Image-to-Image Translation using Pix2Pix

Pix2pix GANs were proposed by researchers at UC Berkeley in 2017. It uses a conditional Generative Adversarial Network to perform the image-to-image translation task (i.e. converting one image to another, such as facades to buildings and Google Maps to Google Earth, etc. 


The pix2pix uses conditional generative adversarial networks (conditional-GAN) in its architecture. The reason for this is even if we train a model with a simple L1/L2 loss function for a particular image-to-image translation task, this might not understand the nuances of the images.


U-Net architecture

The architecture used in the generator was U-Net architecture. It is similar to Encoder-Decoder architecture except for the use of skip-connections in the encoder-decoder architecture. Skip connections are used because when the encoder downsamples the image, the output of the encoder contains more information about features and classification of class but lost the low-level features like spatial arrangement of the object of that class in the image, so skip connections between  encoder and decoder layers prevent this problem of losing low-level features.

  • Encoder Architecture: The Encoder network of the Generator network has seven convolutional blocks. Each convolutional block has a convolutional layer, followed by a LeakyRelu activation function (with a slope of 0.2 in the paper). Each convolutional block also has a batch normalization layer except the first convolutional layer.
  • Decoder Architecture: The Decoder network of the Generator network has seven Transpose convolutional blocks. Each upsampling convolutional block (Dconv) has an upsampling layer, followed by a convolutional layer, a batch normalization layer, and a ReLU activation function.
  • The generator architecture contains skip connections between each layer i and layer n − i, where n is the total number of layers. Each skip connection simply concatenates all channels at layer i with those at layer n − i.


Patch GAN discriminator

The discriminator uses Patch GAN architecture, which also uses Style GAN architecture. This PatchGAN architecture contains a number of Transpose convolutional blocks. This PatchGAN architecture takes an NxN part of the image and tries to find whether it is real and fake. This discriminator is applied convolutionally across the whole image, averaging it to generate the result of the discriminator D.

Each block of the discriminator contains a convolution layer, batch norm layer, and LeakyReLU. This discriminator receives two inputs:

  • The input image and Target Image (which discriminator should classify as real)
  • The input image and Generated Image (which they should classify as fake).

The PatchGAN is used because the author argues that it will be able to preserve high-frequency details in the image, with low-frequency details that can be focused by L1-loss.

Generator Loss: The generator loss used in the paper is the linear combination of L1- loss between generated image, target image, and GAN loss as we define above.  

Our generated loss will be:

Therefore, our total loss for generator

Discriminator Loss: The discriminator loss takes two inputs real image and generated image: 

  • real_loss is a sigmoid cross-entropy loss of the real images and an array of ones(since these are the real images).
  • generated_loss is a sigmoid cross-entropy loss of the generated images and an array of zeros(since these are the fake images)
  • The total loss is the sum of the real_loss and generated_loss.


First, we download and preprocess the image dataset. We will use the CMP Facade dataset that was provided Czech Technical University and processed by the authors of the pix2pix paper. We will preprocess the dataset before training.



