Implement the insert and delete functions on Priority queue without Array

A priority Queue is a type of queue in which every element is associated with a priority and is served according to its priority. 

We will use two popular data structures for implementing priority queues without arrays – 

  • Fibonacci Heap
  • Binomial Heap

Fibonacci Heap:

Fibonacci heap is a heap data structure that is composed of a collection of min-heap-ordered trees. It has a faster-amortized running time than many other priority queue data structures including the binary heap and binomial heap.

  • Insertion in Fibonacci Heap: Insertion in a Fibonacci heap is done by creating a new tree with the key of the inserted element and making it a child of the root list. The tree is then linked to the root list.
  • Deletion in Fibonacci Heap: Deletion in a Fibonacci heap is done by first removing the element to be deleted from the root list and then merging the children of the deleted element into the root list. The resulting heap is then consolidated by repeatedly merging roots of the same degree.

Following are the program to demonstrate Insertion() and  Deletion() operations on a Fibonacci Heap: 


// C++ program to demonstrate Extract
// min, Deletion() and Decrease key()
// operations in a fibonacci heap
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <malloc.h>
using namespace std;
// Creating a structure to represent a
// node in the heap
struct node {
    // Parent pointer
    node* parent;
    // Child pointer
    node* child;
    // Pointer to the node on the left
    node* left;
    // Pointer to the node on the right
    node* right;
    // Value of the node
    int key;
    // Degree of the node
    int degree;
    // Black or white mark of the node
    char mark;
    // Flag for assisting in the Find
    // node function
    char c;
// Creating min pointer as "mini"
struct node* mini = NULL;
// Declare an integer for number of
// nodes in the heap
int no_of_nodes = 0;
// Function to insert a node in heap
void insertion(int val)
    struct node* new_node = new node();
    new_node->key = val;
    new_node->degree = 0;
    new_node->mark = 'W';
    new_node->c = 'N';
    new_node->parent = NULL;
    new_node->child = NULL;
    new_node->left = new_node;
    new_node->right = new_node;
    if (mini != NULL) {
        (mini->left)->right = new_node;
        new_node->right = mini;
        new_node->left = mini->left;
        mini->left = new_node;
        if (new_node->key < mini->key)
            mini = new_node;
    else {
        mini = new_node;
// Linking the heap nodes in parent
// child relationship
void Fibonnaci_link(struct node* ptr2, struct node* ptr1)
    (ptr2->left)->right = ptr2->right;
    (ptr2->right)->left = ptr2->left;
    if (ptr1->right == ptr1)
        mini = ptr1;
    ptr2->left = ptr2;
    ptr2->right = ptr2;
    ptr2->parent = ptr1;
    if (ptr1->child == NULL)
        ptr1->child = ptr2;
    ptr2->right = ptr1->child;
    ptr2->left = (ptr1->child)->left;
    ((ptr1->child)->left)->right = ptr2;
    (ptr1->child)->left = ptr2;
    if (ptr2->key < (ptr1->child)->key)
        ptr1->child = ptr2;
// Consolidating the heap
void Consolidate()
    int temp1;
    float temp2 = (log(no_of_nodes)) / (log(2));
    int temp3 = temp2;
    struct node* arr[temp3 + 1];
    for (int i = 0; i <= temp3; i++)
        arr[i] = NULL;
    node* ptr1 = mini;
    node* ptr2;
    node* ptr3;
    node* ptr4 = ptr1;
    do {
        ptr4 = ptr4->right;
        temp1 = ptr1->degree;
        while (arr[temp1] != NULL) {
            ptr2 = arr[temp1];
            if (ptr1->key > ptr2->key) {
                ptr3 = ptr1;
                ptr1 = ptr2;
                ptr2 = ptr3;
            if (ptr2 == mini)
                mini = ptr1;
            Fibonnaci_link(ptr2, ptr1);
            if (ptr1->right == ptr1)
                mini = ptr1;
            arr[temp1] = NULL;
        arr[temp1] = ptr1;
        ptr1 = ptr1->right;
    } while (ptr1 != mini);
    mini = NULL;
    for (int j = 0; j <= temp3; j++) {
        if (arr[j] != NULL) {
            arr[j]->left = arr[j];
            arr[j]->right = arr[j];
            if (mini != NULL) {
                (mini->left)->right = arr[j];
                arr[j]->right = mini;
                arr[j]->left = mini->left;
                mini->left = arr[j];
                if (arr[j]->key < mini->key)
                    mini = arr[j];
            else {
                mini = arr[j];
            if (mini == NULL)
                mini = arr[j];
            else if (arr[j]->key < mini->key)
                mini = arr[j];
// Function to extract minimum node
// in the heap
void Extract_min()
    if (mini == NULL)
        cout << "The heap is empty" << endl;
    else {
        node* temp = mini;
        node* pntr;
        pntr = temp;
        node* x = NULL;
        if (temp->child != NULL) {
            x = temp->child;
            do {
                pntr = x->right;
                (mini->left)->right = x;
                x->right = mini;
                x->left = mini->left;
                mini->left = x;
                if (x->key < mini->key)
                    mini = x;
                x->parent = NULL;
                x = pntr;
            } while (pntr != temp->child);
        (temp->left)->right = temp->right;
        (temp->right)->left = temp->left;
        mini = temp->right;
        if (temp == temp->right && temp->child == NULL)
            mini = NULL;
        else {
            mini = temp->right;
// Cutting a node in the heap to be placed
// in the root list
void Cut(struct node* found, struct node* temp)
    if (found == found->right)
        temp->child = NULL;
    (found->left)->right = found->right;
    (found->right)->left = found->left;
    if (found == temp->child)
        temp->child = found->right;
    temp->degree = temp->degree - 1;
    found->right = found;
    found->left = found;
    (mini->left)->right = found;
    found->right = mini;
    found->left = mini->left;
    mini->left = found;
    found->parent = NULL;
    found->mark = 'B';
// Recursive cascade cutting function
void Cascase_cut(struct node* temp)
    node* ptr5 = temp->parent;
    if (ptr5 != NULL) {
        if (temp->mark == 'W') {
            temp->mark = 'B';
        else {
            Cut(temp, ptr5);
// Function to decrease the value of
// a node in the heap
void Decrease_key(struct node* found, int val)
    if (mini == NULL)
        cout << "The Heap is Empty" << endl;
    if (found == NULL)
        cout << "Node not found in the Heap" << endl;
    found->key = val;
    struct node* temp = found->parent;
    if (temp != NULL && found->key < temp->key) {
        Cut(found, temp);
    if (found->key < mini->key)
        mini = found;
// Function to find the given node
void Find(struct node* mini, int old_val, int val)
    struct node* found = NULL;
    node* temp5 = mini;
    temp5->c = 'Y';
    node* found_ptr = NULL;
    if (temp5->key == old_val) {
        found_ptr = temp5;
        temp5->c = 'N';
        found = found_ptr;
        Decrease_key(found, val);
    if (found_ptr == NULL) {
        if (temp5->child != NULL)
            Find(temp5->child, old_val, val);
        if ((temp5->right)->c != 'Y')
            Find(temp5->right, old_val, val);
    temp5->c = 'N';
    found = found_ptr;
// Deleting a node from the heap
void Deletion(int val)
    if (mini == NULL)
        cout << "The heap is empty" << endl;
    else {
        // Decreasing the value of the
        // node to 0
        Find(mini, val, 0);
        // Calling Extract_min function to
        // delete minimum value node,
        // which is 0
        cout << "Key Deleted" << endl;
// Function to display the heap
void display()
    node* ptr = mini;
    if (ptr == NULL)
        cout << "The Heap is Empty" << endl;
    else {
        cout << "The root nodes of Heap are: " << endl;
        do {
            cout << ptr->key;
            ptr = ptr->right;
            if (ptr != mini) {
                cout << "-->";
        } while (ptr != mini && ptr->right != NULL);
        cout << endl
             << "The heap has " << no_of_nodes << " node"
             << endl
             << endl;
// Driver code
int main()
    // We will create a heap and insert
    // 3 nodes into it
    cout << "Creating an initial heap" << endl;
    // Now we will display the root list
    // of the heap
    // Now we will delete the node '7'
    cout << "Delete the node 8" << endl;
    cout << "Delete the node 5" << endl;
    return 0;


