextnode].code[0] = '&#092;&#048;';
    // Using sum of the pixel values as
    // new representation for the new node
    // since unlike strings, we cannot
    // concatenate because the pixel values
    // are stored as integers. However, if we
    // store the pixel values as strings
    // we can use the concatenated string as
    // a representation of the new node.
    i = 0;
    // Sorting and Updating the huffcodes
    // array simultaneously New position
    // of the combined node
    while (sumprob <= huffcodes[i].freq)
    // Inserting the new node in
    // the huffcodes array
    for (k = nnz; k >= 0; k--)
        if (k == i)
            huffcodes[k].pix = sumpix;
            huffcodes[k].freq = sumprob;
            huffcodes[k].arrloc = nextnode;
        else if (k > i)
            // Shifting the nodes below
            // the new node by 1
            // For inserting the new node
            // at the updated position k
            huffcodes[k] = huffcodes[k - 1];
    n += 1;
    nextnode += 1;


How does this code work?

Let’s see that by an example:


After the First Iteration

As you can see, after first iteration, the new node has been appended to the


array, and it’s index is 46. And in the


the new node has been added at its new position after sorting, and the


points to the index of the new node in the


array. Also, notice that, all array elements after the new node (at index 11) in


array has been shifted by 1 and the array element with pixel value 188 gets excluded in the updated array. Now, in the next(2nd) iteration 170 and 174 will be combined, since 175 and 188 has already been combined. Index of the lowest two nodes in terms of the variable








In 2nd iteration, value of n is 1 (since n starts from 0). For node having value 170


For node having value 174


Hence, even if 175 remains the last element of the updated array, it will get excluded. Another thing to notice in this code, is that, if in any subsequent iteration, the new node formed in the first iteration is the child of another new node, then the pointer to the new node obtained in the first iteration, can be accessed using the


stored in


array, as is done in this line of code


pix_freq[nextnode].right = &pix_freq[huffcodes[nodes - n - 1].arrloc];


Step 8

Backtrack from the root to the leaf nodes to assign code words

Starting from the root, we assign ‘0’ to the left child node and ‘1’ to the right child node. Now, since we were appending the newly formed nodes to the array


, hence it is expected that the root will be the last element of the array at index


. Hence, we start from the last index and iterate over the array, assigning code words to the left and right child nodes, till we reach the first parent node formed at index


. We don’t iterate over the leaf nodes since those nodes has NULL pointers as their left and right child.


// Assigning Code through backtracking
char left = '0';
char right = '1';
int index;
for (i = totalnodes - 1; i >= nodes; i--) {
    if (pix_freq[i].left != NULL) {
        strconcat(pix_freq[i].left->code, pix_freq[i].code, left);
    if (pix_freq[i].right != NULL) {
        strconcat(pix_freq[i].right->code, pix_freq[i].code, right);



void strconcat(char* str, char* parentcode, char add)
    int i = 0;
    while (*(parentcode + i) != '&#092;&#048;') {
        *(str + i) = *(parentcode + i);
    str[i] = add;
    str[i + 1] = '&#092;&#048;';


Final Step

Encode the Image


// Encode the Image
int pix_val;
// Writing the Huffman encoded
//  Image into a text file
FILE* imagehuff = fopen("encoded_image.txt", "wb");
for (r = 0; r < height; r++)
    for (c = 0; c < width; c++) {
        pix_val = image[r];
        for (i = 0; i < nodes; i++)
            if (pix_val == pix_freq[i].pix)
                fprintf(imagehuff, "%s", pix_freq[i].code);
// Printing Huffman Codes
printf("Huffmann Codes::\n\n");
printf("pixel values ->   Code\n\n");
for (i = 0; i < nodes; i++) {
    if (snprintf(NULL, 0, "%d", pix_freq[i].pix) == 2)
        printf("     %d      -> %s\n", pix_freq[i].pix, pix_freq[i].code);
        printf("    %d      -> %s\n", pix_freq[i].pix, pix_freq[i].code);


Another important point to note

Average number of bits required to represent each pixel.


