Impact of free open Source Software in ERP Implementation

Prerequisite – ERP Implementation Life-Cycle
Free open-source software sometimes called Open Source or Free Software. It is software that is licensed to be free to use, modify, and distribute.

Everyone is free to use, copy, study, and openly share the source code so that people volunteer themselves to improve the design of the software. For example Firefox, OpenOffice, VLC Media Player, Linux, etc.

Impacts of Free Open Source Software in ERP Implementation :

  1. Open Source Softwares are mostly high-quality software. Also, it’s source code is available freely, well-designed, efficient and everyone can use it freely. These reasons make open source software an ideal choice for an organization. So this would have great impact on ERP implementation of an Organization.
  2. IT managers in organizations face frustration when dealing with Vendor Lock-In because the cost of Switching to a different vendor is high for ERP Implementation, also Expensive license fees, less portability and other disadvantages. So open source software gives organization more freedom and can effectively handle all the disadvantages.
  3. Linux and open-source software can be easily scaled. With varied options for load balancing, and open source applications, like email and, so an organization can enable to either scale up and achieve higher growth or consolidate and achieve more with less.
  4. An organization will get abundant support in ERP Implementation from Open Source Software. As Open Source Software is mostly free and also provide free online help (also varied level of paid support), provide maintenance and support to the organization. So this would have great impact on growth of ERP system of an Organization.
  5. Open Source Software minimizes the expenses of an Organization because when an organization is using Open Source Software ,they would no longer worry about licenses. Open Source Software enables them to install it several times and allow to use it from any location.
  6. Open Source Software becomes disadvantageous sometimes because of quality and accessibility of support can be very limited. So sometimes organizations face challenges of not receiving troubleshooting help and other type of immediate support.
  7. While working with open source for ERP Implementation software professionals are required for the project which results in Extra Cost.
  8. Sometimes open source products consist of bugs which make an organization hard to deal with it.

Examples of Free Open Source ERP System :
ERPNet, Apache OFBiz, Dolibarr, EasyERP, inoERP, Metasfresh, MixERP, Odoo, OpenPro, WebERP, xTuple PostBooks, etc.

Conclusion :
ERP system plays vital role in Business , a failed ERP system can do more harm than a good purchased ERP. But if an organization can easily customize the ERP system according to their needs with substantial amount of money, simple choice and for Small ERP System then they will surely choose free open source for ERP implementation. If they want to create their ERP System Complex then they will choose Commercial ERP System where Vendors will provide them an excellent solution for their requirement.