// Java program to demonstrate Extract
// min, Deletion() and Decrease key()
// operations in a fibonacci heap
import java.util.*;
// Creating a structure to represent a
// node in the heap
class Node {
  // Parent pointer
  Node parent;
  // Child pointer
  Node child;
  // Pointer to the node on the left
  Node left;
  // Pointer to the node on the right
  Node right;
  // Value of the node
  int key;
  // Degree of the node
  int degree;
  // Black or white mark of the node
  char mark;
  // Flag for assisting in the Find
  // node function
  char c;
class GFG {
  // Creating min pointer as "mini"
  static Node mini = null;
  // Declare an integer for number of
  // nodes in the heap
  static int no_of_nodes = 0;
  // Function to insert a node in heap
  static void insertion(int val)
    Node new_node = new Node();
    new_node.key = val; = 0;
    new_node.mark = 'W';
    new_node.c = 'N';
    new_node.parent = null;
    new_node.child = null;
    new_node.left = new_node;
    new_node.right = new_node;
    if (mini != null) {
      mini.left.right = new_node;
      new_node.right = mini;
      new_node.left = mini.left;
      mini.left = new_node;
      if (new_node.key < mini.key)
        mini = new_node;
    else {
      mini = new_node;
  // Linking the heap nodes in parent
  // child relationship
  static void Fibonnaci_link(Node ptr2, Node ptr1)
    ptr2.left.right = ptr2.right;
    ptr2.right.left = ptr2.left;
    if (ptr1.right == ptr1) {
      mini = ptr1;
    ptr2.left = ptr2;
    ptr2.right = ptr2;
    ptr2.parent = ptr1;
    if (ptr1.child == null) {
      ptr1.child = ptr2;
    ptr2.right = ptr1.child;
    ptr2.left = ptr1.child.left;
    ptr1.child.left.right = ptr2;
    ptr1.child.left = ptr2;
    if (ptr2.key < ptr1.child.key) {
      ptr1.child = ptr2;
  // Consolidating the heap
  static void Consolidate()
    int temp1;
    double temp2
      = (Math.log(no_of_nodes)) / (Math.log(2));
    int temp3 = (int)temp2;
    Node[] arr = new Node[temp3 + 1];
    for (int i = 0; i <= temp3; i++) {
      arr[i] = null;
    Node ptr1 = mini;
    Node ptr2;
    Node ptr3;
    Node ptr4 = ptr1;
    do {
      ptr4 = ptr4.right;
      temp1 =;
      while (arr[temp1] != null) {
        ptr2 = arr[temp1];
        if (ptr1.key > ptr2.key) {
          ptr3 = ptr1;
          ptr1 = ptr2;
          ptr2 = ptr3;
        if (ptr2 == mini) {
          mini = ptr1;
        Fibonnaci_link(ptr2, ptr1);
        if (ptr1.right == ptr1) {
          mini = ptr1;
        arr[temp1] = null;
      arr[temp1] = ptr1;
      ptr1 = ptr1.right;
    } while (ptr1 != mini);
    mini = null;
    for (int j = 0; j <= temp3; j++) {
      if (arr[j] != null) {
        arr[j].left = arr[j];
        arr[j].right = arr[j];
        if (mini != null) {
          mini.left.right = arr[j];
          arr[j].right = mini;
          arr[j].left = mini.left;
          mini.left = arr[j];
          if (arr[j].key < mini.key) {
            mini = arr[j];
        else {
          mini = arr[j];
        if (mini == null)
          mini = arr[j];
        else if (arr[j].key < mini.key)
          mini = arr[j];
  // Function to extract minimum node
  // in the heap
  static void Extract_min()
    if (mini == null) {
      System.out.println("The heap is empty");
    else {
      Node temp = mini;
      Node pntr;
      pntr = temp;
      Node x = null;
      if (temp.child != null) {
        x = temp.child;
        do {
          pntr = x.right;
          mini.left.right = x;
          x.right = mini;
          x.left = mini.left;
          mini.left = x;
          if (x.key < mini.key) {
            mini = x;
          x.parent = null;
          x = pntr;
        } while (pntr != temp.child);
      temp.left.right = temp.right;
      temp.right.left = temp.left;
      mini = temp.right;
      if (temp == temp.right && temp.child == null) {
        mini = null;
      else {
        mini = temp.right;
  // Cutting a node in the heap to be placed
  // in the root list
  static void Cut(Node found, Node temp)
    if (found == found.right) {
      temp.child = null;
    found.left.right = found.right;
    found.right.left = found.left;
    if (found == temp.child) {
      temp.child = found.right;
    found.right = found;
    found.left = found;
    mini.left.right = found;
    found.right = mini;
    found.left = mini.left;
    mini.left = found;
    found.parent = null;
    found.mark = 'B';
  // Recursive cascade cutting function
  static void Cascase_cut(Node temp)
    Node ptr5 = temp.parent;
    if (ptr5 != null) {
      if (temp.mark == 'W') {
        temp.mark = 'B';
      else {
        Cut(temp, ptr5);
  // Function to decrease the value of
  // a node in the heap
  static void Decrease_key(Node found, int val)
    if (mini == null) {
      System.out.println("The Heap is Empty");
    if (found == null) {
        "Node not found in the Heap");
    found.key = val;
    Node temp = found.parent;
    if (temp != null && found.key < temp.key) {
      Cut(found, temp);
    if (found.key < mini.key) {
      mini = found;
  // Function to find the given node
  static void Find(Node mini, int old_val, int val)
    Node found = null;
    Node temp5 = mini;
    temp5.c = 'Y';
    Node foundPtr = null;
    if (temp5.key == old_val) {
      foundPtr = temp5;
      temp5.c = 'N';
      found = foundPtr;
      Decrease_key(found, val);
    if (foundPtr == null) {
      if (temp5.child != null) {
        Find(temp5.child, old_val, val);
      if ((temp5.right).c != 'Y') {
        Find(temp5.right, old_val, val);
    temp5.c = 'N';
    found = foundPtr;
  // Deleting a node from the heap
  static void Deletion(int val)
    if (mini == null) {
      System.out.println("The heap is empty");
    else {
      // Decreasing the value of the
      // node to 0
      Find(mini, val, 0);
      // Calling Extract_min function to
      // delete minimum value node,
      // which is 0
      System.out.println("Key Deleted");
  // Function to display the heap
  static void display()
    Node ptr = mini;
    if (ptr == null) {
      System.out.println("The Heap is Empty");
    else {
        "The root nodes of Heap are: ");
      do {
        ptr = ptr.right;
        if (ptr != mini) {
      } while (ptr != mini && ptr.right != null);
      System.out.println("The heap has " + no_of_nodes
                         + " node");
  // Driver code
  public static void main(String[] args)
    // We will create a heap and insert
    // 3 nodes into it
    System.out.println("Creating an initial heap");
    // Now we will display the root list
    // of the heap
    // Now we will delete the node '7'
    System.out.println("Delete the node 8");
    System.out.println("Delete the node 5");
// This Code is Contributed by Prasad Kandekar(prasad264)