// Calculating Average number of bits
float avgbitnum = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nodes; i++)
    avgbitnum += pix_freq[i].freq * codelen(pix_freq[i].code);


The function


calculates the length of codewords OR, the number of bits required to represent the pixel.


int codelen(char* code)
    int l = 0;
    while (*(code + l) != '&#092;&#048;')
    return l;


For this specific example image

Average number of bits = 5.343750

The printed results for the example image

    pixel values -> Code
72 -> 011001
75 -> 010100
79 -> 110111
83 -> 011010
84 -> 00100
87 -> 011100
89 -> 010000
93 -> 010111
94 -> 00011
96 -> 101010
98 -> 101110
100 -> 000101
102 -> 0001000
103 -> 0001001
105 -> 110110
106 -> 00110
110 -> 110100
114 -> 110101
115 -> 1100
118 -> 011011
119 -> 011000
122 -> 1110
124 -> 011110
125 -> 011111
127 -> 0000
128 -> 011101
130 -> 010010
131 -> 010011
136 -> 00111
138 -> 010001
139 -> 010110
140 -> 1111
142 -> 00101
143 -> 010101
146 -> 10010
148 -> 101011
149 -> 101000
153 -> 101001
155 -> 10011
163 -> 101111
167 -> 101100
169 -> 101101
170 -> 100010
174 -> 100011
175 -> 100000
188 -> 100001

Encoded Image :


This encoded Image is


bits in length, where as the total number of bits in the original image is


bits. (64 pixels each of 8 bits). Image Compression Code]


= add;
str[i + 1] = '&amp;#092;&amp;#048;';
str[i] = '&amp;#092;&amp;#048;';

// function to find fibonacci number
int fib(int n)
if (n &lt;= 1)
return n;
return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);

// Driver code
int main()
int i, j;
char filename[] = &quot;Input_Image.bmp&quot;;
int data = 0, offset, bpp = 0, width, height;
long bmpsize = 0, bmpdataoff = 0;
int** image;
int temp = 0;

// Reading the BMP File
FILE* image_file;

image_file = fopen(filename, &quot;rb&quot;);
if (image_file == NULL)
printf(&quot;Error Opening File!!&quot;);

// Set file position of the
// stream to the beginning
// Contains file signature
// or ID &quot;BM&quot;
offset = 0;

// Set offset to 2, which
// contains size of BMP File
offset = 2;

fseek(image_file, offset, SEEK_SET);

// Getting size of BMP File
fread(&amp;bmpsize, 4, 1, image_file);

// Getting offset where the
// pixel array starts
// Since the information is
// at offset 10 from the start,
// as given in BMP Header
offset = 10;

fseek(image_file, offset, SEEK_SET);

// Bitmap data offset
fread(&amp;bmpdataoff, 4, 1, image_file);

// Getting height and width of the image
// Width is stored at offset 18 and
// height at offset 22, each of 4 bytes
fseek(image_file, 18, SEEK_SET);

fread(&amp;width, 4, 1, image_file);

fread(&amp;height, 4, 1, image_file);

// Number of bits per pixel
fseek(image_file, 2, SEEK_CUR);

fread(&amp;bpp, 2, 1, image_file);

// Setting offset to start of pixel data
fseek(image_file, bmpdataoff, SEEK_SET);

// Creating Image array
image = (int**)malloc(height * sizeof(int*));

for (i = 0; i &lt; height; i++)
image[i] = (int*)malloc(width * sizeof(int));

// int image[height][width]
// can also be done
// Number of bytes in
// the Image pixel array
int numbytes = (bmpsize - bmpdataoff) / 3;

// Reading the BMP File
// into Image Array
for (i = 0; i &lt; height; i++)
for (j = 0; j &lt; width; j++)
fread(&amp;temp, 3, 1, image_file);

// the Image is a
// 24-bit BMP Image
temp = temp &amp; 0x0000FF;
image[i][j] = temp;

// Finding the probability
// of occurrence
int hist[256];
for (i = 0; i &lt; 256; i++)
hist[i] = 0;
for (i = 0; i &lt; height; i++)
for (j = 0; j &lt; width; j++)
hist[image[i][j]] += 1;

// Finding number of
// non-zero occurrences
int nodes = 0;
for (i = 0; i &lt; 256; i++)
if (hist[i] != 0)
nodes += 1;

// Calculating minimum probability
float p = 1.0, ptemp;
for (i = 0; i &lt; 256; i++)
ptemp = (hist[i] / (float)(height * width));
if (ptemp &gt; 0 &amp;&amp; ptemp &lt;= p)
p = ptemp;

// Calculating max length
// of code word
i = 0;
while ((1 / p) &gt; fib(i))
int maxcodelen = i - 3;

// Defining Structures pixfreq
struct pixfreq
int pix, larrloc, rarrloc;
float freq;
struct pixfreq *left, *right;
char code[maxcodelen];

// Defining Structures
// huffcode
struct huffcode
int pix, arrloc;
float freq;

// Declaring structs
struct pixfreq* pix_freq;
struct huffcode* huffcodes;
int totalnodes = 2 * nodes - 1;
pix_freq = (struct pixfreq*)malloc(sizeof(struct pixfreq) * totalnodes);
huffcodes = (struct huffcode*)malloc(sizeof(struct huffcode) * nodes);