# import necessary packages
import tensorflow as tf
import os
import time
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from IPython import display
# install tensorboard ! pip install -U tensorboard
# download dataset
URL = "
https: // / projects / pix2pix / datasets / facades.tar.gz & quot
path_to_zip = tf.keras.utils.get_file('facades.tar.gz',
PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path_to_zip), 'facades/')
# Define Training variable
# load the images from dataset
def load(image_file):
    image =
    image = tf.image.decode_jpeg(image)
    w = tf.shape(image)[1]
    w = w // 2
    real_image = image[:, :w, :]
    input_image = image[:, w:, :]
    input_image = tf.cast(input_image, tf.float32)
    real_image = tf.cast(real_image, tf.float32)
    return input_image, real_image
# resize the images to provided width and height
def resize(input_image, real_image, height, width):
    input_image = tf.image.resize(input_image, [height, width],
    real_image = tf.image.resize(real_image, [height, width],
    return input_image, real_image
function to stack(input, real) images and apply random crop on them to crop
to(256, 256)
def random_crop(input_image, real_image):
    stacked_image = tf.stack([input_image, real_image], axis=0)
    cropped_image = tf.image.random_crop(
        stacked_image, size=[2, IMG_HEIGHT, IMG_WIDTH, 3])
    return cropped_image[0], cropped_image[1]
Before training, we need to perform random jittering on the dataset
According to the paper, this random jittering contains 3 steps
-- & gt
Resize the image to bigger size
-- & gt
Random crop the image to target size of model
-- & gt
Random Flip on the images
def random_jitter(input_image, real_image):
    # resizing to 286 x 286 x 3
    input_image, real_image = resize(input_image, real_image, 286, 286)
    # randomly cropping to 256 x 256 x 3
    input_image, real_image = random_crop(input_image, real_image)
    if tf.random.uniform(()) & gt
        # random mirroring
        input_image = tf.image.flip_left_right(input_image)
        real_image = tf.image.flip_left_right(real_image)
    return input_image, real_image


Now, we load train, and test data using the function we defined above.



# function to Load image from train data
On train data, we performed random jitter and normalize,
but since we don't need any augmentation on test_data, we just resize it
def load_image_train(image_file):
    input_image, real_image = load(image_file)
    input_image, real_image = random_jitter(input_image, real_image)
    input_image, real_image = normalize(input_image, real_image)
    return input_image, real_image
# function to Load images from test data
def load_image_test(image_file):
    input_image, real_image = load(image_file)
    input_image, real_image = resize(input_image, real_image,
                                     IMG_HEIGHT, IMG_WIDTH)
    input_image, real_image = normalize(input_image, real_image)
    return input_image, real_image
# apply the above load_images_train function on train data
train_dataset ='train/*.jpg')
train_dataset =,
train_dataset = train_dataset.shuffle(BUFFER_SIZE)
train_dataset = train_dataset.batch(BATCH_SIZE)
# apply the above load_images_test function on test data
test_dataset ='test/*.jpg')
test_dataset =
test_dataset = test_dataset.batch(BATCH_SIZE)


After performing data processing, Now, we write the code for generator architecture. This generator block contains 2 parts encoder block and decoder block. The encoder block contains a downsampling convolution block and the decoder block contains an upsampling transpose convolution block.

Generator architecture

Now we define our architecture for the discriminator. The discriminator architecture uses a PatchGAN model. For this architecture, we can use the above downsampling convolution block we defined. The loss of the discriminator is the sum of real loss (sigmoid cross-entropy b/w real image and array of 1s) and generated loss (sigmoid cross-entropy b/w generated image and an array of 0s).



# code for discriminator architecture
FOr more details look into architecture section
def Discriminator():
    initializer = tf.random_normal_initializer(0., 0.02)
    inp = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=[256, 256, 3], name='input_image')
    tar = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=[256, 256, 3], name='target_image')
    # (batch_size, 256, 256, channels * 2)
    x = tf.keras.layers.concatenate([inp, tar])
    down1 = downsample(64, 4, False)(x)  # (batch_size, 128, 128, 64)
    down2 = downsample(128, 4)(down1)  # (batch_size, 64, 64, 128)
    down3 = downsample(256, 4)(down2)  # (batch_size, 32, 32, 256)
    zero_pad1 = tf.keras.layers.ZeroPadding2D()(down3)  # (batch_size, 34, 34, 256)
    conv = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(512, 4, strides=1,
                                  use_bias=False)(zero_pad1)  # (batch_size, 31, 31, 512)
    batchnorm1 = tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization()(conv)
    leaky_relu = tf.keras.layers.LeakyReLU()(batchnorm1)
    zero_pad2 = tf.keras.layers.ZeroPadding2D()(
        leaky_relu)  # (batch_size, 33, 33, 512)
    last = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(1, 4, strides=1,
                                  kernel_initializer=initializer)(zero_pad2)  # (batch_size, 30, 30, 1)
    return tf.keras.Model(inputs=[inp, tar], outputs=last)
# define discriminator loss function
disc_ce_loss = tf.keras.losses.BinaryCrossentropy(from_logits=True)
def discriminator_loss(disc_real_output, disc_generated_output):
    real_loss = disc_ce_loss(tf.ones_like(disc_real_output), disc_real_output)
    generated_loss = disc_ce_loss(tf.zeros_like(
        disc_generated_output), disc_generated_output)
    total_disc_loss = real_loss + generated_loss
    return total_disc_loss
discriminator = Discriminator()
tf.keras.utils.plot_model(discriminator, show_shapes=True)