import math
class Node:
    def __init__(self, key):
        self.parent = None
        self.child = None
        self.left = None
        self.right = None
        self.key = key = 0
        self.mark = 'W'  # White mark indicates unmarked
        self.c = 'N'  # Flag for assisting in the Find node function
# Creating min pointer as "mini"
mini = None
# Declare an integer for the number of nodes in the heap
no_of_nodes = 0
# Function to insert a node in the heap
def insertion(val):
    global mini, no_of_nodes
    new_node = Node(val) = 0
    new_node.mark = 'W'
    new_node.c = 'N'
    new_node.parent = None
    new_node.child = None
    new_node.left = new_node
    new_node.right = new_node
    if mini is not None:
        mini.left.right = new_node
        new_node.right = mini
        new_node.left = mini.left
        mini.left = new_node
        if new_node.key < mini.key:
            mini = new_node
        mini = new_node
    no_of_nodes += 1
# Linking the heap nodes in a parent-child relationship
def fibonnaci_link(ptr2, ptr1):
    ptr2.left.right = ptr2.right
    ptr2.right.left = ptr2.left
    if ptr1.right == ptr1:
        global mini
        mini = ptr1
    ptr2.left = ptr2
    ptr2.right = ptr2
    ptr2.parent = ptr1
    if ptr1.child is None:
        ptr1.child = ptr2
    ptr2.right = ptr1.child
    ptr2.left = ptr1.child.left
    ptr1.child.left.right = ptr2
    ptr1.child.left = ptr2
    if ptr2.key < ptr1.child.key:
        ptr1.child = ptr2 += 1
# Consolidating the heap
def consolidate():
    global mini, no_of_nodes
    temp2 = math.log(no_of_nodes) / math.log(2)
    temp3 = int(temp2)
    arr = [None] * (temp3 + 1)
    ptr1 = mini
    ptr2 = None
    ptr3 = None
    ptr4 = ptr1
    while True:
        ptr4 = ptr4.right
        temp1 =
        while arr[temp1] is not None:
            ptr2 = arr[temp1]
            if ptr1.key > ptr2.key:
                ptr3 = ptr1
                ptr1 = ptr2
                ptr2 = ptr3
            if ptr2 == mini:
                mini = ptr1
            fibonnaci_link(ptr2, ptr1)
            if ptr1.right == ptr1:
                mini = ptr1
            arr[temp1] = None
            temp1 += 1
        arr[temp1] = ptr1
        ptr1 = ptr1.right
        if ptr1 == mini:
    mini = None
    for j in range(temp3 + 1):
        if arr[j] is not None:
            arr[j].left = arr[j]
            arr[j].right = arr[j]
            if mini is not None:
                mini.left.right = arr[j]
                arr[j].right = mini
                arr[j].left = mini.left
                mini.left = arr[j]
                if arr[j].key < mini.key:
                    mini = arr[j]
                mini = arr[j]
            if mini is None:
                mini = arr[j]
            elif arr[j].key < mini.key:
                mini = arr[j]
# Function to extract the minimum node in the heap
def extract_min():
    global mini, no_of_nodes
    if mini is None:
        print("The heap is empty")
        temp = mini
        pntr = temp
        x = None
        if temp.child is not None:
            x = temp.child
            while True:
                pntr = x.right
                mini.left.right = x
                x.right = mini
                x.left = mini.left
                mini.left = x
                if x.key < mini.key:
                    mini = x
                x.parent = None
                x = pntr
                if pntr == temp.child:
        temp.left.right = temp.right
        temp.right.left = temp.left
        mini = temp.right
        if temp == temp.right and temp.child is None:
            mini = None
            mini = temp.right
        no_of_nodes -= 1
# Cutting a node in the heap to be placed in the root list
def cut(found, temp):
    global mini
    if found == found.right:
        temp.child = None
    found.left.right = found.right
    found.right.left = found.left
    if found == temp.child:
        temp.child = found.right = - 1
    found.right = found
    found.left = found
    mini.left.right = found
    found.right = mini
    found.left = mini.left
    mini.left = found
    found.parent = None
    found.mark = 'B'
# Recursive cascade cutting function
def cascade_cut(temp):
    global mini
    ptr5 = temp.parent
    if ptr5 is not None:
        if temp.mark == 'W':
            temp.mark = 'B'
            cut(temp, ptr5)
# Function to decrease the value of a node in the heap
def decrease_key(found, val):
    global mini
    if mini is None:
        print("The Heap is Empty")
    if found is None:
        print("Node not found in the Heap")
    found.key = val
    temp = found.parent
    if temp is not None and found.key < temp.key:
        cut(found, temp)
    if found.key < mini.key:
        mini = found
# Function to find the given node
def find(mini, old_val, val):
    # mini
    found = None
    temp5 = mini
    temp5.c = 'Y'
    found_ptr = None
    if temp5.key == old_val:
        found_ptr = temp5
        temp5.c = 'N'
        found = found_ptr
        decrease_key(found, val)
    if found_ptr is None:
        if temp5.child is not None:
            find(temp5.child, old_val, val)
        if temp5.right.c != 'Y':
            find(temp5.right, old_val, val)
    temp5.c = 'N'
    found = found_ptr
# Deleting a node from the heap
def deletion(val):
    global mini
    if mini is None:
        print("The heap is empty")
        # Decreasing the value of the node to 0
        find(mini, val, 0)
        # Calling Extract_min function to delete the minimum value node, which is 0
        print("Key Deleted")
# Function to display the heap
def display():
    global mini, no_of_nodes
    ptr = mini
    if ptr is None:
        print("The Heap is Empty")
        print("The root nodes of Heap are:")
        while True:
            print(ptr.key, end="")
            ptr = ptr.right
            if ptr != mini:
                print("-->", end=" ")
            if ptr == mini:
        print("\nThe heap has", no_of_nodes, "node(s)\n")
# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # We will create a heap and insert 3 nodes into it
    print("Creating an initial heap")
    # Now we will display the root list of the heap
    # Now we will delete the node '8'
    print("Delete the node 8")
    # display()
    # Now we will delete the node '5'
    print("Delete the node 5")