// Initializing
j = 0;
int totpix = height * width;
float tempprob;
for (i = 0; i &lt; 256; i++)
if (hist[i] != 0)

// pixel intensity value
huffcodes[j].pix = i;
pix_freq[j].pix = i;

// location of the node
// in the pix_freq array
huffcodes[j].arrloc = j;

// probability of occurrence
tempprob = (float)hist[i] / (float)totpix;
pix_freq[j].freq = tempprob;
huffcodes[j].freq = tempprob;

// Declaring the child of leaf
// node as NULL pointer
pix_freq[j].left = NULL;
pix_freq[j].right = NULL;

// initializing the code
// word as end of line
pix_freq[j].code[0] = '&amp;#092;&amp;#048;';

// Sorting the histogram
struct huffcode temphuff;

// Sorting w.r.t probability
// of occurrence
for (i = 0; i &lt; nodes; i++)
for (j = i + 1; j &lt; nodes; j++)
if (huffcodes[i].freq &lt; huffcodes[j].freq)
temphuff = huffcodes[i];
huffcodes[i] = huffcodes[j];
huffcodes[j] = temphuff;

// Building Huffman Tree
float sumprob;
int sumpix;
int n = 0, k = 0;
int nextnode = nodes;

// Since total number of
// nodes in Huffman Tree
// is 2*nodes-1
while (n &lt; nodes - 1)

// Adding the lowest two probabilities
sumprob = huffcodes[nodes - n - 1].freq + huffcodes[nodes - n - 2].freq;
sumpix = huffcodes[nodes - n - 1].pix + huffcodes[nodes - n - 2].pix;

// Appending to the pix_freq Array
pix_freq[nextnode].pix = sumpix;
pix_freq[nextnode].freq = sumprob;
pix_freq[nextnode].left = &amp;pix_freq[huffcodes[nodes - n - 2].arrloc];
pix_freq[nextnode].right = &amp;pix_freq[huffcodes[nodes - n - 1].arrloc];
pix_freq[nextnode].code[0] = '&amp;#092;&amp;#048;';
i = 0;

// Sorting and Updating the
// huffcodes array simultaneously
// New position of the combined node
while (sumprob &lt;= huffcodes[i].freq)

// Inserting the new node
// in the huffcodes array
for (k = nodes-1; k &gt;= 0; k--)
if (k == i)
huffcodes[k].pix = sumpix;
huffcodes[k].freq = sumprob;
huffcodes[k].arrloc = nextnode;
else if (k &gt; i)

// Shifting the nodes below
// the new node by 1
// For inserting the new node
// at the updated position k
huffcodes[k] = huffcodes[k - 1];

n += 1;
nextnode += 1;

// Assigning Code through
// backtracking
char left = '0';
char right = '1';
int index;
for (i = totalnodes - 1; i &gt;= nodes; i--)
if (pix_freq[i].left != NULL)
strconcat(pix_freq[i].left-&gt;code, pix_freq[i].code, left);
if (pix_freq[i].right != NULL)
strconcat(pix_freq[i].right-&gt;code, pix_freq[i].code, right);

// Encode the Image
int pix_val;
int l;

// Writing the Huffman encoded
// Image into a text file
FILE* imagehuff = fopen(&quot;encoded_image.txt&quot;, &quot;wb&quot;);
for (i = 0; i &lt; height; i++)
for (j = 0; j &lt; width; j++)
pix_val = image[i][j];
for (l = 0; l &lt; nodes; l++)
if (pix_val == pix_freq[l].pix)
fprintf(imagehuff, &quot;%s&quot;, pix_freq[l].code);

// Printing Huffman Codes
printf(&quot;Huffmann Codes::\n\n&quot;);
printf(&quot;pixel values -&gt; Code\n\n&quot;);
for (i = 0; i &lt; nodes; i++) {
if (snprintf(NULL, 0, &quot;%d&quot;, pix_freq[i].pix) == 2)
printf(&quot; %d -&gt; %s\n&quot;, pix_freq[i].pix, pix_freq[i].code);
printf(&quot; %d -&gt; %s\n&quot;, pix_freq[i].pix, pix_freq[i].code);

// Calculating Average Bit Length
float avgbitnum = 0;
for (i = 0; i &lt; nodes; i++)
avgbitnum += pix_freq[i].freq * codelen(pix_freq[i].code);
printf(&quot;Average number of bits:: %f&quot;, avgbitnum);

Code Compilation and Execution :

First, save the file as “


“. For compiling the C file, Open terminal (Ctrl + Alt + T) and enter the following line of code :

gcc -o huffman huffman.c

For executing the code enter


Image Compression Code Output :

Huffman Tree :