Discriminator Architecture

In this step, we define optimizers and checkpoints. We will use Adam optimizer in both generator discriminator.



# define generator and discriminator architecture
generator_optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(2e-4, beta_1=0.5)
discriminator_optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(2e-4, beta_1=0.5)
# Create the model checkpoint
checkpoint_dir = './train_checkpoints'
checkpoint_prefix = os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, & quot
                                 ckpt & quot
checkpoint = tf.train.Checkpoint(generator_optimizer=generator_optimizer,


Now, we define the training procedure. The training procedure consists of the following steps:

  • For each example input, we passed the image as input to the generator to get the generated image.
  • The discriminator receives the input_image and the generated image as the first input. The second input is the input_image and the target_image.
  • Next, we calculate the generator and the discriminator loss.
  • Then, we calculate the gradients of loss with respect to both the generator and the discriminator variables(inputs) and apply those to the optimizer.



# Define training procedure
import datetime
log_dir = "
summary_writer = tf.summary.create_file_writer(
    log_dir + "
    + quot
                                        % Y % m % d-% H % M % S & quot
def train_step(input_image, target, epoch):
    with tf.GradientTape() as gen_tape, tf.GradientTape() as disc_tape:
        gen_output = generator(input_image, training=True)
        disc_real_output = discriminator([input_image, target], training=True)
        disc_generated_output = discriminator(
            [input_image, gen_output], training=True)
        gen_total_loss, gen_gan_loss, gen_l1_loss = generator_loss(
            disc_generated_output, gen_output, target)
        disc_loss = discriminator_loss(disc_real_output, disc_generated_output)
    generator_gradients = gen_tape.gradient(gen_total_loss,
    discriminator_gradients = disc_tape.gradient(disc_loss,
    with summary_writer.as_default():
        tf.summary.scalar('gen_total_loss', gen_total_loss, step=epoch)
        tf.summary.scalar('gen_gan_loss', gen_gan_loss, step=epoch)
        tf.summary.scalar('gen_l1_loss', gen_l1_loss, step=epoch)
        tf.summary.scalar('disc_loss', disc_loss, step=epoch)
def fit(train_ds, epochs, test_ds):
    for epoch in range(epochs):
        % time
        for example_input, example_target in test_ds.take(1):
            generate_images(generator, example_input, example_target)
        print( & quot
              Epoch: & quot
              , epoch)
        # Train
        for n, (input_image, target) in train_ds.enumerate():
            train_step(input_image, target, epoch)
        # saving (checkpoint) the model every 10 epochs
        if (epoch + 1) % 10 == 0:
fit(train_dataset, EPOCHS, test_dataset)


Now, we use the generator of the trained model on test data to generate the images.



# code to plot results
def generate_images(model, test_input, tar):
    prediction = model(test_input, training=True)
    plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15))
    display_list = [test_input[0], tar[0], prediction[0]]
    title = ['Input Image', 'Ground Truth', 'Predicted Image']
    for i in range(3):
        plt.subplot(1, 3, i + 1)
        # getting the pixel values between [0, 1] to plot it.
        plt.imshow(display_list[i] * 0.5 + 0.5)
for inputs, tar in test_dataset.take(5):
    generate_images(generator, inputs, tar)