// C# program to demonstrate Extract
// min, Deletion() and Decrease key()
// operations in a fibonacci heap
using System;
// Creating a structure to represent a
// node in the heap
class Node {
    // Parent pointer
    public Node parent;
    // Child pointer
    public Node child;
    // Pointer to the node on the left
    public Node left;
    // Pointer to the node on the right
    public Node right;
    // Value of the node
    public int key;
    // Degree of the node
    public int degree;
    // Black or white mark of the node
    public char mark;
    // Flag for assisting in the Find
      // node function
    public char c;
class GFG {
    // Creating min pointer as "mini"
    static Node mini = null;
    // Declare an integer for number of
      // nodes in the heap
    static int no_of_nodes = 0;
    // Function to insert a node in heap
    static void insertion(int val)
        Node new_node = new Node();
        new_node.key = val; = 0;
        new_node.mark = 'W';
        new_node.c = 'N';
        new_node.parent = null;
        new_node.child = null;
        new_node.left = new_node;
        new_node.right = new_node;
        if (mini != null) {
            mini.left.right = new_node;
            new_node.right = mini;
            new_node.left = mini.left;
            mini.left = new_node;
            if (new_node.key < mini.key)
                mini = new_node;
        else {
            mini = new_node;
    // Linking the heap nodes in parent
      // child relationship
    static void Fibonnaci_link(Node ptr2, Node ptr1)
        ptr2.left.right = ptr2.right;
        ptr2.right.left = ptr2.left;
        if (ptr1.right == ptr1) {
            mini = ptr1;
        ptr2.left = ptr2;
        ptr2.right = ptr2;
        ptr2.parent = ptr1;
        if (ptr1.child == null) {
            ptr1.child = ptr2;
        ptr2.right = ptr1.child;
        ptr2.left = ptr1.child.left;
        ptr1.child.left.right = ptr2;
        ptr1.child.left = ptr2;
        if (ptr2.key < ptr1.child.key) {
            ptr1.child = ptr2;
    // Consolidating the heap
    static void Consolidate()
        int temp1;
        double temp2
            = (Math.Log(no_of_nodes)) / (Math.Log(2));
        int temp3 = (int)temp2;
        Node[] arr = new Node[temp3 + 1];
        for (int i = 0; i <= temp3; i++) {
            arr[i] = null;
        Node ptr1 = mini;
        Node ptr2;
        Node ptr3;
        Node ptr4 = ptr1;
        do {
            ptr4 = ptr4.right;
            temp1 =;
            while (arr[temp1] != null) {
                ptr2 = arr[temp1];
                if (ptr1.key > ptr2.key) {
                    ptr3 = ptr1;
                    ptr1 = ptr2;
                    ptr2 = ptr3;
                if (ptr2 == mini) {
                    mini = ptr1;
                Fibonnaci_link(ptr2, ptr1);
                if (ptr1.right == ptr1) {
                    mini = ptr1;
                arr[temp1] = null;
            arr[temp1] = ptr1;
            ptr1 = ptr1.right;
        } while (ptr1 != mini);
        mini = null;
        for (int j = 0; j <= temp3; j++) {
            if (arr[j] != null) {
                arr[j].left = arr[j];
                arr[j].right = arr[j];
                if (mini != null) {
                    mini.left.right = arr[j];
                    arr[j].right = mini;
                    arr[j].left = mini.left;
                    mini.left = arr[j];
                    if (arr[j].key < mini.key) {
                        mini = arr[j];
                else {
                    mini = arr[j];
                if (mini == null)
                    mini = arr[j];
                else if (arr[j].key < mini.key)
                    mini = arr[j];
    // Function to extract minimum node
      // in the heap
    static void Extract_min()
        if (mini == null) {
            Console.WriteLine("The heap is empty");
        else {
            Node temp = mini;
            Node pntr;
            pntr = temp;
            Node x = null;
            if (temp.child != null) {
                x = temp.child;
                do {
                    pntr = x.right;
                    mini.left.right = x;
                    x.right = mini;
                    x.left = mini.left;
                    mini.left = x;
                    if (x.key < mini.key) {
                        mini = x;
                    x.parent = null;
                    x = pntr;
                } while (pntr != temp.child);
            temp.left.right = temp.right;
            temp.right.left = temp.left;
            mini = temp.right;
            if (temp == temp.right && temp.child == null) {
                mini = null;
            else {
                mini = temp.right;
    // Cutting a node in the heap to be placed
      // in the root list
    static void Cut(Node found, Node temp)
        if (found == found.right) {
            temp.child = null;
        found.left.right = found.right;
        found.right.left = found.left;
        if (found == temp.child) {
            temp.child = found.right;
        found.right = found;
        found.left = found;
        mini.left.right = found;
        found.right = mini;
        found.left = mini.left;
        mini.left = found;
        found.parent = null;
        found.mark = 'B';
    // Recursive cascade cutting function
    static void Cascase_cut(Node temp)
        Node ptr5 = temp.parent;
        if (ptr5 != null) {
            if (temp.mark == 'W') {
                temp.mark = 'B';
            else {
                Cut(temp, ptr5);
    // Function to decrease the value of
      // a node in the heap
    static void Decrease_key(Node found, int val)
        if (mini == null) {
            Console.WriteLine("The Heap is Empty");
        if (found == null) {
            Console.WriteLine("Node not found in the Heap");
        found.key = val;
        Node temp = found.parent;
        if (temp != null && found.key < temp.key) {
            Cut(found, temp);
        if (found.key < mini.key) {
            mini = found;
    // Function to find the given node
    static void Find(Node mini, int old_val, int val)
        Node found = null;
        Node temp5 = mini;
        temp5.c = 'Y';
        Node foundPtr = null;
        if (temp5.key == old_val) {
            foundPtr = temp5;
            temp5.c = 'N';
            found = foundPtr;
            Decrease_key(found, val);
        if (foundPtr == null) {
            if (temp5.child != null) {
                Find(temp5.child, old_val, val);
            if ((temp5.right).c != 'Y') {
                Find(temp5.right, old_val, val);
        temp5.c = 'N';
        found = foundPtr;
    // Deleting a node from the heap
    static void Deletion(int val)
        if (mini == null) {
            Console.WriteLine("The heap is empty");
        else {
            // Decreasing the value of the
              // node to 0
            Find(mini, val, 0);
            // Calling Extract_min function to
              // delete minimum value node,
              // which is 0
            Console.WriteLine("Key Deleted");
    // Function to display the heap
    static void display()
        Node ptr = mini;
        if (ptr == null) {
            Console.WriteLine("The Heap is Empty");
        else {
                "The root nodes of Heap are: ");
            do {
                ptr = ptr.right;
                if (ptr != mini) {
            } while (ptr != mini && ptr.right != null);
            Console.WriteLine("The heap has " + no_of_nodes
                              + " node");
    // Driver code
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // We will create a heap and insert
        // 3 nodes into it
        Console.WriteLine("Creating an initial heap");
        // We will create a heap and insert
        // 3 nodes into it
        // Now we will delete the node '7'
        Console.WriteLine("Delete the node 8");
        Console.WriteLine("Delete the node 5");
// This Code is Contributed by Prajwal Kandekar


// Creating a class to represent a node in the heap
class Node {
  constructor() {
    this.parent = null;
    this.child = null;
    this.left = null;
    this.right = null;
    this.key = 0; = 0;
    this.mark = 'W';
    this.c = 'N';
// Creating a class for Fibonacci Heap
class FibonacciHeap {
  constructor() { = null;
    this.no_of_nodes = 0;
  // Function to insert a node in heap
  insertion(val) {
    const new_node = new Node();
    new_node.key = val; = 0;
    new_node.mark = 'W';
    new_node.c = 'N';
    new_node.parent = null;
    new_node.child = null;
    new_node.left = new_node;
    new_node.right = new_node;
    if ( !== null) { = new_node;
      new_node.right =;
      new_node.left =; = new_node;
      if (new_node.key < = new_node;
    } else { = new_node;
  // Other methods like Fibonnaci_link, Consolidate, Extract_min, Cut, Cascade_cut, Decrease_key, Find, Deletion, display go here...
  // Function to display the heap
  display() {
    let ptr =;
    if (ptr === null) {
      console.log("The Heap is Empty");
    } else {
      console.log("The root nodes of Heap are: ");
      do {
        ptr = ptr.right;
        if (ptr !== {
      } while (ptr !== && ptr.right !== null);
      console.log(`The heap has ${this.no_of_nodes} nodes`);
// Driver code
const fibonacciHeap = new FibonacciHeap();
console.log("Creating an initial heap");
// Display the root list of the heap
// Delete the node '8'
console.log("Delete the node 8");
// Implement Deletion method here by calling Deletion(8) on the FibonacciHeap object
// fibonacciHeap.Deletion(8);
// Delete the node '5'
console.log("Delete the node 5");
// Implement Deletion method here by calling Deletion(5) on the FibonacciHeap object
// fibonacciHeap.Deletion(5);
// Display the heap after deletion


Creating an initial heap
The root nodes of Heap are: 
The heap has 3 node

Delete the node 8
Key Deleted
Delete the node 5
Key Deleted
The root nodes of Heap are: 
The heap has 1 node

Binomial Heap:

A binomial heap is a heap similar to a binary heap but also supports quick merging of two heaps. It is implemented using a binomial tree. Each node in a binomial tree has exactly one child.

  • Insertion in Binomial Heap:
    Insertion in a binomial heap is done by creating a new binomial tree with the key of the inserted element and then merging it with the existing binomial trees.
  • Deletion in Binomial Heap:
    Deletion in a binomial heap is done by first removing the element to be deleted from the root list and then merging its children into the root list. The resulting heap is then consolidated by repeatedly merging roots of the same degree.

Following is a C++ program to demonstrate Insertion() and DeleteMin() operations on a Binomial Heap: 


// C++ program to implement different
// operations on Binomial Heap
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// A Binomial Tree node.
struct Node {
    int data, degree;
    Node *child, *sibling, *parent;
Node* newNode(int key)
    Node* temp = new Node;
    temp->data = key;
    temp->degree = 0;
    temp->child = temp->parent = temp->sibling = NULL;
    return temp;
// This function merge two Binomial Trees.
Node* mergeBinomialTrees(Node* b1, Node* b2)
    // Make sure b1 is smaller
    if (b1->data > b2->data)
        swap(b1, b2);
    // We basically make larger valued
    // tree a child of smaller valued tree
    b2->parent = b1;
    b2->sibling = b1->child;
    b1->child = b2;
    return b1;
// This function perform union operation
// on two binomial heap i.e. l1 & l2
list<Node*> unionBionomialHeap(list<Node*> l1,
                               list<Node*> l2)
    // _new to another binomial heap which
    // contain new heap after merging l1 & l2
    list<Node*> _new;
    list<Node*>::iterator it = l1.begin();
    list<Node*>::iterator ot = l2.begin();
    while (it != l1.end() && ot != l2.end()) {
        // if D(l1) <= D(l2)
        if ((*it)->degree <= (*ot)->degree) {
        // if D(l1) > D(l2)
        else {
    // If there remains some elements
    // in l1 binomial heap
    while (it != l1.end()) {
    // If there remains some elements
    // in l2 binomial heap
    while (ot != l2.end()) {
    return _new;
// Adjust function rearranges the heap
// so that heap is in increasing order
// of degree and no two binomial trees
// have same degree in this heap
list<Node*> adjust(list<Node*> _heap)
    if (_heap.size() <= 1)
        return _heap;
    list<Node*> new_heap;
    list<Node *>::iterator it1, it2, it3;
    it1 = it2 = it3 = _heap.begin();
    if (_heap.size() == 2) {
        it2 = it1;
        it3 = _heap.end();
    else {
        it3 = it2;
    while (it1 != _heap.end()) {
        // If only one element remains
        // to be processed
        if (it2 == _heap.end())
        // If D(it1) < D(it2) i.e. merging
        // of Binomial Tree pointed by it1
        // & it2 is not possible then move
        // next in heap
        else if ((*it1)->degree < (*it2)->degree) {
            if (it3 != _heap.end())
        // If D(it1), D(it2) & D(it3) are
        // same i.e. degree of three
        // consecutive Binomial Tree are
        // same in heap
        else if (it3 != _heap.end()
                 && (*it1)->degree == (*it2)->degree
                 && (*it1)->degree == (*it3)->degree) {
        // If degree of two Binomial Tree
        // are same in heap
        else if ((*it1)->degree == (*it2)->degree) {
            Node* temp;
            *it1 = mergeBinomialTrees(*it1, *it2);
            it2 = _heap.erase(it2);
            if (it3 != _heap.end())
    return _heap;
// Inserting a Binomial Tree into
// binomial heap
list<Node*> insertATreeInHeap(list<Node*> _heap, Node* tree)
    // Creating a new heap i.e temp
    list<Node*> temp;
    // Inserting Binomial Tree into heap
    // Perform union operation to finally
    // insert Binomial Tree in original heap
    temp = unionBionomialHeap(_heap, temp);
    return adjust(temp);
// Removing minimum key element from
// binomial heap this function take
// Binomial Tree as input and return
// binomial heap after removing head of
// that tree i.e. minimum element
list<Node*> removeMinFromTreeReturnBHeap(Node* tree)
    list<Node*> heap;
    Node* temp = tree->child;
    Node* lo;
    // Making a binomial heap from
    // Binomial Tree
    while (temp) {
        lo = temp;
        temp = temp->sibling;
        lo->sibling = NULL;
    return heap;
// Inserting a key into the binomial heap
list<Node*> insert(list<Node*> _head, int key)
    Node* temp = newNode(key);
    return insertATreeInHeap(_head, temp);
// Return pointer of minimum value Node
// present in the binomial heap
Node* getMin(list<Node*> _heap)
    list<Node*>::iterator it = _heap.begin();
    Node* temp = *it;
    while (it != _heap.end()) {
        if ((*it)->data < temp->data)
            temp = *it;
    return temp;
list<Node*> DeleteMin(list<Node*> _heap)
    list<Node *> new_heap, lo;
    Node* temp;
    // Temp contains the pointer of
    // minimum value element in heap
    temp = getMin(_heap);
    list<Node*>::iterator it;
    it = _heap.begin();
    while (it != _heap.end()) {
        if (*it != temp) {
            // Inserting all Binomial Tree
            // into new binomial heap except
            // the Binomial Tree contains
            // minimum element
    lo = removeMinFromTreeReturnBHeap(temp);
    new_heap = unionBionomialHeap(new_heap, lo);
    new_heap = adjust(new_heap);
    return new_heap;
// Print function for Binomial Tree
void printTree(Node* h)
    while (h) {
        cout << h->data << " ";
        h = h->sibling;
// Print function for binomial heap
void printHeap(list<Node*> _heap)
    list<Node*>::iterator it;
    it = _heap.begin();
    while (it != _heap.end()) {
// Driver CODE
int main()
    int ch, key;
    list<Node*> _heap;
    // Insert data in the heap
    _heap = insert(_heap, 10);
    _heap = insert(_heap, 20);
    _heap = insert(_heap, 30);
    cout << "Heap elements after insertion:\n";
    Node* temp = getMin(_heap);
    cout << "\n\nMinimum element of heap " << temp->data
         << "\n";
    // Delete minimum element of heap
    _heap = DeleteMin(_heap);
    cout << "\nHeap after deletion of minimum element\n";
    return 0;


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
class Node {
    int data;
    Node parent, sibling, child;
    int degree;
    public Node(int data)
    { = data;
        this.parent = null;
        this.sibling = null;
        this.child = null; = 0;
public class BinomialHeap {
    public static Node newNode(int key)
        return new Node(key);
    public static List<Node>
    insertATreeInHeap(List<Node> heap, Node tree)
        List<Node> newHeap = unionBionomialHeap(
            heap, Collections.singletonList(tree));
        return newHeap;
    public static Node getMin(List<Node> heap)
        Node temp = heap.get(0);
        for (Node node : heap) {
            if ( < {
                temp = node;
        return temp;
    public static List<Node>
    removeMinFromTreeReturnBHeap(Node node)
        List<Node> newHeap = new ArrayList<>();
        if (node.child != null) {
            Node child = node.child;
            node.child = null;
            while (child != null) {
                child.parent = null;
                child = child.sibling;
        return newHeap;
    public static List<Node>
    unionBionomialHeap(List<Node> heap1, List<Node> heap2)
        List<Node> resHeap = new ArrayList<>();
        int i = 0, j = 0;
        while (i < heap1.size() && j < heap2.size()) {
            if (heap1.get(i).degree
                <= heap2.get(j).degree) {
            else {
        while (i < heap1.size()) {
        while (j < heap2.size()) {
        return resHeap;
    public static void link(Node node1, Node node2)
        node1.parent = node2;
        node1.sibling = node2.child;
        node2.child = node1; += 1;
    public static List<Node> adjust(List<Node> heap)
        if (heap.isEmpty()) {
            return heap;
                         (a, b) -> -;
        List<Node> newHeap = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 1; i < heap.size(); i++) {
            if (newHeap.get(newHeap.size() - 1).degree
                == heap.get(i).degree) {
                if (i + 1 < heap.size()
                    && heap.get(i + 1).degree
                           == heap.get(i).degree) {
                else {
                         newHeap.get(newHeap.size() - 1));
            else {
        return newHeap;
    public static List<Node> insert(List<Node> heap,
                                    int key)
        Node temp = newNode(key);
        return insertATreeInHeap(heap, temp);
    public static List<Node> deleteMin(List<Node> heap)
        List<Node> newHeap = new ArrayList<>();
        Node temp = getMin(heap);
        for (Node node : heap) {
            if (node != temp) {
        List<Node> lo = removeMinFromTreeReturnBHeap(temp);
        newHeap = unionBionomialHeap(newHeap, lo);
        newHeap = adjust(newHeap);
        return newHeap;
    public static void printTree(Node h)
        while (h != null) {
            System.out.print( + " ");
            h = h.sibling;
    public static void printHeap(List<Node> heap)
        for (Node node : heap) {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        List<Node> heap = new ArrayList<>();
        heap = insert(heap, 10);
        heap = insert(heap, 20);
        heap = insert(heap, 30);
            "Heap elements after insertion:");
        Node temp = getMin(heap);
        System.out.println("\nMinimum element of heap: "
        heap = deleteMin(heap);
            "Heap after deletion of minimum element:");
// This Code is contributed by Gaurav_Arora


# Python program to implement different
# operations on Binomial Heap
# A Binomial Tree node.
class Node:
    def __init__(self, data): = data
        self.parent = None
        self.sibling = None
        self.child = None = 0
def newNode(key):
    return Node(key)
def insertATreeInHeap(heap, tree):
    return unionBionomialHeap(heap, [tree])
def getMin(heap):
    temp = heap[0]
    for node in heap:
        if <
            temp = node
    return temp
def removeMinFromTreeReturnBHeap(node):
    new_heap = []
    if node.child:
        child = node.child
        node.child = None
        while child:
            child.parent = None
            child = child.sibling
        new_heap = reverse(new_heap)
    return new_heap
# This function perform union operation
# on two binomial heap i.e. l1 & l2
def unionBionomialHeap(heap1, heap2):
    # _new to another binomial heap which
    # contain new heap after merging l1 & l2
    res_heap = []
    i, j = 0, 0
    while i < len(heap1) and j < len(heap2):
        if heap1[i].degree <= heap2[j].degree:
            i += 1
            j += 1
    # If there remains some elements
    # in l1 binomial heap
    while i < len(heap1):
        i += 1
    # If there remains some elements
    # in l2 binomial heap
    while j < len(heap2):
        j += 1
    return res_heap
def link(node1, node2):
    node1.parent = node2
    node1.sibling = node2.child
    node2.child = node1 += 1
# Adjust function rearranges the heap
# so that heap is in increasing order
# of degree and no two binomial trees
# have same degree in this heap
def adjust(heap):
    if not heap:
        # If only one element remains
        # to be processed
        return heap
    heap = sorted(heap, key=lambda x:
    new_heap = [heap[0]]
    for i in range(1, len(heap)):
        if new_heap[-1].degree == heap[i].degree:
            if i+1 < len(heap) and heap[i+1].degree == heap[i].degree:
                link(heap[i], new_heap[-1])
    return new_heap
def insert(heap, key):
    temp = newNode(key)
    return insertATreeInHeap(heap, temp)
def DeleteMin(heap):
    new_heap = []
    # Temp contains the pointer of
    # minimum value element in heap
    temp = getMin(heap)
    for node in heap:
        if node != temp:
            # Inserting all Binomial Tree
            # into new binomial heap except
            # the Binomial Tree contains
            # minimum element
    lo = removeMinFromTreeReturnBHeap(temp)
    new_heap = unionBionomialHeap(new_heap, lo)
    new_heap = adjust(new_heap)
    return new_heap
# Print function for Binomial Tree
def printTree(h):
    while h:
        print(, end=" ")
        h = h.sibling
# Print function for binomial heap
def printHeap(heap):
    for node in heap:
# Driver CODE    
if __name__ == "__main__":
    heap = []
    # Insert data in the heap
    heap = insert(heap, 10)
    heap = insert(heap, 20)
    heap = insert(heap, 30)
    print("Heap elements after insertion:")
    temp = getMin(heap)
    print("\nMinimum element of heap",
    # Delete minimum element of heap
    heap = DeleteMin(heap)
    print("Heap after deletion of minimum element")
# Contributed by sdeadityasharma


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
// A Binomial Tree node.
public class Node
    public int data;
    public Node parent, sibling, child;
    public int degree;
    public Node(int key)
        data = key;
        parent = sibling = child = null;
        degree = 0;
public class BinomialHeap
    // This function inserts a Binomial Tree into the binomial heap
    private static List<Node> InsertATreeInHeap(List<Node> heap, Node tree)
        return UnionBionomialHeap(heap, new List<Node> { tree });
    // This function returns a pointer to the minimum value Node present in the binomial heap
    private static Node GetMin(List<Node> heap)
        Node temp = heap[0];
        foreach (var node in heap)
            if ( <
                temp = node;
        return temp;
    // This function removes the minimum key element from the binomial heap
    // and returns the binomial heap after removing the head of that tree i.e. the minimum element
    private static List<Node> RemoveMinFromTreeReturnBHeap(Node node)
        List<Node> newHeap = new List<Node>();
        if (node.child != null)
            Node child = node.child;
            node.child = null;
            while (child != null)
                child.parent = null;
                newHeap.Insert(0, child);
                child = child.sibling;
            newHeap = Reverse(newHeap);
        return newHeap;
    // This function performs the union operation on two binomial heaps i.e. l1 & l2
    private static List<Node> UnionBionomialHeap(List<Node> heap1, List<Node> heap2)
        List<Node> resultHeap = new List<Node>();
        int i = 0, j = 0;
        while (i < heap1.Count && j < heap2.Count)
            if (heap1[i].degree <= heap2[j].degree)
        // If there remain some elements in l1 binomial heap
        while (i < heap1.Count)
        // If there remain some elements in l2 binomial heap
        while (j < heap2.Count)
        return resultHeap;
    // Adjust function rearranges the heap
    // so that heap is in increasing order
    // of degree and no two binomial trees
    // have the same degree in this heap
    private static List<Node> Adjust(List<Node> heap)
        if (heap.Count < 2)
            // If only one element remains to be processed
            return heap;
        heap.Sort((x, y) =>;
        List<Node> newHeap = new List<Node> { heap[0] };
        for (int i = 1; i < heap.Count; i++)
            if (newHeap[newHeap.Count - 1].degree == heap[i].degree)
                if (i + 1 < heap.Count && heap[i + 1].degree == heap[i].degree)
                    Link(heap[i], newHeap[newHeap.Count - 1]);
        return newHeap;
    // This function inserts a key into the binomial heap
    public static List<Node> Insert(List<Node> heap, int key)
        Node temp = new Node(key);
        return InsertATreeInHeap(heap, temp);
    // This function deletes the minimum element of the heap
    public static List<Node> DeleteMin(List<Node> heap)
        List<Node> newHeap = new List<Node>();
        // Temp contains the pointer of the minimum value element in the heap
        Node temp = GetMin(heap);
        foreach (var node in heap)
            if (node != temp)
                // Inserting all Binomial Trees into the new binomial heap except
                // the Binomial Tree that contains the minimum element
        List<Node> lo = RemoveMinFromTreeReturnBHeap(temp);
        newHeap = UnionBionomialHeap(newHeap, lo);
        newHeap = Adjust(newHeap);
        return newHeap;
    // Print function for Binomial Tree
    private static void PrintTree(Node h)
        while (h != null)
            Console.Write( + " ");
            h = h.sibling;
    // Print function for binomial heap
    public static void PrintHeap(List<Node> heap)
        foreach (var node in heap)
    // Driver CODE
    public static void Main()
        List<Node> heap = new List<Node>();
        // Insert data into the heap
        heap = Insert(heap, 10);
        heap = Insert(heap, 20);
        heap = Insert(heap, 30);
        Console.WriteLine("Heap elements after insertion:");
        Node temp = GetMin(heap);
        Console.WriteLine($"\n\nMinimum element of the heap: {}");
        // Delete the minimum element of the heap
        heap = DeleteMin(heap);
        Console.WriteLine("Heap after deletion of the minimum element:");
    private static List<Node> Reverse(List<Node> list)
        return list;
    private static void Link(Node node1, Node node2)
        node1.parent = node2;
        node1.sibling = node2.child;
        node2.child = node1; += 1;


class Node {
    constructor(data) { = data;
        this.parent = null;
        this.sibling = null;
        this.child = null; = 0;
// Function to create a new node with a given key
function newNode(key) {
    return new Node(key);
// Function to insert a tree into the heap
function insertATreeInHeap(heap, tree) {
    return unionBionomialHeap(heap, [tree]);
// Function to find the minimum node in the heap
function getMin(heap) {
    let temp = heap[0];
    for (const node of heap) {
        if ( < {
            temp = node;
    return temp;
// Function to remove the minimum node from a tree and return the resulting heap
function removeMinFromTreeReturnBHeap(node) {
    const newHeap = [];
    if (node.child !== null) {
        let child = node.child;
        node.child = null;
        // Traverse the children and add them to the new heap
        while (child !== null) {
            child.parent = null;
            child = child.sibling;
        newHeap.reverse(); // Reverse the order to maintain the correct degree order
    return newHeap;
// Function to merge two binomial heaps
function unionBionomialHeap(heap1, heap2) {
    const resHeap = [];
    let i = 0, j = 0;
    // Merge the two heaps in a sorted order of degrees
    while (i < heap1.length && j < heap2.length) {
        if (heap1[i].degree <= heap2[j].degree) {
        } else {
    // Add the remaining elements from heap1
    while (i < heap1.length) {
    // Add the remaining elements from heap2
    while (j < heap2.length) {
    return resHeap;
// Function to link two binomial trees
function link(node1, node2) {
    node1.parent = node2;
    node1.sibling = node2.child;
    node2.child = node1; += 1;
// Function to adjust the heap after an operation
function adjust(heap) {
    if (heap.length === 0) {
        return heap;
    // Sort the heap based on degrees
    heap.sort((a, b) => -;
    const newHeap = [heap[0]];
    // Merge nodes with the same degree
    for (let i = 1; i < heap.length; i++) {
        if (newHeap[newHeap.length - 1].degree === heap[i].degree) {
            if (i + 1 < heap.length && heap[i + 1].degree === heap[i].degree) {
            } else {
                link(heap[i], newHeap[newHeap.length - 1]);
        } else {
    return newHeap;
// Function to insert a key into the heap
function insert(heap, key) {
    const temp = newNode(key);
    return insertATreeInHeap(heap, temp);
// Function to delete the minimum node from the heap
function deleteMin(heap) {
    const newHeap = [];
    const temp = getMin(heap);
    // Remove the minimum node from the heap
    for (const node of heap) {
        if (node !== temp) {
    const lo = removeMinFromTreeReturnBHeap(temp);
    // Adjust the heap after deletion
    return adjust(unionBionomialHeap(newHeap, lo));
// Function to print a tree
function printTree(h) {
    while (h !== null) {
        process.stdout.write( + ' ');
        h = h.sibling;
// Function to print the entire heap
function printHeap(heap) {
    for (const node of heap) {
// Main program
let heap = [];
heap = insert(heap, 10);
heap = insert(heap, 20);
heap = insert(heap, 30);
console.log("Heap elements after insertion:");
const temp = getMin(heap);
console.log("\nMinimum element of heap: " +;
heap = deleteMin(heap);
console.log("Heap after deletion of minimum element:");


Heap elements after insertion:
30 10 20 

Minimum element of heap 10

Heap after deletion of minimum element
20 30 


Fibonacci heap and binomial heap are efficient data structures for implementing priority queues. Insertion and deletion in these data structures can be done in logarithmic time. However, the Fibonacci heap has better-amortized running time and is generally considered to be more efficient than a binomial heap.